
Module 1a Serologie bij volwassenen

Table of excluded studies

Author and year

Reason for exclusion

Abrams, 2004

not patients according to P

Beltran, 2013

retrospective laboratory data

Burgin-Wolf, 2013

retrospective laboratory data, also controls

Dahele, 2001

all patients with CD

Dutta, 2010

Not in line with PICO

Emami, 2008

Include in SR

Ganji, 2016

different outcomes depending on cut-off, seropositive patients with CD

Hadithi, 2007

Not in line with PICO

Herrod, 2018

not all patients underwent biopsy and serology

Hill, 2008

no diagnostic values

James, 2004

Not in line with PICO

Kurppa, 2011

not patients according to P

Lau, 2016

patients with iron deficiency

Lewis, 2006

Comparison between different serology tests

Previtali, 2018

different outcomes depending on cut-off, seropositive patients with CD

Rahmati, 2014

no diagnostic values

Rozenberg, 2001

only outcomes of three assay algorithm

Salmi, 2010

biopsy not reference standard

Walker, 2010

not patients with suspect CD


Literature search strategy


Search terms          Date:




#12            #9 OR #10 OR #11   603

#11            #5 AND #8 NOT (#9 OR #10)  395

#10            #5 AND #7 NOT #9  173

#9              #5 AND #6                  35

#8              'major clinical study'/de OR 'clinical study'/de OR 'case control study'/de OR 'family study'/de OR 'longitudinal study'/de OR 'retrospective study'/de OR 'prospective study'/de OR 'cohort analysis'/de OR ((cohort NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('case control' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('follow up' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (observational NEAR/1 (study OR studies)) OR ((epidemiologic NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('cross sectional' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti)          5136603

#7              'clinical trial'/exp OR 'randomization'/exp OR 'single blind procedure'/exp OR 'double blind procedure'/exp OR 'crossover procedure'/exp OR 'placebo'/exp OR 'prospective study'/exp OR rct:ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti OR 'randomised controlled trial':ab,ti OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp OR placebo*:ab,ti              2985537

#6              'meta analysis'/de OR cochrane:ab OR embase:ab OR psycinfo:ab OR cinahl:ab OR medline:ab OR ((systematic NEAR/1 (review OR overview)):ab,ti) OR ((meta NEAR/1 analy*):ab,ti) OR metaanalys*:ab,ti OR 'data extraction':ab OR cochrane:jt OR 'systematic review'/de 482800

#5              #1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp) NOT (('adolescent'/exp OR 'child'/exp OR adolescent*:ti,ab OR child*:ti,ab OR schoolchild*:ti,ab OR infant*:ti,ab OR girl*:ti,ab OR boy*:ti,ab OR teen:ti,ab OR teens:ti,ab OR teenager*:ti,ab OR youth*:ti,ab OR pediatr*:ti,ab OR paediatr*:ti,ab OR puber*:ti,ab) NOT ('adult'/exp OR 'aged'/exp OR 'middle aged'/exp OR adult*:ti,ab OR man:ti,ab OR men:ti,ab OR woman:ti,ab OR women:ti,ab))       1162

#4              'sensitivity and specificity'/de OR sensitiv*:ab,ti OR specific*:ab,ti OR predict*:ab,ti OR 'roc curve':ab,ti OR 'receiver operator':ab,ti OR 'receiver operators':ab,ti OR likelihood:ab,ti OR 'diagnostic error'/exp OR 'diagnostic accuracy'/exp OR 'diagnostic test accuracy study'/exp OR 'inter observer':ab,ti OR 'intra observer':ab,ti OR interobserver:ab,ti OR intraobserver:ab,ti OR validity:ab,ti OR kappa:ab,ti OR reliability:ab,ti OR reproducibility:ab,ti OR ((test NEAR/2 're-test'):ab,ti) OR ((test NEAR/2 'retest'):ab,ti) OR 'reproducibility'/exp OR accuracy:ab,ti OR 'differential diagnosis'/exp OR 'validation study'/de OR 'measurement precision'/exp OR 'diagnostic value'/exp OR 'reliability'/exp                7887143

#3              'biopsy'/exp OR biops*:ti,ab,kw OR 'histology'/exp OR 'histopathology'/exp OR histolog*:ti,ab,kw OR histopatholog*:ti,ab,kw OR 'marsh classification'/exp OR marsh*:ti,ab,kw                    2761902

#2              'serology'/exp OR serolog*:ti,ab,kw OR 'gliadin antibody'/exp OR 'deamidated gliadin peptide antibody'/exp OR 'deamidated gliadin peptide'/exp OR ((('deamidated gliadin' OR 'deaminated gliadin' OR dgp) NEAR/3 antibod*):ti,ab,kw) OR 'igg-dgp':ti,ab,kw OR 'protein glutamine gamma glutamyltransferase antibody'/exp OR (((tg* OR ttg* OR tissuetransglutaminase*) NEAR/3 antibod*):ti,ab,kw) OR 'igg-tg2':ti,ab,kw OR tga:ti,ab,kw OR 'endomysium antibody'/exp OR (((endomys* OR antiendomys*) NEAR/3 antibod*):ti,ab,kw) OR ema:ti,ab,kw             1344422

#1              'celiac disease'/exp OR celiac*:ti,ab,kw OR coelia*:ti,ab,kw OR ((gluten NEAR/3 (enteropathy OR intolerance)):ti,ab,kw)                  48943

Medline (OVID)


1     exp Celiac Disease/ or celiac*.ti,ab,kf. or coelia*.ti,ab,kf. or (gluten adj3 (enteropathy or intolerance)).ti,ab,kf. (33235)

2     exp Serology/ or serolog*.ti,ab,kf. or exp Gliadin/ or (('deamidated gliadin' or 'deaminated gliadin' or dgp) adj3 antibod*).ti,ab,kf. or 'igg-dgp'.ti,ab,kf. or exp Transglutaminases/ or ((tg* or ttg* or tissuetransglutaminase*) adj3 antibod*).ti,ab,kf. or 'igg-tg2'.ti,ab,kf. or tga.ti,ab,kf. or ((endomys* or antiendomys*) adj3 antibod*).ti,ab,kf. or ema.ti,ab,kf. (148577)

3     exp Biopsy/ or biops*.ti,ab,kf. or exp Histology/ or histolog*.ti,ab,kf. or histopatholog*.ti,ab,kf. or marsh*.ti,ab,kf. (1441155)

4     exp "Sensitivity and Specificity"/ or (Sensitiv* or Specific*).ti,ab. or (predict* or ROC-curve or receiver-operator*).ti,ab. or (likelihood or LR*).ti,ab. or exp Diagnostic Errors/ or (inter-observer or intra-observer or interobserver or intraobserver or validity or kappa or reliability).ti,ab. or reproducibility.ti,ab. or (test adj2 (re-test or retest)).ti,ab. or "Reproducibility of Results"/ or accuracy.ti,ab. or Diagnosis, Differential/ or Validation Studies.pt. (6394289)

5     1 and 2 and 3 and 4 (1441)

6     limit 5 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (1083)

7     6 not ((exp Adolescent/ or exp Child/ or exp Infant/ or adolescen*.ti,ab. or child*.ti,ab. or schoolchild*.ti,ab. or infant*.ti,ab. or girl*.ti,ab. or boy*.ti,ab. or teen.ti,ab. or teens.ti,ab. or teenager*.ti,ab. or youth*.ti,ab. or pediatr*.ti,ab. or paediatr*.ti,ab. or puber*.ti,ab.) not (exp Adult/ or adult*.ti,ab. or man.ti,ab. or men.ti,ab. or woman.ti,ab. or women.ti,ab.)) (806)

8     (meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (meta adj analy$).tw. or ((systematic* or literature) adj2 review$1).tw. or (systematic adj overview$1).tw. or exp "Review Literature as Topic"/ or cochrane.ab. or cochrane.jw. or embase.ab. or medline.ab. or (psychlit or psyclit).ab. or (cinahl or cinhal).ab. or cancerlit.ab. or ((selection criteria or data extraction).ab. and "review"/)) not (Comment/ or Editorial/ or Letter/ or (animals/ not humans/)) (432751)

9     (exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.) not (animals/ not humans/) (1949849)

10     Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or (cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective*.tw. or prospective*.tw. or consecutive*.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/ [Onder exp cohort studies vallen ook longitudinale, prospectieve en retrospectieve studies] (3367625)

11     7 and 8 (24)

12     (7 and 9) not 11 (82)

13     (7 and 10) not (11 or 12) (303)

14     11 or 12 or 13 (409)


Module 1b Positieve serologie bij normaal biopt

Not applicable (no systematic literature search).


Module 1c Negatieve serologie bij een afwijkend biopt

Not applicable (no systematic literature search).


Module 1d Serologie bij kinderen

See ESPGHAN guideline 2020.


Module 1e Glutenbelasting


Table of excluded studies

Author and year

Reason for exclusion

Leonard, 2020

P does not meet PICO

Khalesi, 2016

I does not meet PICO

Silvester, 2017

P does not meet PICO

Vahedi, 2003

Does not meet PiCO

Goel, 2019

O does not meet PICO

Korponay-Szabó, 2015

Does not meet PICO

Högberg, 2009

Does not meet PICO

Kaswala, 2015

Does not meet PICO

Mansikka, 2019

P does not meet PICO

Ellis, 2001

Does not meet PICO

Hahn, 2014

Does not meet PICO

Brusca, 2015

Does not meet PICO

Lionetti, 2017

Does not meet PICO

Burgin-Wolff, 2002

Does not meet PICO

Sárdy, 2000

Does not meet PICO

Tortora, 2012

I does not meet PICO

Bonamico, 2001

Does not meet PICO

Welle, 2002

Does not meet PICO

Ensari, 2001

P does not meet PICO

Mišak, 2013

Does not meet PICO

Kasner, 2002

Does not meet PICO

Rosinach, 2016

P does not meet PICO

Dale, 2018

Does not meet PICO

Zanini, 2015

Does not meet PICO

Devalupalli, 2020

Does not meet PICO

Wolters, 2009

P does not meet PICO


Literature search strategy


Embase, date 11 December 2020






#7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10



#3 NOT (#7 OR #8 OR #9) = overig



#3 AND #6 NOT (#7 OR #8) = observationeel



#3 AND #5 NOT #7 = RCT



#3 AND #4 = SR



'major clinical study'/de OR 'clinical study'/de OR 'case control study'/de OR 'family study'/de OR 'longitudinal study'/de OR 'retrospective study'/de OR 'prospective study'/de OR 'cohort analysis'/de OR cohort*:ab,ti OR (('case control' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('follow up' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (observational NEAR/1 (study OR studies)) OR ((epidemiologic NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('cross sectional' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti)



'clinical trial'/exp OR 'randomization'/exp OR 'single blind procedure'/exp OR 'double blind procedure'/exp OR 'crossover procedure'/exp OR 'placebo'/exp OR 'prospective study'/exp OR rct:ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti OR 'randomised controlled trial':ab,ti OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp OR placebo*:ab,ti



'meta analysis'/exp OR 'meta analysis (topic)'/exp OR metaanaly*:ti,ab OR 'meta analy*':ti,ab OR metanaly*:ti,ab OR 'systematic review'/de OR 'cochrane database of systematic reviews'/jt OR prisma:ti,ab OR prospero:ti,ab OR (((systemati* OR scoping OR umbrella OR 'structured literature') NEAR/3 (review* OR overview*)):ti,ab) OR ((systemic* NEAR/1 review*):ti,ab) OR (((systemati* OR literature OR database* OR 'data base*') NEAR/10 search*):ti,ab) OR (((structured OR comprehensive* OR systemic*) NEAR/3 search*):ti,ab) OR (((literature NEAR/3 review*):ti,ab) AND (search*:ti,ab OR database*:ti,ab OR 'data base*':ti,ab)) OR (('data extraction':ti,ab OR 'data source*':ti,ab) AND 'study selection':ti,ab) OR ('search strategy':ti,ab AND 'selection criteria':ti,ab) OR ('data source*':ti,ab AND 'data synthesis':ti,ab) OR medline:ab OR pubmed:ab OR embase:ab OR cochrane:ab OR (((critical OR rapid) NEAR/2 (review* OR overview* OR synthes*)):ti) OR ((((critical* OR rapid*) NEAR/3 (review* OR overview* OR synthes*)):ab) AND (search*:ab OR database*:ab OR 'data base*':ab)) OR metasynthes*:ti,ab OR 'meta synthes*':ti,ab



#1 AND #2 AND ([english]/lim OR [dutch]/lim) AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it)



'provocation test'/exp OR ((gluten* NEAR/2 (challenge* OR amount)):ti,ab,kw) OR provocat*:ti,ab,kw



'celiac disease'/exp OR celiac*:ti,ab,kw OR coelia*:ti,ab,kw







Ovid/Medline, date 11 December 2020



8 or 9 or 10 or 11



4 not (8 or 9 or 10) = overig



(4 and 7) not (8 or 9) = observationeel



(4 and 6) not 8 = RCT



4 and 5 = SR



Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or cohort*.tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective*.tw. or prospective*.tw. or consecutive*.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/



exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.



meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (metaanaly* or meta-analy* or metanaly*).ti,ab,kf. or systematic review/ or cochrane.jw. or (prisma or prospero).ti,ab,kf. or ((systemati* or scoping or umbrella or "structured literature") adj3 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab,kf. or (systemic* adj1 review*).ti,ab,kf. or ((systemati* or literature or database* or data-base*) adj10 search*).ti,ab,kf. or ((structured or comprehensive* or systemic*) adj3 search*).ti,ab,kf. or ((literature adj3 review*) and (search* or database* or data-base*)).ti,ab,kf. or (("data extraction" or "data source*") and "study selection").ti,ab,kf. or ("search strategy" and "selection criteria").ti,ab,kf. or ("data source*" and "data synthesis").ti,ab,kf. or (medline or pubmed or embase or cochrane).ab. or ((critical or rapid) adj2 (review* or overview* or synthes*)).ti. or (((critical* or rapid*) adj3 (review* or overview* or synthes*)) and (search* or database* or data-base*)).ab. or (metasynthes* or meta-synthes*).ti,ab,kf.



limit 3 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current")



1 and 2



((gluten* adj2 (challenge* or amount)) or provocat*).ti,ab,kf.



exp Celiac Disease/ or celiac*.ti,ab,kf. or coelia*.ti,ab,kf.



Module 2a Gezondheidseffecten van GVD op lange termijn


Table of excluded studies

Author and year

Reason for exclusion

Abid, 2011

Wrong population

Amirikian, 2019

Wrong design

Bardella, 2007

Wrong design

Baudon, 2005

Wrong design

Castillo, 2015

Wrong control group

Catal, 2015

Wrong design

Cellier, 2000

Wrong control group

Cheng, 2010

Wrong control group

De Marchi, 2013

Wrong control group

Goel, 2005

Wrong study design

Aarela, 2016

Wrong control group

Ansaldi, 2003

Wrong comparison

Barera, 2004

Wrong control group

Bayar, 2016

Wrong control group

Belei, 2018

Wrong study design

Bur, 2009

Wrong control group

Campisi, 2008

Wrong control group

Ciacci, 2004

Wrong control group

Cicarelli, 2003

Wrong outcome

Di Nardo, 2019

Wrong study design

Di Sabatino, 2006

Wrong control group

Dickey, 2008

Wrong control group

Galli, 2008

Wrong outcome

Gonda, 2010

Wrong intervention

Elli, 2012

Wrong control group

Comba, 2008

Wrong comparison

Pritchard, 2018

Wrong comparison

Reilly, 2015

Wrong comparison

Rubio-Tapia, 2010

Wrong comparison

Saccone, 2016

Wrong control group

Sansotta, 2018

Wrong comparison

Schiepatti, 2019

Wrong comparison

Silano, 2008

Wrong study design

Ukkola, 2012

Wrong comparison

Guariso, 2007

Wrong comparison

Heyman, 2009

Wrong comparison

Kalyoncu, 2015

Wrong comparison

Kotze, 2016

Wrong comparison

Laurikka, 2016

Wrong outcome

Hopman, 2008

Wrong outcome

Magalotti, 2003

Wrong control group

Nachman, 2010

Wrong outcome

Kyokas, 2016

Wrong population

Iagnocco, 2014

Wrong outcome

Volt, 2014

Wrong outcome

Kashan, 2011

Wrong outcome


Literature search strategy


Search terms      Date: 9 March 2020








#20 OR #21 OR #22



#8 AND #11 NOT (#20 OR #21)



#8 AND #10 NOT #20



#8 AND #9



#16 OR #17 OR #18



#7 AND #11 NOT (#16 OR #17)



#7 AND #10 NOT #16



#7 AND #9



#12 OR #13 OR #14



#6 AND #11 NOT (#12 OR #13)



#6 AND #10 NOT #12



#6 AND #9



'major clinical study'/de OR 'clinical study'/de OR 'case control study'/de OR 'family study'/de OR 'longitudinal study'/de OR 'retrospective study'/de OR 'prospective study'/de OR 'cohort analysis'/de OR ((cohort NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('case control' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('follow up' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (observational NEAR/1 (study OR studies)) OR ((epidemiologic NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('cross sectional' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti)



'clinical trial'/exp OR 'randomization'/exp OR 'single blind procedure'/exp OR 'double blind procedure'/exp OR 'crossover procedure'/exp OR 'placebo'/exp OR 'prospective study'/exp OR rct:ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti OR 'randomised controlled trial':ab,ti OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp OR placebo*:ab,ti



'meta analysis'/de OR cochrane:ab OR embase:ab OR psycinfo:ab OR cinahl:ab OR medline:ab OR ((systematic NEAR/1 (review OR overview)):ab,ti) OR ((meta NEAR/1 analy*):ab,ti) OR metaanalys*:ab,ti OR 'data extraction':ab OR cochrane:jt OR 'systematic review'/de



#1 AND #2 AND #5 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



#1 AND #2 AND #4 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



'adverse event'/exp OR 'treatment outcome'/exp OR 'therapy effect'/exp OR 'follow up'/exp OR (((adverse* OR side OR treatment OR therapy) NEAR/3 (effect* OR event* OR outcome* OR affect* OR reaction*)):ti,ab,kw) OR followup:ti,ab,kw OR 'follow up':ti,ab,kw OR 'growth retardation'/exp OR 'catch up growth'/exp OR 'osteoporosis'/exp OR 'small intestine tumor'/exp OR 'enteropathy associated t cell lymphoma'/exp OR 'esophageal squamous cell carcinoma'/exp OR 'ulcerative jejunitis'/exp OR 'cardiovascular disease'/exp OR 'cardiovascular risk'/exp OR 'infertility'/exp OR 'pregnancy complication'/exp OR 'stillbirth'/exp OR 'body mass'/exp OR 'body weight disorder'/exp OR 'thyroid disease'/exp OR 'growth retardation':ti,ab,kw OR 'catch up growth':ti,ab,kw OR 'osteoporosis':ti,ab,kw OR (('small intestine' NEAR/2 (tumo*r* OR cancer* OR neoplas* OR malignan*)):ti,ab,kw) OR 'enteropathy-associated t-cell lymphoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'esophag* squamous cell carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'oesophag* squamous cell carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'squamous cell esophag* carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'squamous cell oesophag* carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'ulcerative jejunitis':ti,ab,kw OR hypertension:ti,ab,kw OR 'heart failure':ti,ab,kw OR 'coronary artery disease':ti,ab,kw OR 'cardiovascular disease*':ti,ab,kw OR 'cardiovascular risk*':ti,ab,kw OR 'infertility':ti,ab,kw OR ((pregnancy NEAR/3 (complication* OR disease* OR disorder*)):ti,ab,kw) OR stillbirth*:ti,ab,kw OR stillborn:ti,ab,kw OR 'body mass index':ti,ab,kw OR bmi:ti,ab,kw OR obese*:ti,ab,kw OR overweight*:ti,ab,kw OR obesit*:ti,ab,kw OR underweight*:ti,ab,kw OR 'small for gestational age':ti,ab,kw OR 'small for date':ti,ab,kw OR 'thyroid':ti,ab,kw



'quality of life'/exp OR ((life NEXT/1 qualit*):ab,ti) OR 'quality of life':ab,ti OR 'daily life activity'/exp OR 'activities of daily living':ab,ti OR (('daily living' NEXT/1 activit*):ab,ti) OR (('daily live' NEXT/1 activit*):ab,ti) OR 'adl':ab,ti OR 'chronic limitation of activity':ab,ti OR ((self NEXT/1 care*):ab,ti) OR 'health status'/exp OR 'health status':ab,ti OR 'level of health':ab,ti OR ((health NEXT/1 level*):ab,ti) OR 'qol':ab,ti OR 'hrql':ab,ti OR 'hrqol':ab,ti



'nutritional deficiency'/exp OR (((diet* OR nutriti* OR nutrional OR micronutrient* OR macronutrient* OR vitamin* OR mineral* OR food) NEAR/3 (deficien* OR insufficienc*)):ti,ab,kw) OR 'diet supplementation'/exp OR supplement*:ti,ab,kw OR malnutrition:ti,ab,kw OR malnourishment:ti,ab,kw OR undernourishment:ti,ab,kw OR undernutrition:ti,ab,kw OR underfeeding:ti,ab,kw



'gluten free diet'/exp OR ((gluten NEAR/3 diet):ti,ab,kw) OR gfd:ti,ab,kw



'celiac disease'/exp OR 'gluten ataxia'/exp OR 'dermatitis herpetiformis'/exp OR celiac*:ti,ab,kw OR coelia*:ti,ab,kw OR ((gluten NEAR/3 (enteropathy OR intolerance OR neuropathy OR disorder* OR sensitivity OR ataxia)):ti,ab,kw) OR (((dermatitis OR dermatosis OR duehring* OR duhri*g OR brocq OR brock) NEAR/3 (herpetiform* OR herpes OR disease)):ti,ab,kw)




Medline (OVID)


1   (gluten adj3 (enteropathy or intolerance or neuropathy or disorder* or sensitivity or ataxia)).ti,ab,kf. or ((dermatitis or dermatosis or duehring* or duhri*g or brocq or brock) adj3 (herpetiform* or herpes or disease)).ti,ab,kf. (36629)

2     exp Diet, Gluten-Free/ or (gluten adj3 diet).ti,ab,kf. (5787)

3     exp Malnutrition/ or malnutrition.ti,ab,kf. or malnourishment.ti,ab,kf. or undernourishment.ti,ab,kf. or undernutrition.ti,ab,kf. or underfeeding.ti,ab,kf. or ((diet* or nutriti* or nutrional or micronutrient* or macronutrient* or vitamin* or mineral* or food) adj3 (deficien* or insufficienc*)).ti,ab,kf. or supplement*.ti,ab,kf. (477297)

4     exp "Quality of Life"/ or (life adj1 qualit*).ti,ab,kf. or 'quality of life'.ti,ab,kf. or exp "Activities of Daily Living"/ or 'activities of daily living'.ti,ab,kf. or ('daily living' adj1 activit*).ti,ab,kf. or ('daily live' adj1 activit*).ti,ab,kf. or 'adl'.ti,ab,kf. or 'chronic limitation of activity'.ti,ab,kf. or (self adj1 care*).ti,ab,kf. or exp Health Status/ or 'health status'.ti,ab,kf. or 'level of health'.ti,ab,kf. or (health adj1 level*).ti,ab,kf. or 'qol'.ti,ab,kf. or 'hrql'.ti,ab,kf. or 'hrqol'.ti,ab,kf. (596127)

5     exp Treatment Outcome/ or ((adverse* or side or treatment or therapy) adj3 (effect* or event* or outcome* or affect* or reaction*)).ti,ab,kf. or followup.ti,ab,kf. or 'follow up'.ti,ab,kf. or exp Growth Disorders/ or exp Osteoporosis/ or exp Intestinal Neoplasms/ or exp Enteropathy-Associated T-Cell Lymphoma/ or exp Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma/ or exp Cardiovascular Diseases/ or exp Infertility/ or exp Pregnancy Complications/ or exp Stillbirth/ or exp Body Mass Index/ or exp Obesity/ or exp body weight/ or exp Thyroid Diseases/ or 'growth retardation'.ti,ab,kf. or 'catch up growth'.ti,ab,kf. or 'osteoporosis'.ti,ab,kf. or ('small intestine' adj2 (tumo*r* or cancer* or neoplas* or malignan*)).ti,ab,kf. or 'enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'esophag* squamous cell carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'oesophag* squamous cell carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'squamous cell esophag* carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'squamous cell oesophag* carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'ulcerative jejunitis'.ti,ab,kf. or hypertension.ti,ab,kf. or 'heart failure'.ti,ab,kf. or 'coronary artery disease'.ti,ab,kf. or 'cardiovascular disease*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'cardiovascular risk*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'infertility'.ti,ab,kf. or (pregnancy adj3 (complication* or disease* or disorder*)).ti,ab,kf. or stillbirth*.ti,ab,kf. or stillborn.ti,ab,kf. or 'body mass index'.ti,ab,kf. or bmi.ti,ab,kf. or obese*.ti,ab,kf. or overweight*.ti,ab,kf. or obesit*.ti,ab,kf. or underweight*.ti,ab,kf. or 'small for gestational age'.ti,ab,kf. or 'small for date'.ti,ab,kf. or 'thyroid'.ti,ab,kf. (6055727)

6     1 and 2 and 3 (471)

7     1 and 2 and 4 (432)

8     1 and 2 and 5 (1864)

9     limit 6 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (341)

10     limit 7 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (387)

11     limit 8 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (1445)

12     (meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (meta adj analy$).tw. or ((systematic* or literature) adj2 review$1).tw. or (systematic adj overview$1).tw. or exp "Review Literature as Topic"/ or cochrane.ab. or cochrane.jw. or embase.ab. or medline.ab. or (psychlit or psyclit).ab. or (cinahl or cinhal).ab. or cancerlit.ab. or ((selection criteria or data extraction).ab. and "review"/)) not (Comment/ or Editorial/ or Letter/ or (animals/ not humans/)) (435224)

13     (exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.) not (animals/ not humans/) (1956325)

14     Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or (cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective*.tw. or prospective*.tw. or consecutive*.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/ [Onder exp cohort studies vallen ook longitudinale, prospectieve en retrospectieve studies] (3380465)

15     9 and 12 (28)

16     (9 and 13) not 15 (38)

17     (9 and 14) not (15 or 16) (69)

18     10 and 12 (27)

19     (10 and 13) not 18 (54)

20     (10 and 14) not (18 or 19) (115)

21     11 and 12 (67)

22     (11 and 13) not 21 (158)

23     (11 and 14) not (21 or 22) (505)

24     15 or 16 or 17 (135)

25     18 or 19 or 20 (196)

26     21 or 22 or 23 (730)



Module 2b GVD en kwaliteit van leven


Table of excluded studies

Author, year

Reason of exclusion

Addolorato, 2001

No QoL as outcome

Al Nofaie, 2020

No comparison before and after GFD

Barratt, 2011

No comparison before and after GFD

Barrio, 2016

No comparison before and after GFD

Biagetti, 2015

Healthy controls

Black, 2011

Does not meet I and C

Borghini, 2016

No comparison before and after GFD

Bystrom, 2012

No comparison before and after GFD

Casellas, 2005

No comparison before and after GFD

Casellas, 2008

No comparison before and after GFD

Casellas, 2015

No comparison before and after GFD

Chauhan, 2010

No QoL as outcome

Ciacci, 2003

No comparison before and after GFD

Collin, 2008

No QoL as outcome

Fera, 2003

No comparison before and after GFD

Fueyo-Di­az, 2019

No comparison before and after GFD

Hauser, 2007

No comparison before and after GFD

Hopman, 2009

No comparison before and after GFD

Khurana, 2015

No comparison before and after GFD

Kinos, 2012

No comparison before and after GFD

Leffler, 2017

No comparison before and after GFD

Leinonen, 2019

Does not meet I

Mager, 2018

Does not meet C

Myleus, 2020

No comparison before and after GFD

Nikniaz, 2020

No comparison before and after GFD

O'Leary, 2004

Does not meet I

Paavola, 2012

Healthy controls

Peraaho, 2003

No QoL as outcome

Rajpoot, 2015

No comparison before and after GFD

Rodri­guez-Almagro, 2016

No comparison before and after GFD

Sainsbury, 2013

No comparison before and after GFD

Smith, 2011

Does not meet I and C

Taghdir, 2016

No comparison before and after GFD

Usai, 2002

No comparison before and after GFD

Usai, 2007

No comparison before and after GFD

Van Koppen, 2009


Wagner, 2008

No comparison before and after GFD

Wolf, 2018

No comparison before and after GFD

Zingone, 2018

No comparison before and after GFD


Literature search strategy


Search terms     Date: 09-03-2020








#20 OR #21 OR #22



#8 AND #11 NOT (#20 OR #21)



#8 AND #10 NOT #20



#8 AND #9



#16 OR #17 OR #18



#7 AND #11 NOT (#16 OR #17)



#7 AND #10 NOT #16



#7 AND #9



#12 OR #13 OR #14



#6 AND #11 NOT (#12 OR #13)



#6 AND #10 NOT #12



#6 AND #9



'major clinical study'/de OR 'clinical study'/de OR 'case control study'/de OR 'family study'/de OR 'longitudinal study'/de OR 'retrospective study'/de OR 'prospective study'/de OR 'cohort analysis'/de OR ((cohort NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('case control' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('follow up' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (observational NEAR/1 (study OR studies)) OR ((epidemiologic NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('cross sectional' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti)



'clinical trial'/exp OR 'randomization'/exp OR 'single blind procedure'/exp OR 'double blind procedure'/exp OR 'crossover procedure'/exp OR 'placebo'/exp OR 'prospective study'/exp OR rct:ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti OR 'randomised controlled trial':ab,ti OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp OR placebo*:ab,ti



'meta analysis'/de OR cochrane:ab OR embase:ab OR psycinfo:ab OR cinahl:ab OR medline:ab OR ((systematic NEAR/1 (review OR overview)):ab,ti) OR ((meta NEAR/1 analy*):ab,ti) OR metaanalys*:ab,ti OR 'data extraction':ab OR cochrane:jt OR 'systematic review'/de



#1 AND #2 AND #5 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



#1 AND #2 AND #4 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



'adverse event'/exp OR 'treatment outcome'/exp OR 'therapy effect'/exp OR 'follow up'/exp OR (((adverse* OR side OR treatment OR therapy) NEAR/3 (effect* OR event* OR outcome* OR affect* OR reaction*)):ti,ab,kw) OR followup:ti,ab,kw OR 'follow up':ti,ab,kw OR 'growth retardation'/exp OR 'catch up growth'/exp OR 'osteoporosis'/exp OR 'small intestine tumor'/exp OR 'enteropathy associated t cell lymphoma'/exp OR 'esophageal squamous cell carcinoma'/exp OR 'ulcerative jejunitis'/exp OR 'cardiovascular disease'/exp OR 'cardiovascular risk'/exp OR 'infertility'/exp OR 'pregnancy complication'/exp OR 'stillbirth'/exp OR 'body mass'/exp OR 'body weight disorder'/exp OR 'thyroid disease'/exp OR 'growth retardation':ti,ab,kw OR 'catch up growth':ti,ab,kw OR 'osteoporosis':ti,ab,kw OR (('small intestine' NEAR/2 (tumo*r* OR cancer* OR neoplas* OR malignan*)):ti,ab,kw) OR 'enteropathy-associated t-cell lymphoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'esophag* squamous cell carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'oesophag* squamous cell carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'squamous cell esophag* carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'squamous cell oesophag* carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'ulcerative jejunitis':ti,ab,kw OR hypertension:ti,ab,kw OR 'heart failure':ti,ab,kw OR 'coronary artery disease':ti,ab,kw OR 'cardiovascular disease*':ti,ab,kw OR 'cardiovascular risk*':ti,ab,kw OR 'infertility':ti,ab,kw OR ((pregnancy NEAR/3 (complication* OR disease* OR disorder*)):ti,ab,kw) OR stillbirth*:ti,ab,kw OR stillborn:ti,ab,kw OR 'body mass index':ti,ab,kw OR bmi:ti,ab,kw OR obese*:ti,ab,kw OR overweight*:ti,ab,kw OR obesit*:ti,ab,kw OR underweight*:ti,ab,kw OR 'small for gestational age':ti,ab,kw OR 'small for date':ti,ab,kw OR 'thyroid':ti,ab,kw



'quality of life'/exp OR ((life NEXT/1 qualit*):ab,ti) OR 'quality of life':ab,ti OR 'daily life activity'/exp OR 'activities of daily living':ab,ti OR (('daily living' NEXT/1 activit*):ab,ti) OR (('daily live' NEXT/1 activit*):ab,ti) OR 'adl':ab,ti OR 'chronic limitation of activity':ab,ti OR ((self NEXT/1 care*):ab,ti) OR 'health status'/exp OR 'health status':ab,ti OR 'level of health':ab,ti OR ((health NEXT/1 level*):ab,ti) OR 'qol':ab,ti OR 'hrql':ab,ti OR 'hrqol':ab,ti



'nutritional deficiency'/exp OR (((diet* OR nutriti* OR nutrional OR micronutrient* OR macronutrient* OR vitamin* OR mineral* OR food) NEAR/3 (deficien* OR insufficienc*)):ti,ab,kw) OR 'diet supplementation'/exp OR supplement*:ti,ab,kw OR malnutrition:ti,ab,kw OR malnourishment:ti,ab,kw OR undernourishment:ti,ab,kw OR undernutrition:ti,ab,kw OR underfeeding:ti,ab,kw



'gluten free diet'/exp OR ((gluten NEAR/3 diet):ti,ab,kw) OR gfd:ti,ab,kw



'celiac disease'/exp OR 'gluten ataxia'/exp OR 'dermatitis herpetiformis'/exp OR celiac*:ti,ab,kw OR coelia*:ti,ab,kw OR ((gluten NEAR/3 (enteropathy OR intolerance OR neuropathy OR disorder* OR sensitivity OR ataxia)):ti,ab,kw) OR (((dermatitis OR dermatosis OR duehring* OR duhri*g OR brocq OR brock) NEAR/3 (herpetiform* OR herpes OR disease)):ti,ab,kw)




Medline (OVID)


1   (gluten adj3 (enteropathy or intolerance or neuropathy or disorder* or sensitivity or ataxia)).ti,ab,kf. or ((dermatitis or dermatosis or duehring* or duhri*g or brocq or brock) adj3 (herpetiform* or herpes or disease)).ti,ab,kf. (36629)

2     exp Diet, Gluten-Free/ or (gluten adj3 diet).ti,ab,kf. (5787)

3     exp Malnutrition/ or malnutrition.ti,ab,kf. or malnourishment.ti,ab,kf. or undernourishment.ti,ab,kf. or undernutrition.ti,ab,kf. or underfeeding.ti,ab,kf. or ((diet* or nutriti* or nutrional or micronutrient* or macronutrient* or vitamin* or mineral* or food) adj3 (deficien* or insufficienc*)).ti,ab,kf. or supplement*.ti,ab,kf. (477297)

4     exp "Quality of Life"/ or (life adj1 qualit*).ti,ab,kf. or 'quality of life'.ti,ab,kf. or exp "Activities of Daily Living"/ or 'activities of daily living'.ti,ab,kf. or ('daily living' adj1 activit*).ti,ab,kf. or ('daily live' adj1 activit*).ti,ab,kf. or 'adl'.ti,ab,kf. or 'chronic limitation of activity'.ti,ab,kf. or (self adj1 care*).ti,ab,kf. or exp Health Status/ or 'health status'.ti,ab,kf. or 'level of health'.ti,ab,kf. or (health adj1 level*).ti,ab,kf. or 'qol'.ti,ab,kf. or 'hrql'.ti,ab,kf. or 'hrqol'.ti,ab,kf. (596127)

5     exp Treatment Outcome/ or ((adverse* or side or treatment or therapy) adj3 (effect* or event* or outcome* or affect* or reaction*)).ti,ab,kf. or followup.ti,ab,kf. or 'follow up'.ti,ab,kf. or exp Growth Disorders/ or exp Osteoporosis/ or exp Intestinal Neoplasms/ or exp Enteropathy-Associated T-Cell Lymphoma/ or exp Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma/ or exp Cardiovascular Diseases/ or exp Infertility/ or exp Pregnancy Complications/ or exp Stillbirth/ or exp Body Mass Index/ or exp Obesity/ or exp body weight/ or exp Thyroid Diseases/ or 'growth retardation'.ti,ab,kf. or 'catch up growth'.ti,ab,kf. or 'osteoporosis'.ti,ab,kf. or ('small intestine' adj2 (tumo*r* or cancer* or neoplas* or malignan*)).ti,ab,kf. or 'enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'esophag* squamous cell carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'oesophag* squamous cell carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'squamous cell esophag* carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'squamous cell oesophag* carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'ulcerative jejunitis'.ti,ab,kf. or hypertension.ti,ab,kf. or 'heart failure'.ti,ab,kf. or 'coronary artery disease'.ti,ab,kf. or 'cardiovascular disease*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'cardiovascular risk*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'infertility'.ti,ab,kf. or (pregnancy adj3 (complication* or disease* or disorder*)).ti,ab,kf. or stillbirth*.ti,ab,kf. or stillborn.ti,ab,kf. or 'body mass index'.ti,ab,kf. or bmi.ti,ab,kf. or obese*.ti,ab,kf. or overweight*.ti,ab,kf. or obesit*.ti,ab,kf. or underweight*.ti,ab,kf. or 'small for gestational age'.ti,ab,kf. or 'small for date'.ti,ab,kf. or 'thyroid'.ti,ab,kf. (6055727)

6     1 and 2 and 3 (471)

7     1 and 2 and 4 (432)

8     1 and 2 and 5 (1864)

9     limit 6 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (341)

10     limit 7 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (387)

11     limit 8 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (1445)

12     (meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (meta adj analy$).tw. or ((systematic* or literature) adj2 review$1).tw. or (systematic adj overview$1).tw. or exp "Review Literature as Topic"/ or cochrane.ab. or cochrane.jw. or embase.ab. or medline.ab. or (psychlit or psyclit).ab. or (cinahl or cinhal).ab. or cancerlit.ab. or ((selection criteria or data extraction).ab. and "review"/)) not (Comment/ or Editorial/ or Letter/ or (animals/ not humans/)) (435224)

13     (exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.) not (animals/ not humans/) (1956325)

14     Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or (cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective*.tw. or prospective*.tw. or consecutive*.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/ [Onder exp cohort studies vallen ook longitudinale, prospectieve en retrospectieve studies] (3380465)

15     9 and 12 (28)

16     (9 and 13) not 15 (38)

17     (9 and 14) not (15 or 16) (69)

18     10 and 12 (27)

19     (10 and 13) not 18 (54)

20     (10 and 14) not (18 or 19) (115)

21     11 and 12 (67)

22     (11 and 13) not 21 (158)

23     (11 and 14) not (21 or 22) (505)

24     15 or 16 or 17 (135)

25     18 or 19 or 20 (196)

26     21 or 22 or 23 (730)


Module 2c Vitaminen- en mineralendeficiënties tijdens GVD


Table of excluded studies

Author, year

Reason of exclusion

Annibale, 2001

Patients already treated with iron supplementation

Ballestero Fernandez, 2019

Healthy controls

Bardella, 2000

Healthy controls

Barone, 2016

Healthy controls

Bergamaschi, 2008

No comparison before and after GFD

Blazina, 2010

No comparison before and after GFD

Burger, 2018

Some patients used supplements

Di Nardo, 2019

No comparison before and after GFD

Drabińska, 2018

Supplementation versus placebo

Drabińska, 2018

Supplementation versus placebo

Drabińska, 2019

Supplementation versus placebo

Drabińska, 2018

Supplementation versus placebo

Drabińska, 2018

Supplementation versus placebo

FeruÅ›, 2018

Supplementation versus placebo

Francavilla, 2019

Supplementation versus placebo

Haines, 2008

No deficiencies as outcome

Hallert, 2002

Healthy controls

Hallert, 2009

Supplementation versus placebo

Harper, 2007

Healthy controls

Kapur, 2003

Supplementation, compared to healthy controls

Krupa-Kozak, 2017

Supplementation versus placebo

Malandrino, 2008

No deficiencies as outcome

Nazareth, 2015

Does not meet I and C

Negi, 2018

Supplementaion versus placebo

Oliveira, 2018

No comparison before and after GFD

Patwari, 2003

Healthy controls

PiÄ…tek-Guziewicz, 2017

No comparison before and after GFD

Piran Arce, 2017

Not in English or Dutch

Rawal, 2010

Supplementaion versus placebo

Riezzo, 2014

Healthy controls

Romańczuk, 2016

No comparison before and after GFD

Rujner, 2004

No comparison before and after GFD

Saibeni, 2005

Healthy controls

Schøsler, 2016

Does not meet I and C

Soliman, 2019

Healthy controls

Valitutti, 2017

Does not meet I and C

Van Hees, 2014

Healthy controls

Van Hees, 2015

Healthy controls

Varma, 2001

Does not meet I and C

Vici, 2016

Does not meet I and C

Wierdsma, 2013

Does not meet I and C

Wild, 2010

Healthy controls

Zamani, 2008

Does not meet I and C

Zanchetta, 2017

Supplementation, compared to healthy controls


Literature search strategy


Search terms                 date: 09-03-2020








#20 OR #21 OR #22



#8 AND #11 NOT (#20 OR #21)



#8 AND #10 NOT #20



#8 AND #9



#16 OR #17 OR #18



#7 AND #11 NOT (#16 OR #17)



#7 AND #10 NOT #16



#7 AND #9



#12 OR #13 OR #14



#6 AND #11 NOT (#12 OR #13)



#6 AND #10 NOT #12



#6 AND #9



'major clinical study'/de OR 'clinical study'/de OR 'case control study'/de OR 'family study'/de OR 'longitudinal study'/de OR 'retrospective study'/de OR 'prospective study'/de OR 'cohort analysis'/de OR ((cohort NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('case control' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('follow up' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (observational NEAR/1 (study OR studies)) OR ((epidemiologic NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('cross sectional' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti)



'clinical trial'/exp OR 'randomization'/exp OR 'single blind procedure'/exp OR 'double blind procedure'/exp OR 'crossover procedure'/exp OR 'placebo'/exp OR 'prospective study'/exp OR rct:ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti OR 'randomised controlled trial':ab,ti OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp OR placebo*:ab,ti



'meta analysis'/de OR cochrane:ab OR embase:ab OR psycinfo:ab OR cinahl:ab OR medline:ab OR ((systematic NEAR/1 (review OR overview)):ab,ti) OR ((meta NEAR/1 analy*):ab,ti) OR metaanalys*:ab,ti OR 'data extraction':ab OR cochrane:jt OR 'systematic review'/de



#1 AND #2 AND #5 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



#1 AND #2 AND #4 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



#1 AND #2 AND #3 AND [english]/lim AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it) NOT (('animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp)



'adverse event'/exp OR 'treatment outcome'/exp OR 'therapy effect'/exp OR 'follow up'/exp OR (((adverse* OR side OR treatment OR therapy) NEAR/3 (effect* OR event* OR outcome* OR affect* OR reaction*)):ti,ab,kw) OR followup:ti,ab,kw OR 'follow up':ti,ab,kw OR 'growth retardation'/exp OR 'catch up growth'/exp OR 'osteoporosis'/exp OR 'small intestine tumor'/exp OR 'enteropathy associated t cell lymphoma'/exp OR 'esophageal squamous cell carcinoma'/exp OR 'ulcerative jejunitis'/exp OR 'cardiovascular disease'/exp OR 'cardiovascular risk'/exp OR 'infertility'/exp OR 'pregnancy complication'/exp OR 'stillbirth'/exp OR 'body mass'/exp OR 'body weight disorder'/exp OR 'thyroid disease'/exp OR 'growth retardation':ti,ab,kw OR 'catch up growth':ti,ab,kw OR 'osteoporosis':ti,ab,kw OR (('small intestine' NEAR/2 (tumo*r* OR cancer* OR neoplas* OR malignan*)):ti,ab,kw) OR 'enteropathy-associated t-cell lymphoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'esophag* squamous cell carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'oesophag* squamous cell carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'squamous cell esophag* carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'squamous cell oesophag* carcinoma*':ti,ab,kw OR 'ulcerative jejunitis':ti,ab,kw OR hypertension:ti,ab,kw OR 'heart failure':ti,ab,kw OR 'coronary artery disease':ti,ab,kw OR 'cardiovascular disease*':ti,ab,kw OR 'cardiovascular risk*':ti,ab,kw OR 'infertility':ti,ab,kw OR ((pregnancy NEAR/3 (complication* OR disease* OR disorder*)):ti,ab,kw) OR stillbirth*:ti,ab,kw OR stillborn:ti,ab,kw OR 'body mass index':ti,ab,kw OR bmi:ti,ab,kw OR obese*:ti,ab,kw OR overweight*:ti,ab,kw OR obesit*:ti,ab,kw OR underweight*:ti,ab,kw OR 'small for gestational age':ti,ab,kw OR 'small for date':ti,ab,kw OR 'thyroid':ti,ab,kw



'quality of life'/exp OR ((life NEXT/1 qualit*):ab,ti) OR 'quality of life':ab,ti OR 'daily life activity'/exp OR 'activities of daily living':ab,ti OR (('daily living' NEXT/1 activit*):ab,ti) OR (('daily live' NEXT/1 activit*):ab,ti) OR 'adl':ab,ti OR 'chronic limitation of activity':ab,ti OR ((self NEXT/1 care*):ab,ti) OR 'health status'/exp OR 'health status':ab,ti OR 'level of health':ab,ti OR ((health NEXT/1 level*):ab,ti) OR 'qol':ab,ti OR 'hrql':ab,ti OR 'hrqol':ab,ti



'nutritional deficiency'/exp OR (((diet* OR nutriti* OR nutrional OR micronutrient* OR macronutrient* OR vitamin* OR mineral* OR food) NEAR/3 (deficien* OR insufficienc*)):ti,ab,kw) OR 'diet supplementation'/exp OR supplement*:ti,ab,kw OR malnutrition:ti,ab,kw OR malnourishment:ti,ab,kw OR undernourishment:ti,ab,kw OR undernutrition:ti,ab,kw OR underfeeding:ti,ab,kw



'gluten free diet'/exp OR ((gluten NEAR/3 diet):ti,ab,kw) OR gfd:ti,ab,kw



'celiac disease'/exp OR 'gluten ataxia'/exp OR 'dermatitis herpetiformis'/exp OR celiac*:ti,ab,kw OR coelia*:ti,ab,kw OR ((gluten NEAR/3 (enteropathy OR intolerance OR neuropathy OR disorder* OR sensitivity OR ataxia)):ti,ab,kw) OR (((dermatitis OR dermatosis OR duehring* OR duhri*g OR brocq OR brock) NEAR/3 (herpetiform* OR herpes OR disease)):ti,ab,kw)




Medline (OVID)


1   (gluten adj3 (enteropathy or intolerance or neuropathy or disorder* or sensitivity or ataxia)).ti,ab,kf. or ((dermatitis or dermatosis or duehring* or duhri*g or brocq or brock) adj3 (herpetiform* or herpes or disease)).ti,ab,kf. (36629)

2     exp Diet, Gluten-Free/ or (gluten adj3 diet).ti,ab,kf. (5787)

3     exp Malnutrition/ or malnutrition.ti,ab,kf. or malnourishment.ti,ab,kf. or undernourishment.ti,ab,kf. or undernutrition.ti,ab,kf. or underfeeding.ti,ab,kf. or ((diet* or nutriti* or nutrional or micronutrient* or macronutrient* or vitamin* or mineral* or food) adj3 (deficien* or insufficienc*)).ti,ab,kf. or supplement*.ti,ab,kf. (477297)

4     exp "Quality of Life"/ or (life adj1 qualit*).ti,ab,kf. or 'quality of life'.ti,ab,kf. or exp "Activities of Daily Living"/ or 'activities of daily living'.ti,ab,kf. or ('daily living' adj1 activit*).ti,ab,kf. or ('daily live' adj1 activit*).ti,ab,kf. or 'adl'.ti,ab,kf. or 'chronic limitation of activity'.ti,ab,kf. or (self adj1 care*).ti,ab,kf. or exp Health Status/ or 'health status'.ti,ab,kf. or 'level of health'.ti,ab,kf. or (health adj1 level*).ti,ab,kf. or 'qol'.ti,ab,kf. or 'hrql'.ti,ab,kf. or 'hrqol'.ti,ab,kf. (596127)

5     exp Treatment Outcome/ or ((adverse* or side or treatment or therapy) adj3 (effect* or event* or outcome* or affect* or reaction*)).ti,ab,kf. or followup.ti,ab,kf. or 'follow up'.ti,ab,kf. or exp Growth Disorders/ or exp Osteoporosis/ or exp Intestinal Neoplasms/ or exp Enteropathy-Associated T-Cell Lymphoma/ or exp Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma/ or exp Cardiovascular Diseases/ or exp Infertility/ or exp Pregnancy Complications/ or exp Stillbirth/ or exp Body Mass Index/ or exp Obesity/ or exp body weight/ or exp Thyroid Diseases/ or 'growth retardation'.ti,ab,kf. or 'catch up growth'.ti,ab,kf. or 'osteoporosis'.ti,ab,kf. or ('small intestine' adj2 (tumo*r* or cancer* or neoplas* or malignan*)).ti,ab,kf. or 'enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'esophag* squamous cell carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'oesophag* squamous cell carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'squamous cell esophag* carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'squamous cell oesophag* carcinoma*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'ulcerative jejunitis'.ti,ab,kf. or hypertension.ti,ab,kf. or 'heart failure'.ti,ab,kf. or 'coronary artery disease'.ti,ab,kf. or 'cardiovascular disease*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'cardiovascular risk*'.ti,ab,kf. or 'infertility'.ti,ab,kf. or (pregnancy adj3 (complication* or disease* or disorder*)).ti,ab,kf. or stillbirth*.ti,ab,kf. or stillborn.ti,ab,kf. or 'body mass index'.ti,ab,kf. or bmi.ti,ab,kf. or obese*.ti,ab,kf. or overweight*.ti,ab,kf. or obesit*.ti,ab,kf. or underweight*.ti,ab,kf. or 'small for gestational age'.ti,ab,kf. or 'small for date'.ti,ab,kf. or 'thyroid'.ti,ab,kf. (6055727)

6     1 and 2 and 3 (471)

7     1 and 2 and 4 (432)

8     1 and 2 and 5 (1864)

9     limit 6 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (341)

10     limit 7 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (387)

11     limit 8 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (1445)

12     (meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (meta adj analy$).tw. or ((systematic* or literature) adj2 review$1).tw. or (systematic adj overview$1).tw. or exp "Review Literature as Topic"/ or cochrane.ab. or cochrane.jw. or embase.ab. or medline.ab. or (psychlit or psyclit).ab. or (cinahl or cinhal).ab. or cancerlit.ab. or ((selection criteria or data extraction).ab. and "review"/)) not (Comment/ or Editorial/ or Letter/ or (animals/ not humans/)) (435224)

13     (exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.) not (animals/ not humans/) (1956325)

14     Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or (cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective*.tw. or prospective*.tw. or consecutive*.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/ [Onder exp cohort studies vallen ook longitudinale, prospectieve en retrospectieve studies] (3380465)

15     9 and 12 (28)

16     (9 and 13) not 15 (38)

17     (9 and 14) not (15 or 16) (69)

18     10 and 12 (27)

19     (10 and 13) not 18 (54)

20     (10 and 14) not (18 or 19) (115)

21     11 and 12 (67)

22     (11 and 13) not 21 (158)

23     (11 and 14) not (21 or 22) (505)

24     15 or 16 or 17 (135)

25     18 or 19 or 20 (196)

26     21 or 22 or 23 (730)



Module 3 Glutensensitiviteit zonder coeliakie


Table of excluded studies

Author and year

Reason for exclusion

Mansueto, 2014

Wrong study design (narrative review)

Meijer, 2015

Wrong study design (narrative review)

Molina-Infante, 2015

Wrong study design (lacks meta-analysis)

Tanveer, 2019

Wrong study design (lacks meta-analysis)

Usai-Satta, 2018

Wrong study design (narrative review)

Blackett, 2018

O does not meet PICO

Kabbani, 2014

C does not meet PICO

Skodje, 2017

O does not meet PICO

Tanpowpong, 2012

I does not meet PICO

Tovoli, 2019

C does not meet PICO

Biesierskie, 2011

Included in SR Lionetti, 2017

Biesierskie, 2013

Included in SR Lionetti, 2017

Bonciolini, 2015

O does not meet PICO

Capannolo, 2015

Included in SR Lionetti, 2017

Carroccio, 2012

Included in SR Lionetti, 2017

Catassi, 2015

Wrong study design (no comparative study)

Croall, 2020

C does not meet PICO

Di Sabatino, 2015

Included in SR Lionetti, 2017

Di Stefano, 2018

I does noet meet PICO

Elli, 2016

Included in SR Lionetti, 2017

Ianiro, 2019

No effect size reported

Ido, 2018

I does not meet PICO

Moleski, 2018

C does not meet PICO

Molina-Infante, 2017

Wrong study design (narrative review)

Shahbazkhani, 2015

Included in SR Lionetti, 2017

Vazquez-Roque, 2013

O does not meet PICO

Volta, 2014

Wrong study design (survey results)


Literature search strategy











#8 OR #9 OR #10



#4 AND #7 NOT (#8 OR #9)  = observationeel



#4 AND #6 NOT #8  = RCT



#4 AND #5 = SR



'major clinical study'/de OR 'clinical study'/de OR 'case control study'/de OR 'family study'/de OR 'longitudinal study'/de OR 'retrospective study'/de OR 'prospective study'/de OR 'cohort analysis'/de OR cohort*:ab,ti OR (('case control' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('follow up' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (observational NEAR/1 (study OR studies)) OR ((epidemiologic NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('cross sectional' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti)



'clinical trial'/exp OR 'randomization'/exp OR 'single blind procedure'/exp OR 'double blind procedure'/exp OR 'crossover procedure'/exp OR 'placebo'/exp OR 'prospective study'/exp OR rct:ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti OR 'randomised controlled trial':ab,ti OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp OR placebo*:ab,ti



'meta analysis'/exp OR 'meta analysis (topic)'/exp OR metaanaly*:ti,ab OR 'meta analy*':ti,ab OR metanaly*:ti,ab OR 'systematic review'/de OR 'cochrane database of systematic reviews'/jt OR prisma:ti,ab OR prospero:ti,ab OR (((systemati* OR scoping OR umbrella OR 'structured literature') NEAR/3 (review* OR overview*)):ti,ab) OR ((systemic* NEAR/1 review*):ti,ab) OR (((systemati* OR literature OR database* OR 'data base*') NEAR/10 search*):ti,ab) OR (((structured OR comprehensive* OR systemic*) NEAR/3 search*):ti,ab) OR (((literature NEAR/3 review*):ti,ab) AND (search*:ti,ab OR database*:ti,ab OR 'data base*':ti,ab)) OR (('data extraction':ti,ab OR 'data source*':ti,ab) AND 'study selection':ti,ab) OR ('search strategy':ti,ab AND 'selection criteria':ti,ab) OR ('data source*':ti,ab AND 'data synthesis':ti,ab) OR medline:ab OR pubmed:ab OR embase:ab OR cochrane:ab OR (((critical OR rapid) NEAR/2 (review* OR overview* OR synthes*)):ti) OR ((((critical* OR rapid*) NEAR/3 (review* OR overview* OR synthes*)):ab) AND (search*:ab OR database*:ab OR 'data base*':ab)) OR metasynthes*:ti,ab OR 'meta synthes*':ti,ab



(#1 OR #2) AND #3 AND ([english]/lim OR [dutch]/lim) AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it)



'gluten-free diet'/exp OR 'gluten'/exp/mj OR gluten*:ti,ab,kw OR gdf:ti,ab,kw



'irritable colon'/exp OR ((colon* NEAR/3 (spasm* OR irritable)):ti,ab,kw) OR 'irritable bowel syndrome':ti,ab,kw



'non celiac gluten sensitivity'/exp OR 'non celiac wheat sensitivity'/exp OR 'non celiac gluten sensitivity':ti,ab,kw OR 'non celiac wheat sensitivity':ti,ab,kw OR 'non celiac gluten sensitivity':ti,ab,kw OR 'non celiac wheat sensitivity':ti,ab,kw OR (((celiac* OR coelia*) NEAR/3 (without OR undiagnosed)):ti,ab,kw) OR 'low fodmap diet'/exp OR fodmap:ti,ab,kw OR ncgs:ti,ab,kw













9 or 10 or 11



(5 and 8) not (9 or 10)  = observationeel



(5 and 7) not 9  = RCT



5 and 6  = SR



Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or cohort*.tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective*.tw. or prospective*.tw. or consecutive*.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/



exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.



meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (metaanaly* or meta-analy* or metanaly*).ti,ab,kf. or systematic review/ or cochrane.jw. or (prisma or prospero).ti,ab,kf. or ((systemati* or scoping or umbrella or "structured literature") adj3 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab,kf. or (systemic* adj1 review*).ti,ab,kf. or ((systemati* or literature or database* or data-base*) adj10 search*).ti,ab,kf. or ((structured or comprehensive* or systemic*) adj3 search*).ti,ab,kf. or ((literature adj3 review*) and (search* or database* or data-base*)).ti,ab,kf. or (("data extraction" or "data source*") and "study selection").ti,ab,kf. or ("search strategy" and "selection criteria").ti,ab,kf. or ("data source*" and "data synthesis").ti,ab,kf. or (medline or pubmed or embase or cochrane).ab. or ((critical or rapid) adj2 (review* or overview* or synthes*)).ti. or (((critical* or rapid*) adj3 (review* or overview* or synthes*)) and (search* or database* or data-base*)).ab. or (metasynthes* or meta-synthes*).ti,ab,kf.



limit 4 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current")



(1 or 2) and 3



exp Diet, Gluten-Free/ or exp *Glutens/ or gluten*.ti,ab,kf. or gfd.ti,ab,kf.



exp Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ or (colon* adj3 (spasm* or irritable)).ti,ab,kf. or 'irritable bowel syndrome'.ti,ab,kf.



('non celiac gluten sensitivity' or 'non celiac wheat sensitivity' or 'non celiac gluten sensitivity' or 'non celiac wheat sensitivity' or ((celiac* or coelia*) adj3 (without or undiagnosed)) or fodmap or ncgs).ti,ab,kf.




Module 4a Monitoring van coeliakie bij volwassenen


Table of excluded studies

Author and year

Reason for exclusion


Based on screening of title and abstract, no studies were selected.


Embase; date: 08-12-2020





#10 OR #11 OR #12



#6 AND #9 NOT (#10 OR #11) = observationeel



#6 AND #8 NOT #10 = RCT



#6 AND #7 = SR



'major clinical study'/de OR 'clinical study'/de OR 'case control study'/de OR 'family study'/de OR 'longitudinal study'/de OR 'retrospective study'/de OR 'prospective study'/de OR 'cohort analysis'/de OR cohort*:ab,ti OR (('case control' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('follow up' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (observational NEAR/1 (study OR studies)) OR ((epidemiologic NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('cross sectional' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti)



'clinical trial'/exp OR 'randomization'/exp OR 'single blind procedure'/exp OR 'double blind procedure'/exp OR 'crossover procedure'/exp OR 'placebo'/exp OR 'prospective study'/exp OR rct:ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti OR 'randomised controlled trial':ab,ti OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp OR placebo*:ab,ti



'meta analysis'/exp OR 'meta analysis (topic)'/exp OR metaanaly*:ti,ab OR 'meta analy*':ti,ab OR metanaly*:ti,ab OR 'systematic review'/de OR 'cochrane database of systematic reviews'/jt OR prisma:ti,ab OR prospero:ti,ab OR (((systemati* OR scoping OR umbrella OR 'structured literature') NEAR/3 (review* OR overview*)):ti,ab) OR ((systemic* NEAR/1 review*):ti,ab) OR (((systemati* OR literature OR database* OR 'data base*') NEAR/10 search*):ti,ab) OR (((structured OR comprehensive* OR systemic*) NEAR/3 search*):ti,ab) OR (((literature NEAR/3 review*):ti,ab) AND (search*:ti,ab OR database*:ti,ab OR 'data base*':ti,ab)) OR (('data extraction':ti,ab OR 'data source*':ti,ab) AND 'study selection':ti,ab) OR ('search strategy':ti,ab AND 'selection criteria':ti,ab) OR ('data source*':ti,ab AND 'data synthesis':ti,ab) OR medline:ab OR pubmed:ab OR embase:ab OR cochrane:ab OR (((critical OR rapid) NEAR/2 (review* OR overview* OR synthes*)):ti) OR ((((critical* OR rapid*) NEAR/3 (review* OR overview* OR synthes*)):ab) AND (search*:ab OR database*:ab OR 'data base*':ab)) OR metasynthes*:ti,ab OR 'meta synthes*':ti,ab



#1 AND #2 AND (#3 OR #4 OR #5) AND ([english]/lim OR [dutch]/lim) AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it)



'serology'/exp OR serolog*:ti,ab,kw OR 'protein glutamine gamma glutamyltransferase antibody'/exp OR (((tg* OR ttg* OR tissuetransglutaminase*) NEAR/3 antibod*):ti,ab,kw) OR 'anti-tissue transglutaminase':ti,ab,kw OR ttg:ti,ab,kw



'quality of life'/exp OR 'european quality of life 5 dimensions questionnaire'/exp OR 'eq5d':ti,ab,kw OR 'eq 5d':ti,ab,kw OR 'eqol-5d':ti,ab,kw OR euroqol:ti,ab,kw OR euroquol:ti,ab,kw OR 'european quality of life questionnaire':ti,ab,kw OR 'european quality of life 5 dimensions':ti,ab,kw OR 'coeliac disease assessment questionnaire':ti,ab,kw OR cdaq:ti,ab,kw OR cddux:ti,ab,kw OR 'cd dux':ti,ab,kw OR 'celiac disease dux':ti,ab,kw



'bone densitometry'/exp OR 'bone density'/exp OR bmd:ti,ab,kw OR ((bone NEAR/3 densit*):ti,ab,kw) OR 'dual energy x ray absorptiometry'/exp OR 'dual energy x ray':ti,ab,kw OR dexa*:ti,ab,kw OR dxa:ti,ab,kw OR 'dual emission x ray':ti,ab,kw OR 'dual energy roentgen':ti,ab,kw OR 'dual energy xray':ti,ab,kw OR 'dual x ray absorptiometry':ti,ab,kw



'follow up'/exp OR 'follow* up':ti,ab,kw OR 'monitoring'/exp OR monitor*:ti,ab,kw



'celiac disease'/exp OR celiac*:ti,ab,kw OR coelia*:ti,ab,kw








11 or 12 or 13



(7 and 10) not (11 or 12) = observationeel



(7 and 9) not 11 = RCT



7 and 8 = SR



Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or cohort*.tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective*.tw. or prospective*.tw. or consecutive*.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/



exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.



meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (metaanaly* or meta-analy* or metanaly*).ti,ab,kf. or systematic review/ or cochrane.jw. or (prisma or prospero).ti,ab,kf. or ((systemati* or scoping or umbrella or "structured literature") adj3 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab,kf. or (systemic* adj1 review*).ti,ab,kf. or ((systemati* or literature or database* or data-base*) adj10 search*).ti,ab,kf. or ((structured or comprehensive* or systemic*) adj3 search*).ti,ab,kf. or ((literature adj3 review*) and (search* or database* or data-base*)).ti,ab,kf. or (("data extraction" or "data source*") and "study selection").ti,ab,kf. or ("search strategy" and "selection criteria").ti,ab,kf. or ("data source*" and "data synthesis").ti,ab,kf. or (medline or pubmed or embase or cochrane).ab. or ((critical or rapid) adj2 (review* or overview* or synthes*)).ti. or (((critical* or rapid*) adj3 (review* or overview* or synthes*)) and (search* or database* or data-base*)).ab. or (metasynthes* or meta-synthes*).ti,ab,kf.



limit 6 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current")



1 and 2 and (3 or 4 or 5)



exp Quality of Life/ or 'EQ5D'.ti,ab,kf. or 'EQ 5D'.ti,ab,kf. or 'EQoL-5D'.ti,ab,kf. or EuroQol.ti,ab,kf. or EuroQuol.ti,ab,kf. or 'European Quality of Life questionnaire'.ti,ab,kf. or 'European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions'.ti,ab,kf. or 'coeliac disease assessment questionnaire'.ti,ab,kf. or cdaq.ti,ab,kf. or CDDUX.ti,ab,kf. or 'cd dux'.ti,ab,kf. or 'Celiac Disease DUX'.ti,ab,kf.



exp Bone Density/ or bmd.ti,ab,kf. or (bone adj3 densit*).ti,ab,kf. or exp Absorptiometry, Photon/ or 'dual energy X ray'.ti,ab,kf. or dexa*.ti,ab,kf. or DXA.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual emission X ray'.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual energy Roentgen'.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual energy Xray'.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual X ray absorptiometry'.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual X ray absorptiometry'.ti,ab,kf.



exp Serologic Tests/ or exp serology/ or serolog*.ti,ab,kf. or exp Transglutaminases/ or ((tg* or ttg* or tissuetransglutaminase*) adj3 antibod*).ti,ab,kf. or ttg.ti,ab,kf. or 'anti-tissue transglutaminase'.ti,ab,kf.



exp Follow-Up Studies/ or exp Aftercare/ or 'follow* up'.ti,ab,kf. or monitor*.ti,ab,kf.



exp Celiac Disease/ or celiac*.ti,ab,kf. or coelia*.ti,ab,kf.




Module 4b Monitoring van coeliakie bij kinderen


Table of excluded studies

Author and year

Reason for exclusion


Based on screening of title and abstract, no studies were selected.


Embase; date: 08-12-2020





#10 OR #11 OR #12



#6 AND #9 NOT (#10 OR #11) = observationeel



#6 AND #8 NOT #10 = RCT



#6 AND #7 = SR



'major clinical study'/de OR 'clinical study'/de OR 'case control study'/de OR 'family study'/de OR 'longitudinal study'/de OR 'retrospective study'/de OR 'prospective study'/de OR 'cohort analysis'/de OR cohort*:ab,ti OR (('case control' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('follow up' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (observational NEAR/1 (study OR studies)) OR ((epidemiologic NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti) OR (('cross sectional' NEAR/1 (study OR studies)):ab,ti)



'clinical trial'/exp OR 'randomization'/exp OR 'single blind procedure'/exp OR 'double blind procedure'/exp OR 'crossover procedure'/exp OR 'placebo'/exp OR 'prospective study'/exp OR rct:ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR 'single blind':ab,ti OR 'randomised controlled trial':ab,ti OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp OR placebo*:ab,ti



'meta analysis'/exp OR 'meta analysis (topic)'/exp OR metaanaly*:ti,ab OR 'meta analy*':ti,ab OR metanaly*:ti,ab OR 'systematic review'/de OR 'cochrane database of systematic reviews'/jt OR prisma:ti,ab OR prospero:ti,ab OR (((systemati* OR scoping OR umbrella OR 'structured literature') NEAR/3 (review* OR overview*)):ti,ab) OR ((systemic* NEAR/1 review*):ti,ab) OR (((systemati* OR literature OR database* OR 'data base*') NEAR/10 search*):ti,ab) OR (((structured OR comprehensive* OR systemic*) NEAR/3 search*):ti,ab) OR (((literature NEAR/3 review*):ti,ab) AND (search*:ti,ab OR database*:ti,ab OR 'data base*':ti,ab)) OR (('data extraction':ti,ab OR 'data source*':ti,ab) AND 'study selection':ti,ab) OR ('search strategy':ti,ab AND 'selection criteria':ti,ab) OR ('data source*':ti,ab AND 'data synthesis':ti,ab) OR medline:ab OR pubmed:ab OR embase:ab OR cochrane:ab OR (((critical OR rapid) NEAR/2 (review* OR overview* OR synthes*)):ti) OR ((((critical* OR rapid*) NEAR/3 (review* OR overview* OR synthes*)):ab) AND (search*:ab OR database*:ab OR 'data base*':ab)) OR metasynthes*:ti,ab OR 'meta synthes*':ti,ab



#1 AND #2 AND (#3 OR #4 OR #5) AND ([english]/lim OR [dutch]/lim) AND [2000-2020]/py NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it)



'serology'/exp OR serolog*:ti,ab,kw OR 'protein glutamine gamma glutamyltransferase antibody'/exp OR (((tg* OR ttg* OR tissuetransglutaminase*) NEAR/3 antibod*):ti,ab,kw) OR 'anti-tissue transglutaminase':ti,ab,kw OR ttg:ti,ab,kw



'quality of life'/exp OR 'european quality of life 5 dimensions questionnaire'/exp OR 'eq5d':ti,ab,kw OR 'eq 5d':ti,ab,kw OR 'eqol-5d':ti,ab,kw OR euroqol:ti,ab,kw OR euroquol:ti,ab,kw OR 'european quality of life questionnaire':ti,ab,kw OR 'european quality of life 5 dimensions':ti,ab,kw OR 'coeliac disease assessment questionnaire':ti,ab,kw OR cdaq:ti,ab,kw OR cddux:ti,ab,kw OR 'cd dux':ti,ab,kw OR 'celiac disease dux':ti,ab,kw



'bone densitometry'/exp OR 'bone density'/exp OR bmd:ti,ab,kw OR ((bone NEAR/3 densit*):ti,ab,kw) OR 'dual energy x ray absorptiometry'/exp OR 'dual energy x ray':ti,ab,kw OR dexa*:ti,ab,kw OR dxa:ti,ab,kw OR 'dual emission x ray':ti,ab,kw OR 'dual energy roentgen':ti,ab,kw OR 'dual energy xray':ti,ab,kw OR 'dual x ray absorptiometry':ti,ab,kw



'follow up'/exp OR 'follow* up':ti,ab,kw OR 'monitoring'/exp OR monitor*:ti,ab,kw



'celiac disease'/exp OR celiac*:ti,ab,kw OR coelia*:ti,ab,kw








11 or 12 or 13



(7 and 10) not (11 or 12) = observationeel



(7 and 9) not 11 = RCT



7 and 8 = SR



Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or cohort*.tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective*.tw. or prospective*.tw. or consecutive*.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/



exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.



meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (metaanaly* or meta-analy* or metanaly*).ti,ab,kf. or systematic review/ or cochrane.jw. or (prisma or prospero).ti,ab,kf. or ((systemati* or scoping or umbrella or "structured literature") adj3 (review* or overview*)).ti,ab,kf. or (systemic* adj1 review*).ti,ab,kf. or ((systemati* or literature or database* or data-base*) adj10 search*).ti,ab,kf. or ((structured or comprehensive* or systemic*) adj3 search*).ti,ab,kf. or ((literature adj3 review*) and (search* or database* or data-base*)).ti,ab,kf. or (("data extraction" or "data source*") and "study selection").ti,ab,kf. or ("search strategy" and "selection criteria").ti,ab,kf. or ("data source*" and "data synthesis").ti,ab,kf. or (medline or pubmed or embase or cochrane).ab. or ((critical or rapid) adj2 (review* or overview* or synthes*)).ti. or (((critical* or rapid*) adj3 (review* or overview* or synthes*)) and (search* or database* or data-base*)).ab. or (metasynthes* or meta-synthes*).ti,ab,kf.



limit 6 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current")



1 and 2 and (3 or 4 or 5)



exp Quality of Life/ or 'EQ5D'.ti,ab,kf. or 'EQ 5D'.ti,ab,kf. or 'EQoL-5D'.ti,ab,kf. or EuroQol.ti,ab,kf. or EuroQuol.ti,ab,kf. or 'European Quality of Life questionnaire'.ti,ab,kf. or 'European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions'.ti,ab,kf. or 'coeliac disease assessment questionnaire'.ti,ab,kf. or cdaq.ti,ab,kf. or CDDUX.ti,ab,kf. or 'cd dux'.ti,ab,kf. or 'Celiac Disease DUX'.ti,ab,kf.



exp Bone Density/ or bmd.ti,ab,kf. or (bone adj3 densit*).ti,ab,kf. or exp Absorptiometry, Photon/ or 'dual energy X ray'.ti,ab,kf. or dexa*.ti,ab,kf. or DXA.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual emission X ray'.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual energy Roentgen'.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual energy Xray'.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual X ray absorptiometry'.ti,ab,kf. or 'dual X ray absorptiometry'.ti,ab,kf.



exp Serologic Tests/ or exp serology/ or serolog*.ti,ab,kf. or exp Transglutaminases/ or ((tg* or ttg* or tissuetransglutaminase*) adj3 antibod*).ti,ab,kf. or ttg.ti,ab,kf. or 'anti-tissue transglutaminase'.ti,ab,kf.



exp Follow-Up Studies/ or exp Aftercare/ or 'follow* up'.ti,ab,kf. or monitor*.ti,ab,kf.



exp Celiac Disease/ or celiac*.ti,ab,kf. or coelia*.ti,ab,kf.



Module 5 Randvoorwaarden (Organisatie van zorg)

Not applicable (no systematic literature search).