Implementation plan


This plan has been drawn up with the aim of advancing the implementation of these guidelines. In order to compile this plan, an inventory of factors that could either facilitate or hinder the recommendations was carried out. The guideline working group has made recommendations concerning the timeline for implementation, the preconditions necessary for this and the actions that should be taken by various parties.



In order to arrive at this plan, the working group has applied the following to each recommendation in the guidelines:


Readers of this implementation plan should take the differences between ‘strong’ recommedations and ‘weak’ recommendations into account. In the former case, the working group clearly states what should or should not be done. In the latter case, the recommendation is less strong and the working group expresses a preference but leaves more room for alternatives. One reason for this could be that there is insufficient research evidence to support the recommendation. A weak recommendation can be recognised by its formulation and may begin with something like ‘Consider the…(Overweeg)’. The working group has considered the implementation of both weak and strong recommendations.


Implementation plan


Timeline for implementation:

< 1 year,

1 to 3 years or

> 3 years

Expected effects on costs

Preconditions for implementation (within specified timeframe)

Possible barriers for implementation1

Supposed actions for implementation2

Who is responsible for the action(s)3

Other comments

























1 Barriers can exist at the level of the professional, at the level of the organization (the hospital) or at the level of the system (outside the hospital). Consider, for example, disagreement with regard to the recommendation in different organizations, insufficient motivation or knowledge of the specialist, insufficient facilities or personnel, necessary concentration of care, costs, poor cooperation between disciplines, necessary rearrangement of tasks, et cetera.

2 Actions that are necessary for implementation, but also actions that are possible to encourage implementation. Consider, for example, checking the recommendation during a quality review, publication of the guideline, developing implementation tools, informing hospital administrators, arranging proper reimbursement for a certain type of treatment, making cooperation agreements.

3 Who is responsibilities for implementation of the recommendations will also depend on the level of barriers. Barriers at the level of the professional will often have to be resolved by the professional association. Organizational barriers will often be the responsibility of hospital administrators. Other parties, such as the NZA and health insurers, are also important in resolving barriers at system level.


Actions to be undertaken by each party

Below is a list of actions that in the opinion of the guideline working group should be undertaken to facilitate the implementation of the guidelines.


All academic and professional organisations that are directly involved


Initiatives to be undertaken by the professional organisation


Local professional groups/ individual medical professionals


The system stakeholders (including health insurers, NZA, hospital managers and their associations, IGZ)

Health insurers are expected to reimburse the costs of the care that is prescribed in the guideline. When the time frames for implementation have elapsed, health insurers can use the strong recommendations in these guidelines for purposes of purchasing care.


Researchers and subsidy providers

Initiate research into the knowledge gaps, preferably in a European setting.


Knowledge Institute Federation of Medical Specialists

Publicise these guidelines among the staff and contect to development of related guidelines.

Add guidelines to guideline database. Incorporate this implementation plan in a place where all parties will be able to find it.