Review protocol


Interventions/ epidemiology

Review question(s)

What are the effects of different types of psychotherapy in patients with a DSM-classified personality disorder?


  1. When compared to a specific therapy developed for personality disorders, is generic therapy, more effective? Answered for:
    1. Paranoid personality disorder
    2. Schizoid personality disorder
    3. Schizotypal personality disorder
    4. Antisocial personality disorder
    5. Borderline personality disorder
    6. Histrionic personality disorder
    7. Narcissistic personality disorder
    8. Avoidant personality disorder
    9. Dependent personality disorder
    10. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
    11. Other specified personality disorder


Relative efficacy of psychotherapies for subtypes of PD

Benefits and harms of psychotherapies

Criteria for considering studies for the review

  • Types of participants

People with a DSM-classified personality disorder.

  • Intervention

One of the following psychotherapeutic interventions

  1. Specialistische behandelingen voor persoonlijkheidsstoornissen
    1. Mentalization based therapy (MBT)
    2. Dialectische gedragstherapie(DGT)
    4. Transference focused psychotherapy (TFP)
    5. Vaardigheden en EmotieregulatieStrategieën (VERS)
    6. Affectfobietherapie (AFT)
    7. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
    8. Gemanualiseerde vorm van CGT)[1]
    9. Cognitive analytical therapy (CAT)
    10. Gemanualiseerde vorm van Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
  2. Generalistische behandelingen voor persoonlijkheidsstoornis
    1. Good psychiatric management (GPM)
    2. Structured clinical management (SCM)
    3. Good clinical care (GCC)
    4. Supportive psychotherapy (SPT)
    5. Guideline-Informed Treatment for Personality Disorders (GIT-PD)
  • Comparator

Treatment as usual (TAU)

Waiting list or no treatment

Comparison with one or multiple other treatment(s)

NB with this comparator no conclusions can be drawn with respect to efficacy of individual treatment.

  • Critical outcomes
  •  Kwaliteit van leven
  • Important outcomes
  • lijdensdruk en disfunctioneren
  • symptomatisch herstel
    • Verminderen van de ernst van de persoonlijkheidsstoornis
    • Verminderen van depressieve klachten
    • Verminderen van zelfbeschadiging
    • Verminderen van suïcidaal gedrag

sociaal-maatschappelijk herstel, incl. vermindering recidiverisico

  • Time

Studies of any duration were included, results measured at end of treatment were used, since this was the most frequently used time point.

  • Study design

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials (RCT)

  • Dosage


  • Study setting/country

Including primary, secondary, tertiary health and social care and healthcare settings

Search strategy

Databases searched: Medline,, PsycInfo, Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Date limiters: from 01-01-2007

Other limiters: Only English, German and Dutch articles

Study design filter used

Yes. Systematische reviews and meta-analyses

Question specific search strategy



Searching other resources


The review strategy

The information specialist will carry out the search strategy. The reviewer(s) will select the studies in two phases, based on the ‘Criteria for considering studies for the review’ above:

1. Based on title and abstract. When included or in doubt:

2. based on full text.

A second reviewer is available for cross-checking, help and advice.


If a recent, well performed systematic review appropriate to the review question is found, it will not be supplemented with studies published since the review.


Certainty of all outcomes will be assessed using GRADE. Results are summarised and described narratively.


[1] Aangepast aan specifieke types van persoonlijkheidsstoornissen