

Zoekvraag, PICO


1.1. Multidisciplinaire samenwerking



1.2. Afspraken



1.3. Scholing van professionals en patiënten



1.4. Standaard postoperatieve pijnbehandeling



1.5. Opioïden



1.6. Pijnservices



2. TPS


Het is momenteel nog niet goed onderzocht wat de (kosten)effectiviteit is van een TPS op patiënt relevante uitkomsten zoals pijnreductie, het afbouwen van opioïdengebruik en de terugkeer van de patiënt naar het niveau van voor de operatie.

3.1. Pijndiagnostiek



3.2. Frequentie en duur van pijndiagnostiek



4. Niet-medicamenteuze interventies

What is the effectiveness of adding non-pharmacological interventions perioperatively to standard care in surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and rescue analgesic consumption?


Three PICO’s were defined:

P: patients         surgical patients

I: intervention   non-pharmacological intervention + standard of care:

              I-1:        massage and relaxation

              I-2:        communication and therapeutic suggestion

              I-3:        virtual reality

C: control                                   standard of care (+ sham intervention)

O: outcome measure                                 postoperative pain


Er is behoefte aan grotere, kwalitatief goede studies naar het effect van niet-medicamenteuze interventies (massage, communicatie & therapeutische suggestie, virtual reality) op postoperatieve pijn.


Er is behoefte aan kennis over de specifieke risicofactoren en gerichte behandeling en effect op pijn en angst. Aanvullend is er standaardisatie nodig van niet-medicamenteuze interventies en wetenschappelijke rapportage daarvan.



5. Buikwandblokken

What are the favorable and unfavorable effects of various abdominal wall blocks in adult patients undergoing open or laparoscopic abdominal surgery?



adults undergoing open or laparoscopic abdominal surgery






















O: Outcome measures

  • postoperative pain
  • postoperative opioid consumption
  • adverse events


Voor de vergelijkingen ESP versus TAP block, RS versus TAP block, QL versus ESP block was er alleen low GRADE evidence en konden er geen duidelijke conclusies getrokken worden.Dit kan ook per type chirurgie nog verschillen.

Voor de QL vs RS block en ESP vs RS block zijn helemaal geen vergelijkende studies gevonden.


Geen van de studies beschreef het effect van en tussen buikwandblokken op chronische postoperatieve pijn.


6. Borstwandblokken mammachirurgie

What are the favorable and unfavorable effects of various thoracic wall blocks in adult patients undergoing mamma surgery?



patients with mamma surgery






















O: Outcome measures

  • postoperative pain
  • postoperative opioid consumption
  • chronic postoperative pain
  • adverse events


Voor de vergelijkingen SAP en PV, PV en PECS II, PECS II en ESP, ESP en PV, ESP en SAP, PECS II en SAP blok was er alleen low GRADE evidence en konden er geen duidelijke conclusies getrokken worden.


Geen van de studies beschreef het effect van en tussen buikwandblokken op chronische postoperatieve pijn.


7. Intra thoracale borstwandblokken

What is the effect of thoracic wall blocks on postoperative pain, rescue medication (incl. postoperative opioid usage) and adverse events in adult patients undergoing an intrathoracic surgical procedure?


P                (patients)                  Patients undergoing intrathoracic surgery

I1              (intervention)                            paravertebral (PV) block

I2                                                                   erector spinae plane (ESP) block

I3                                                                   intercostal nerve (IN) block

C               (control)                    Epidural anesthesia

O               (outcome measure)                 postoperative pain

                                                                       postoperative opioid consumption

chronic postoperative pain

adverse events


Effect op chronische pijn van PVB en epiduraal bij VATS en thoracotomie

8. CWI

What is the (in)effectiveness and safety of continuous wound infusion (CWI) in abdominal surgical patients compared to epidural analgesia/anesthesia (EA)?


P: patients                                  Patient with abdominal surgical procedures

I: intervention                            Continuous Wound Infusion (CWI)

C: control                                   Epidural analgesia/anesthesia

O: outcome measure               1. Postoperative pain 12, 24 and 48 hours



9. Cryoanalgesie

What is the effect of cryoanalgesia compared to patient-controlled analgesia, paravertebral block, epidural and erector spinae plane block on postoperative pain (acute or chronic), rescue medication, neuropathic pain, adverse events and length of hospital stay in patients undergoing thoracic surgery?


P:              patients undergoing thoracic surgery

I:                cryoanalgesia

C:              patient-controlled analgesia, paravertebral block, epidural, erector spinae plane block (ESPB)

O:              postoperative pain, length of hospital stay, rescue medication/ oral morphine equivalents (OME), (incidence of) chronic postoperative pain, cyroanalgesia-induced neuropathic pain, adverse events



10.1 Dexamethason

What is the effectiveness of adding dexamethasone to standard care in abdominal and orthopedic surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and opioid consumption?


P: patients                                  Patient undergoing abdominal or orthopedic surgery

I: intervention                            Adding perioperative dexamethasone IV to standard care

C: control                                   Standard care

O: outcome measure               Postoperative pain, opioid consumption, adverse events


Wat zijn de dosisafhankelijke effecten van dexamethason op pijn, maar ook op andere uitkomstmaten zoals infectie, duur van ziekenhuisopname en overleving.

Sub vraag: wat zijn de dosisafhankelijke effecten in relatie tot het trauma en patiëntfactoren van dexamethason.


10.2 Gabapentinoïden

What is the effectiveness of adding gabapentinoids perioperatively to standard care in surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and postoperative opioid consumption?


P: patients                                                    Adult surgical patients

I: intervention   Adding gabapentinoids (pregabalin or gabapentin) initiated between 1 week before and 12 hours after surgery added to standard analgesic methods (multimodal analgesia, opioid or local anesthesia)

C: control                                                     Placebo, any other analgesic regimen, or usual care

O: outcome measure                                 1 .Postoperative pain (acute)

                                                                       2. Postoperative chronic pain

                                                                       3. Postoperative opioid consumption

                                                                      4. Adverse events (ataxia or fall, delirium, visual     disturbance, respiratory depression, nausea and/or vomiting, dizziness)


In huidige systematische reviews wordt geen verschil gemaakt tussen pre- en postoperatieve toediening van gabapentinoïden (geen subgroep analyses o.i.d.)



10.3 Ketamine

What is the (in)effectivity of postoperative intravenous ketamine administration compared with intraoperative intravenous ketamine administration on postoperative pain, postoperative opioid consumption (morphine equivalent) and escape medication, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), adverse events in adults undergoing surgery?


P:              surgical patients

I:                intraoperative intravenous ketamine + postoperative intravenous ketamine

C:              intraoperative intravenous ketamine

O:              postoperative pain, postoperative opioid consumption (morphine equivalent) and escape medication, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), adverse events


Er is meer onderzoek nodig naar het effect van postoperatief contineren van ketamine en naar de optimale doseringsrange.



10.4. Magnesium

What is the effectiveness of adding magnesium perioperatively to standard care in surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and rescue analgesic consumption?


P            (patients)                                        patients undergoing a surgical procedure

I             (intervention)                               perioperative i.v. magnesium + standard care

C            (comparison)                                 (placebo +) standard care

O           (outcomes)                                    postoperative pain

                                                                       postoperative opioid consumption

                                                                       adverse events (bradycardia)


Er werd geen literatuur gevonden over het effect van magnesium op chronische pijn.

10.5 Methadon

What is the effectiveness of adding methadone intraoperatively to standard care in surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and rescue analgesic consumption?


P            (patients)                                        patients undergoing a surgical procedure

I             (intervention)                               intraoperative methadone IV

C            (comparison)                                 standard care

O           (outcomes)                                    postoperative pain

                                                                       postoperative opioid consumption

                                                                       adverse events


Er werd geen literatuur gevonden over het effect van methadon op chronische pijn.

10.6 Esmolol

What is the effectiveness of adding esmolol perioperatively to standard care in surgical patients on postoperative pain and postoperative opioid consumption?


P: patients                                                    Surgical patients

I: intervention   Adding esmolol to standard analgesic methods (multimodal analgesia, opioid or local anesthesia)

C: control                                                     Standard care

O: outcome measure                                 1 . Postoperative pain

                                                                       2. Postoperative opioid consumption

                                                                       3. Adverse events


1. Optimale dosering van esmolol

2. Cumulatief opiaatsparend effect in de eerste 12 of 24 uur

3. Incidentie van bijwerkingen t.g.v. opiaatsparend effect


Er werd geen literatuur gevonden over het effect van magnesium op chronische pijn.


10.7a Clonidine

What is the effectiveness of adding clonidine to standard care in surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and rescue analgesic consumption?


P: patients                                  Surgical non-cardiac patient

I: intervention                            Adding perioperative systemic clonidine to standard analgesic methods (multimodal analgesia, opioid or local anesthesia)

C: control                                   Standard care

O: outcome measure               Postoperative pain
Postoperative opioid consumption
Adverse events


Er werd geen literatuur gevonden over het effect van clonidine op chronische pijn.

10.7b Dexmedetomidine

What is the effectiveness of adding dexmedetomidine to standard care in surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and rescue analgesic consumption?


P: patients                                  Surgical non-cardiac patient

I: intervention                            Adding perioperative systemic dexmedetomidine to standard analgesic methods (multimodal analgesia, opioid or local anesthesia)

C: control                                   Adding placebo to standard analgesic methods

O: outcome measure               Postoperative pain, opioid consumption, adverse events (bradycardia, hypotension and sedation)


Er werd geen literatuur gevonden over het effect van dexmedetomidine op chronische pijn.

10.8 Lidocaïne

1. What is the effectiveness of adding lidocaine intraoperatively to standard care in surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and rescue analgesic consumption?

2. What is the effectiveness of adding lidocaine intraoperatively to standard care in comparison to an epidural in surgical patients on postoperative pain, adverse outcomes and rescue analgesic consumption?




P            (patients)                                        patients undergoing a surgical procedure

I             (intervention)                               intraoperative lidocaine iv

C            (comparison)                                 standard care

O           (outcomes)                                    postoperative pain (acute and chronic)

                                                                       postoperative opioid consumption

                                                                       adverse events (cardiotoxicity (hypotension, arrhythmia) and neurotoxicity (altered mental status, slurred speech))



P            (patients)                                        patients undergoing a surgical procedure

I             (intervention)                               intraoperative lidocaine iv

C            (comparison)                                 epidural analgesia

O           (outcomes)                                    postoperative pain (acute and chronic)

                                                                       postoperative opioid consumption

                                                                       adverse events


Het effect van de duur van lidocaïne toediening op pijnscores en opiaatgebruik na een operatie. Incidentie van postoperatieve ileus en duur van ziekenhuisopname werd niet meegenomen in de analyse.


De onderliggende mechanismes van lidocaïne op chronische postoperatieve pijn moeten verder onderzocht worden.


Zoals uit de literatuuranalyse blijkt is de bewijskracht voor de effectiviteit van lidocaïne ten opzichte van epiduraal nu beperkt, maar toekomstige trials met meer chirurgische patiënten kan hier mogelijk verandering in brengen.





What is the effectiveness of adding a second multimodal component, as described in 10.1. – 10.8, perioperatively to standard care plus one multimodal component in surgical patients on postoperative pain (and rescue analgesic consumption)?


P: patients                                                    Surgical patients

I: intervention   Adding a second multimodal component, as described in 10.1. – 10.8,

C: control                                                     Standard care and standard care plus one multimodal component

O: outcome measure                                 1 . Postoperative pain

                                                                       2. Rescue analgesic consumption (opioids)

Er zijn geen studies bekend die een 3x3 of hoger factorieel design hebben. Het hoogste aantal multimodale componenten, zoals in de voorgaande hoofdstukken beschreven, dat systematisch onderzocht werd is 2 in een 2x2 factorieel design. Hierdoor is het moeilijk om een goed onderbouwde conclusie te trekken over de effectiviteit van de combinatie van 3 of meer van de boven beschreven componenten van multimodale analgesie.