Lempert manoeuvre


Figure 1.3 Performance of the Lempert 360° Roll Maneuver (Barbecue Roll Maneuver) for the Treatment of Right Lateral Canal BPPV —Geotropic Type (from Bhattacharyya, 2017, adapted and reproduced with permission from Fife et al. 2008)

  1. Start from the supine position. OR
  2. Some recommend rolling to start on the involved side.
  3. Roll his or her head (or full body) to the unaffected side.
  4. Keep rolling in the same direction until his or her head is completely nose down or prone. Some recommend ending the maneuver here and returning to sit (270° roll) as anatomically the debris is repositioned.
  5. to 7. As originally published, however, complete the final roll (full 360°), and return to sitting.


*Each position is held for 15-30 seconds or until nystagmus stops.