
ABA American Burn Association

ABCDE Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure

AGREE Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation

BWC Brandwondencentrum

CBRN Chemisch, Biologisch, Radiologisch, Nucleair

EBA European Burns Association

EBRO Evidence Based Richtlijn Ontwikkeling

EMSB Emergency Management of Severe Burns

GRADE Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation

NVBZ Nederlandse Vereniging voor Brandwondenzorg

NVIC Nationaal Vergiftigingen Informatie Centrum

NZGG New Zealand Guideline Group

PICO Patient Intervention Comparison Outcome

SEH Spoedeisende Hulp

TVLO Totaal Verbrand Lichaamsoppervlak

VSBN Vereniging Samenwerkende Brandwondencentra Nederland

ZiROP Ziekenhuis Rampenopvangplan