
3D = 3 dimensionaal

A6MCT = assisted 6 minute cycling test

ACBT = active cycle of breathing techniques

ACP = advanced care planning

ACT = airways clearance technique

ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

AREA = Arm Elevation Assessment

ASS = autisme spectrum stoornise

BI = betrouwbaarheidsinterval

BMI = body mass index

BUEFC = Brooke Upper Extremity Functional Classification

CTB = centrum voor thuisbeademing

DCN = Duchenne Centrum Nederland, expertisecentrum

DDD = Dutch Dystropathy Database

DEXA = Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (botdichtheidsmeting)

DMD = Duchenne spierdystrofie (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy)

EMT = expiratoire spierkracht (muscle) training

FITT = Frequentie, Intensiteit, Tijdsduur, Type activiteit

FSH = follikel stimulerend hormoon

FVC = forced vital capacity

FVC%P = percentage van voorspelde forced vital capacity op basis van leeftijd, geslachte en lengte

GGT = gamma-glutamyltransferase

GRADE = Grading Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation

HHD = hand held dynamometry

ICF = International Classification of Functioning, disability and health

ICF-CY = ICF for Children and Youth

IDDSI = International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative

IMT = inspiratoire spierkracht (muscle) training

IQ = inter quartile

KNO = keel neus oor

LH = luteïniserend hormoon

LVFS = left ventrical fractional shortening

MD = mean difference

MDL = maag darm lever

MEP = maximal expiratory pressure

MFM = motor function measure

MIP = maximal inspiratory pressure

MMDT = Minnesota Manual Dexterity test

MRC = medical research council spierkracht gradering

NMA = neuromusculaire aandoeningen

NSAA = North Star Ambulatory Assessment

OMNI = ervaren vermoeidheidsschaal

PCF = peak cough flow

Pdimax = maximale transdiafragmale druk

PEF = peak expiratory flow

PEG = percutane endoscopische gastrostomie

Pesmax = maximale oesophagus druk

PETCO2 = end-tidal carbon dioxide tension; partial pressure of exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2)

PtcCO2 = Partial Pressure of TransCutaneous Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

PUL = Performance of the Upper Limb

QoL = quality of life

ROM = range of motion

RCT = randomized clinical trial

RM = herhalings maximum

RR = risk ratio

SD = standard deviatie

SpO2 = perifere zuurstof saturatie

UMC = universitair medisch centrum

z-score = genormaliseerde score naar normale populatie