

Tijdens de ontwikkeling van de richtlijn Vaattoegang voor hemodialyse is systematisch gezocht naar onderzoeksbevindingen die nuttig konden zijn voor het beantwoorden van de uitgangsvragen. Een deel (of een onderdeel) van de hiervoor opgestelde zoekvragen is met het resultaat van deze zoekacties te beantwoorden, een groot deel echter niet. Door gebruik te maken van de evidence-based richtlijn methodiek (EBRO) is duidelijk geworden dat er nog kennislacunes bestaan. De werkgroep is van mening dat (vervolg)onderzoek wenselijk is om in de toekomst een duidelijker antwoord te kunnen geven op vragen uit de praktijk. Om deze reden heeft de werkgroep per module aangegeven op welke vlakken nader onderzoek gewenst is. Daarbij is ook aangegeven welke kennislacunes volgens de werkgroep de hoogste prioriteit hebben. Vervolgens heeft de werkgroep op basis van bestaande internationale richtlijnen in kaart gebracht welke andere kennisvragen belangrijk zijn om te beantwoorden.


Kennislacunes die als uitgangsvraag werden behandeld in deze richtlijn

Met hoge prioriteit

Submodule 2.3

1. Type of vascular access

a. fistula/graft versus central venous catheter

P: patients receiving a new vascular access for hemodialysis;

I: autologous arteriovenous fistula or synthetic arteriovenous graft;

C: central venous catheter;

O: vascular access function (access-related intervention rate, proportion of functional vascular access), health-related quality of life, complications, patient satisfaction, mortality.


b. fistula versus graft

P: patients receiving a new vascular access for hemodialysis;

I: autologous arteriovenous fistula;

C: synthetic arteriovenous graft;

O: vascular access function (access-related intervention rate, proportion of functional arteriovenous fistulas or grafts), health-related quality of life, complications, patient satisfaction, mortality.


Deze vragen zijn met name onvoldoende onderzocht bij ouderen en patiënten met een beperkte levensverwachting. Deze kennislacune wordt momenteel onderzocht in de Nederlandse OASIS Zorgevaluatie.


Module 3

P: patients receiving an AV access for hemodialysis;

I: pre-operative upper extremity/hand exercises;

C: usual care;

O: health-related quality of life, function (number interventions needed to keep access patent), patient satisfaction, complications (stenosis, thrombosis, infection, cardiovascular events), mortality.


Deze kennislacune wordt momenteel onderzocht in de Nederlandse PINCH Zorgevaluatie.


P: patients receiving an AV access for hemodialysis;

I: postoperative upper extremity/hand exercises;

C: usual care;

O: health-related quality of life, function (number of interventions needed to keep access.


Module 4

P: patients with an AV fistula or graft;

I: cannulation guided by ultrasound;

C: cannulation without ultrasound;

O: health-related quality of life, function, patient satisfaction, complications, mortality.


Module 5

P: patients with an AV fistula or graft for hemodialysis;

I: surveillance and pre-emptive intervention for av access stenosis not associated with clinical indicators;

C: treatment of stenosis when hemodialysis is affected;

O: AV access function, thrombosis, health-related quality of life, vascular access loss.


Deze kennislacune wordt momenteel onderzocht in de Nederlandse FLOW Zorgevaluatie.


Module 9

P: patients with an asymptomatic high flow arteriovenous fistula;

I/C: minimal flow for correction;

O: health-related quality of life, function (number of interventions per year needed to keep access patent), patient satisfaction, complications (stenosis, thrombosis, infection, cardiovascular events), mortality.


Module 10

P: patients with an unused arteriovenous fistula or graft after successful kidney transplantation;

I: surgical closure of the vascular access;

C: preservation of the vascular access;

O: mortality, quality of life, cardiovascular events.


Overige kennislacunes

Submodule 2.1

P: patients receiving a new arteriovenous fistula or graft;

I/C: minimal diameter of artery and vein for:

1. Radiocephalic fistula.

2. Brachiocephalic fistula.

3. Brachiobasilic fistula.

4. Arteriovenous graft.

O: vascular access function (access-related intervention rate, proportion of functional arteriovenous fistulas or grafts, early vascular access thrombosis), health-related quality of life, patient satisfaction, mortality.


Submodule 2.2

P: patients with a CIED who receive an arteriovenous fistula or graft;

I: creation of the vascular access on the same side as the CIED;

C: creation of the vascular access on the other side as the CIED;

O: vascular access function (access-related intervention rate, proportion of functional arteriovenous fistulas or grafts), health-related quality of life, complications (symptomatic thoracic central venous obstruction), patient satisfaction, mortality.


P: patients with a central venous catheter who receive an arteriovenous fistula or graft;

I: creation of the vascular access on the same side as the catheter;

C: creation of the vascular access on the other side as the catheter;

O: vascular access function (access-related intervention rate, proportion of functional arteriovenous fistulas or grafts), health-related quality of life, complications (symptomatic thoracic central venous obstruction), patient satisfaction, mortality.


2. Location of vascular access

a. fistula

P: patients receiving a new arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis;

I: radiocephalic fistula/ brachiocephalic fistula / brachiobasilic fistula;

C: other location (including location mentioned under I);

O: vascular access function (access-related intervention rate, proportion of functional arteriovenous fistulas), health-related quality of life, complications, patient satisfaction, mortality.


b. graft

P: patients receiving a new arteriovenous graft for hemodialysis;

I: upper arm graft;

C: forearm graft;

O: vascular access function (access-related intervention rate, proportion of functional arteriovenous grafts), health-related quality of life, complications, patient satisfaction, mortality.


Module 6

P: patients with vascular access flow dysfunction;

I: bare metal stent (BMS) placement;

C: balloon angioplasty;

O: fistula/graft function, mortality, quality of life.


Module 7

P: hemodialysis patients with a catheter-related blood stream infection;

I: systemic antibiotic treatment and central venous catheter removal;

C: systemic antibiotic treatment only;

O: access-related intervention rate, recurrent infections, complications, patient-reported outcomes, survival.


P: hemodialysis patients who require systemic antibiotic treatment and central venous catheter removal for a catheter-related blood stream infection;

I: insertion of a new central venous catheter by guidewire exchange;

C: insertion of a new central venous catheter at a new access site;

O: access-related intervention rate, recurrent infections, complications, patient-reported outcomes, survival.


Module 8

P: patients with vascular access-induced ischemia;

I: distal revascularization with interval ligation (DRIL);

C: proximalisation of arterial inflow (PAI);

O: health-related quality of life, function (number of interventions needed to keep access patent), patient satisfaction, complications (stenosis, thrombosis, infection, cardiovascular events), mortality.


Module 9

P: patients with a high flow arteriovenous fistula;

I: fistula banding;

C: revision using distal inflow (RUDI);

O: health-related quality of life, function (number of interventions per year needed to keep access patent), patient satisfaction, complications (stenosis, thrombosis, infection, cardiovascular events), mortality.


Relevante kennishiaten die niet als uitgangsvraag werden behandeld in deze richtlijn

Hoge prioriteit

Module 2


Module 4


Overige kennishiaten

Module 2


Module 3


Module 4


Module 5


Module 6


Module 7


Module 8


Module 9


Module 11


Bijlage 2


Bijlage 3


Bijlage 4