Implementation plan


Time frame for implementation:
<1 year,

1 to 3years or

>3 years

Expected effect on costs

Limitations for implementation

Barriers to implementation1

Actions needed for implementation2

Parties responsible for actions3

Other remarks

Consider the following treatment options for contrast extravasation:

  • Try to aspirate the extravasated contrast medium through an inserted needle
  • Mark affected area
  • Use compresses, for relieving pain at the injection site
  • Use pain killers
  • Elevate the affected extremity above the level of the heart.

1 to 3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline

Lack of knowledge of guideline

Dissemination of guideline



Record contrast extravasation and treatment in the patient record (volume, CM  concentration, area, clinical findings).

1-3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline

Lack of knowledge of guideline

Dissemination of guideline



Give the patient clear instructions when to seek additional medical care:

  • Any worsening of symptoms
  • Skin ulceration
  • Development of any neurologic or circulatory symptoms, including paraesthesia’s
  • Give the patient a patient information leaflet.

1-3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline

Lack of knowledge of guideline

Dissemination of guideline



For severe extravasation injury:

  • Consult a plastic surgeon
  • Notify the referring physician.

1-3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline

Lack of knowledge of guideline

Dissemination of guideline



1 Barriers can be found at multiple levels. They can exist at the level of the consultant, the hospital organisation, and the health care system.

2 Actions needed for implementation, but also actions to promote implementation. Think about checks during quality visits, guideline publication, information of hospital management, et cetera.

3 Who is responsible for implementation of recommendations will largely be determined by the level where the barriers are expected to be.