Overzicht van systematic reviews en meta-analyses

Studie, jaar


Aantal studies

Lokalisatie keratose



Participant complete clearance rate

Lesion clearance rate % per area/patient

Pigmentveranderingen en Lokale huidreacties

Overige uitkomstmaten per review

Gupta, 2012

Studietype: Cochrane review


83 RCTs met een totale sample size van 10,036 patienten.


Een deel van de vergelijkingen is in deze richtlijn geëxcudeerd.



Lesions were located on the head only (i.e. face, forehead, temples, cheeks, scalp, ear, lips, and neck) in 59 studies, on only non-head locations (up- per and lower extremities, legs, arms, elbow, forearms, hands, dorsa

of hands, shoulder, décolleté, chest, trunk, and back) in 9 studies,

and on both head and non-head locations (including the term

”other“) in 22 studies. One study did not specify the location of

the lesions. In general, lesions were more often located on the face

and scalp, which are easy to reach.

The RCTs betroffen 18 topicale behandelingen, 1 orale behandeling, 2 mechanische interventies, en 3 chemische interventies, incl. photodynamic therapy (PDT)

A significant number of participants withdrew because of adverse events with 144 participants affected out of 1000 taking 3% diclofenac

in 2.5% hyaluronic acid, compared to 40 participants affected out of 1000 taking 2.5% hyaluronic acid alone, and 56 participants

affected out of 1000 taking 5% imiquimod compared to 21 participants affected out of 1000 taking placebo.

The primary outcome ’participant complete clearance’ significantly favoured four field-directed treatments compared to vehicle or

placebo: 3% diclofenac in 2.5% hyaluronic acid (RR 2.46, 95% CI 1.66 to 3.66; 3 studies with 420 participants), 0.5% 5-fluorouracil

(RR 8.86, 95% CI: 3.67 to 21.44; 3 studies with 522 participants), 5% imiquimod (RR 7.70, 95% CI 4.63 to 12.79; 9 studies

with1871 participants), and 0.025% to 0.05% ingenol mebutate (RR 4.50, 95% CI 2.61 to 7.74; 2 studies with 456 participants).


The corresponding comparative risks in terms of number of participants completely cleared per 1000 were as follows: 313 with 3%

diclofenac compared to 127 with 2.5% hyaluronic acid; 136 with 0.5% 5-fluorouracil compared to 15 with placebo; 371 with 5%

imiquimod compared to 48 with placebo; 331 with ingenol mebutate compared to 73 with vehicle; 527 to 656 with ALA/MAL-PDT

treatment compared to 89 to 147 for placebo-PDT; and 580 with ALA-PDT compared to 443 with cryotherapy.


5% 5-fluorouracil efficacy was not compared to placebo, but it was comparable to 5% imiquimod (RR 1.85, 95% Cl 0.41 to 8.33)

It also significantly favoured the treatment of individual lesions with photodynamic therapy (PDT) compared to placebo-PDT with

the following photosensitisers: aminolevulinic acid (ALA) (blue light: RR 6.22, 95% CI 2.88 to 13.43; 1 study with 243 participants,

aminolevulinic acid (ALA) (red light: RR 5.94, 95% CI 3.35 to 10.54; 3 studies with 422 participants), and methyl aminolevulinate

(MAL) (red light: RR 4.46, 95% CI 3.17 to 6.28; 5 studies with 482 participants). ALA-PDT was also significantly favoured compared

to cryotherapy (RR 1.31, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.64).

Based on investigator and participant evaluation, imiquimod treatment and photodynamic therapy resulted in better cosmetic outcomes

than cryotherapy and 5-fluorouracil.


Heppt, 2019

Studietype: systematische review

Land: Duitsland

Financiering: geen

8 studies met totale sample size van 242 patiënten (range 8-81)

A. Dragieva, 2004

B. Helsing, 2013

C. Perrett, 2007

D. Togsverd-Bo, 2018

E. Togsverd-Bo 2015

F. Ulrich, 2007

G. Ulrich, 2010

H. Wennberg, 2008

Face, scalp, romp, extremiteiten



C. MAL-PDT (2 cycli)

D. MAL-PDT (1-2 cycli)




H. MAL-PDT (2 cycli)

A. placebo-PDT


C. 5-FU



F. vehicle

G. vehicle

H. alle andere therapie (wv 83% cryotherapie)

A. 76.4% vs. 0% na 16 weken (RR 27.00; 1.73-420.67)

B. niet gerapporteerd

C. 89% vs. 11% na 6 maanden (RR 8.00; 1.24-51.51)

D. 40% vs. 27.5% na 2 behandelingen (RR 1.45; 0.69-3.10)

E. niet gerapporteerd

F. 62.1% vs. 0% (RR 18.50; 1.19-286.45)

G. 41% vs. 0% (RR 5.78; 0.38-87.35)

H. niet gerapporteerd

A. 90% vs. 0% (RR 121.97; 7.70-1932.51)

B. 73% vs. 31% (RR 2.35; 1.99-2.80)

C. 99% vs. 79% relatieve reductive (RR 1.26; 1.23-1.30)

D. 78% vs. 61% na 2 behandelingen

E. 5% (AFXL), vs. 74% (AFXL-DLPDT), vs. 46% (DL-PDT), vs. 50% (cPDT) na 3 maanden

F. 73.7% vs niet gerapporteerd

G. 53% vs. 17%

H. 77% vs. 74%

Primair: remissie laesies en rejectie transplantaat

Secundair: locale huidreacties en pigmentveranderingen

Nergens rejectie van transplantaat


Liew, 2020

Studietype: systematische review en meta-analyse

Land: Singapore

FInanciering: geen


8 studies met totale sample size van 234 patiënten

A. Wennberg, 2008

B. de Graaf, 2006

C. Wulf, 2005

D. Togsverd-Bo, 2017

E. Togsverd-Bo, 2014

F. Helsing, 2013

G. Perrett, 2007

H. Dragieva, 2004


Niet nader toegelicht

A. MAL-PDT 6 maandelijks




E. AF laser+DL-PDT

F. AF laser+DL-PDT





B. geen behandeling

C. geen behandeling


E. AF laser, DL-PDT, cPDT

F. AF laser

G. 5-FU

H. Placebo



A. PDT: 253 vs. Ctrl: 312 (AK)

B. PDT: 206 vs. Ctrl: 383 (AK)

C. PDT: 94 vs. Ctrl: 221 (NMSK)


D. PDT: 78% vs. IMQ: 61%

E.v AFL-DL-PDT: 74% vs. DL-PDT: 46% vs. cPDT: 50% vs. AFL: 5%

F. AFL-PDT: 73% vs. AFL 31%

G. PDT: 89% vs. 5-FU: 11% (epidermale dysplasie)

H. PDT: 76% vs. Placebo: 0%



Pijn, erytheem, brandend gevoel

Meta-analyse PDT in preventie van AK/PCC: pooled RD 0.14 (95% CI: 0.19-0.08) I2: 69.2 (p=0.039) à statistisch significante voorkeur voor PDT

Meta-analyse behandeleffect PDT op AK’s: RD 0.77 (95% CI: 0.60-0.94) I2: 98.69% (p<0.001) à statistisch significante voorkeur voor PDT

Mei, 2019

Studietype: systematische review en meta-analyse

Land: China

Financiering: geen informatie

6 studies met totale sample size van 369 patiënten en 5556 AK laesies

A. Wiegell, 2008

B. Rubel, 2014

C. Togsverd-Bo, 2015

D. Lacour, 2015

E. Neittaanmaki, 2016

F. Sotiriou, 2018

Face, scalp, romp, extremiteiten

Allen DL-PDT

Allen cPDT


Pooled data 6 studies: CR niet significant verschillend voor de twee groepen (RR 0.93, 95% CI: 0.86-1.01, p=0.07) I2: 85%

Pooled data na exclusie Neittaanmaki 2016 (open label en geen intra-individueel design) geen significantie (RR 0.97, 95% CI: 0.91-1.04, p=0.42) I2: 80%

In pooled data voor studies met inclusie graad I-III laesies werd significant lagere CR gezien voor dPDT vs cPDT. Bij gepoolde data met graad I-II laesies verdween de significantie

Gepoolde data 6 studies significant lagere pijnscore DL-PDT tov cPDT: MD = -4.51 (95% CI: -5.12 - -3.89, p<0.001)

Gepoolde data 6 studies significant lager aantal AE’s DL-PDT tov cPDT: RR 0.70 (95% CI: 0.58-0.85, p<0.001, I2: 0)

Thomás-Velázquez, 2016

Studietype: systematische review en meta-analyse

Land: Spanje

Financiering: geen informatie

3 studies (split-site design) met totale sample size van 237 patiënten

A. Wiegell, 2008

B. Rubel, 2014

C. Lacour, 2015


Gelaat en scalp

Allen DL-PDT

Allen cPDT


Pooled data studie B+C: voor PP analyse en cPDT DL-PDT resp. -3.69% (95% CI, -6.54 tot -0.84) voor ITT analyse cPDT en DL-PDT resp. -3.40% (95% CI, -6.10 tot -0.70)


AE’s erytheem, crustvorming


Zhao, 2018

Studietype: systematische review en meta-analyse

Land: China

Financiering: geen informatie

8 studies met totale sample size van 424 patiënten

A. Rubel, 2014

B. Sotiriou, 2017

C. Lacour, 2015

D. Togsverd-Bo, 2014

E. Fargnoli, 2015

F. Neittaanmaki, 2016

G. Wiegell, 2008

H. Wiegell, 2012

Niet nader toegelicht

Allen DL-PDT

Allen cPDT

Pooled data van 4 studies (B, C, F, H) laten geen significant verschil zien tussen DL-PDT en cPDT (n=244; RR 0.892; 95% CI, 0.818-0.973, p=0.01)

Pooled data van 5 studies (A, B, D, E, H) laten een SMD lesion response zien voor DL-PDT van -0.221 (n=237; 95% CI, -0.395 tot -0.027, p=0.024)


Patient tevredenheid pooled data 5 studies (A, B, C, E, G) laat zien dat mensen meer tevreden waren over DL-PDT dan cPDT (n=318; RR 4.001; 95% CI, 2.017-7.938, p <0.001

Patiënt-gerapporteerde pijn pooled data 8 studies (A t/m H) laat zien dat er een lagere pijnscore was voor DL-PDT vs cPDT (n=424; SMD -2.544; 95% CI -3.57 tot -1.632, p<0.001)


Observationele studies - Intra- en extramurale veldbehandelingen Actinische Keratose (2021)

Beoordeling van Risk of Bias voor cohortstudies (Newcastle-Ottawa Scale)






















Study design

Representativeness of the intervention cohort

Selection of the non intervention cohort

Ascertainment of intervention


Demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at start of study


Comparability of cohorts on the basis of the design or analysis


Assessment of outcome


Was follow up long enough for outcomes to occur


Adequacy of follow up of cohorts



Neugebauer, 2018


(5-FU + Imiquimod)

Retrospective cohort study










Adequate selection of subjects with AK, excluding variate factors

Two treatments (5-FU and IMQ) compared. No non-intervention cohort

Outcomes were not blinded. No specification on assessment method.

Adequate follow-up period of 2 and 5 years.

Van Rijsingen, 2016


(5-FU + IMQ + PDT)

Multicentre, 1 year observational study










significant baseline selection bias was observed in all groups.


Patients were analyzed following ITT analysis

Cost-effectiveness correctly calculated


Investigator-reported outcome measures.