
Deze module is gebaseerd om tekortkomingen in de literatuur voor onze primaire zoekvraag: wat is de toegevoegde waarden van de gecombineerde chirurgische behandeling bij vrouwen met stress-urineincontinentie en prolaps ten opzichte van enkel plaatsen van een midurethrale sling.


What is the effect of combined surgery (SUI and prolapse surgery) in women with SUI and prolapse compared to single surgery (SUI or prolapse surgery)?


P: Women with SUI and primary prolapse (main complain incontinence)

I:  Combined surgery (SUI surgery and prolapse surgery (mesh for prolapse excluded))

C: Only SUI surgery (i.e., only slings); only prolapse surgery (mesh excluded) 

O: Post-operative SUI (persistence of complaints), reoperation due to persistence of complaints, post-operative prolapse symptoms (persistence of prolapse symptoms), complications, serious complications, patient experience, quality of life


How do existing prediction models (internally validated) perform in predicting (de novo) SUI after surgery perform in an external population?


P: Patients undergoing surgery for prolaps and/or SUI

I: Prediction model x

C: No prediction model/ prediction by clinical expert

O: Predictive values and/or clinical outcome


What is the cost effectiveness of combined surgery compared to single surgery?


P: Women with SUI and primary prolapse (main complain incontinence)

I: Combined surgery (SUI surgery and prolapse surgery (mesh for prolapse excluded))

C: Only SUI surgery (i.e., only slings); only prolapse surgery (mesh excluded) 

O: Cost-effectiveness