
Ter informatie: indien achter de auteursnaam niet vermeld is of de studie al dan niet werd gesponsord door de industrie, is dit niet bekend.


Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, malnourished patients; major abdominal surgery, outcome: 1.1 mortality.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, malnourished patients; major abdominal surgery, outcome: 1.2 overall complications.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, malnourished patients; major abdominal surgery, outcome: 1.3 infectious complications.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, malnourished patients; major abdominal surgery, outcome: 1.4 length of hospital stay [days].



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients; well-nourished patients, abdominal surgery, outcome: 1.1 overall complications.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients; well-nourished patients, abdominal surgery, outcome: 1.2 infectious complications.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients; well-nourished patients, abdominal surgery, outcome: 1.3 length of hospital stay [days].



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, major abdominal surgery, 'mixed' patient groups, outcome: 1.1 mortality.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, major abdominal surgery, 'mixed' patient groups, outcome: 1.2 overall complications.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, major abdominal surgery, 'mixed' patient groups, outcome: 1.3 infectious complications.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, major abdominal surgery, 'mixed' patient groups, outcome: 1.4 length of hospital stay [days].



Funnel plot of comparison: 1 immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, major abdominal surgery, ‘mixed’ patient groups, outcome: 1.2 overall complications.F12

Toelichting: op de X-as staan de effectgroottes en op de Y-as de standaardfouten van een uitkomstmaat. Elke studie is aangegeven met een bolletje. Kleinere studies hebben grotere standaardfouten en zijn daarom wijder verspreid aan de onderkant van de figuur, terwijl grotere studies met kleinere standaardfouten dichter bij elkaar liggen aan de bovenzijde van de figuur. Indien er geen publicatie bias is, mag verwacht worden dat de effectgroottes het patroon van een omgekeerde trechter (of kerstboom) vertonen. 


Funnel plot of comparison: 1 immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, major abdominal surgery, ‘mixed’ patient groups, outcome: 1.3 infectious complications.



Funnel plot of comparison: 1 immunonutrients versus no immunonutrients, major abdominal surgery, ‘mixed’ patient groups, outcome: 1.4 length of hospital stay [days].



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no postoperative immunonutrients; head and neck surgery; outcome: 1.1 mortality.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no postoperative immunonutrients; head and neck surgery, outcome: 1.2 wound infections.



Forest plot of comparison: 1 postoperative immunonutrients versus no postoperative immunonutrients; head and neck surgery, outcome: 1.3 length of hospital stay [days].
