Implementation plan


Time frame for implementation:
<1 year,

1 to 3years or

>3 years

Expected effect on costs

Limitations for implementation

Barriers to implementation1

Actions needed for implementation2

Parties responsible for actions3

Other remarks

Warn patients who have had a previous hypersensitivity reaction to contrast media, that a late hypersensitivity reaction may be possible, usually a skin reaction.

1 to 3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline. Lack of experience for recognizing late hypersensitivity reactions after contrast administrations.

Lack of knowledge of guideline.

Disseminations of guideline



Patients should contact their general practitioner if they have a late hypersensitivity reaction after CM administration.

Consider informing the radiology department about the occurrence and symptoms of a late hypersensitivity reaction after CM administration.

1 to 3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline. Lack of experience for recognizing late hypersensitivity reactions after contrast administrations.

Lack of knowledge of guideline.

Disseminations of guideline



When the symptoms of a late hypersensitivity reaction are mild, a wait-and-see approach can be justified.

1 to 3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline. Lack of experience for recognizing late hypersensitivity reactions after contrast administrations.

Lack of knowledge of guideline.

Disseminations of guideline



Treat late hypersensitivity reactions symptomatically.

Consider treatment of skin reactions with oral or topical corticosteroids.

1 to 3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline. Lack of experience for recognizing late hypersensitivity reactions after contrast administrations.

Lack of knowledge of guideline.

Disseminations of guideline



When severe symptoms develop, such as generalized pustulosis or painful cutaneous blisters, refer the patient to a dermatologist.

1 to 3 years


Lack of knowledge of guideline. Lack of experience for recognizing late hypersensitivity reactions after contrast administrations.

Lack of knowledge of guideline.

Disseminations of guideline



1 Barriers can be found at multiple levels. They can exist at the level of the consultant, the hospital organisation, and the health care system.

2 Actions needed for implementation, but also actions to promote implementation. Think about checks during quality visits, guideline publication, information of hospital management, etcetera.

3 Who is responsible for implementation of recommendations will largely be determined by the level where the barriers are expected to be.