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Oriënterende search Ouderenmishandeling – 19-12-2016

1 elder abuse/ or physical abuse/ or violence/ or domestic violence/ or torture/ or Patient Isolation/ or Restraint, Physical/ or fraud/ or homicide/ or sex offenses/ or rape/ or theft/ (83667)

2 ((mental* or physical or verbal or emotional or financial or sexual or psychological or material or elder*) adj2 (harm or abus*)).ti,ab,kf. (19658)

3 (neglect* or ill-treat* or maltreat* or mistreat* or fraud* or assault* or crime* or violen* or bully* or intimidat* or aggression or coerc* or extort* or stigmati* or ostraci*).ti,ab,kf. (163606)

4 1 or 2 or 3 (221742)

5 (Zoekstrategie gebaseerd op: Baker, Philip RA, Francis, Daniel P, Hairi, Noran N, Othman, Sajaratulnisah, Choo, Wan Yuen. Interventions for preventing abuse in the elderly. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD010321. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010321.pub2.) (0)

6 exp *Aged/ or exp *geriatrics/ or exp Geriatric Assessment/ or exp Home Nursing/ or exp *Alzheimer Disease/ or exp Homes for the Aged/ or exp Nursing Homes/ (184346)

7 (community-dwelling or alzheimer* or frail* or ageing or aging or dement* or psychogeriatric* or geriatric* or elder* or "cognitive impairment*" or old-age* or pensioner* or retire*).ti,ab,kf. or (aged or old or older).ti. (813286)

8 6 or 7 (855394)

9 4 and 8 (10886)

10 limit 9 to (dutch or english) (9728)

11 limit 10 to yr="2011 -Current" (3300)

12 (meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (meta adj analy$).tw. or ((systematic* or literature) adj2 review$1).tw. or (systematic adj overview$1).tw. or exp "Review Literature as Topic"/ or cochrane.ab. or cochrane.jw. or embase.ab. or medline.ab. or (psychlit or psyclit).ab. or (cinahl or cinhal).ab. or cancerlit.ab. or ((selection criteria or data extraction).ab. and "review"/)) not (Comment/ or Editorial/ or Letter/ or (animals/ not humans/)) (317032)

13 11 and 12 (213)

14 limit 13 to yr="2014 -Current" (114)

15 ((clinical adj3 pathway) or (clinical adj3 pathways) or (practice adj3 parameter) or (practice adj3 parameters)).ti,ab,kw. or algorithms/ or care pathway.ti,ab,kw. or care pathways.ti,ab,kw. or clinical protocols/ or Consensus/ or Consensus Development Conference.pt. or Consensus Development Conference, NIH.pt. or Consensus Development Conferences as Topic/ or Consensus Development Conferences, NIH as Topic/ or critical pathway/ or guidance.ti,ab. or guideline*.ti. or guidelines as topic/ or practice guidelines as topic/ or Health Planning Guidelines/ or practice guideline/ (539530)

16 11 and 15 (85)

17 exp Consumer Participation/ or "Patient Acceptance of Health Care"/ or exp Attitude to Health/ or *exp consumer satisfaction/ or patient preference/ or cooperative behavior/ or exp self efficacy/ or self-efficacy.ti,ab. or exp Adaptation, Psychological/ or exp health education/ or patient education as topic/ or exp attitude to health/ or health knowledge, attitudes, practice/ or *"Quality of Life"/ or "Quality of Life"/px or Personal Autonomy/ or self concept/ or consumer advocacy/ or freedom/ or Needs Assessment/ or Patient Advocacy/ or Self-Help Groups/ or Life Change Events/ or Attitude to Death/ or Patient-Centered Care/ or exp Professional-Patient Relations/ or Self Care/ or focus groups/ or narration/ (957531)

18 (((patient or consumer*) adj3 (participat* or decisi* or decid*)) or patient-focused or (patient-centred or patient-centered) or (patient adj3 (attitude? or preference))).ti,ab. or "patient satisfaction".ti. or coping.ti,ab. or ("self perception" or "self concept").ti,ab. or self-efficacy.ti,ab. or ("informed choice" or "shared decision making").ti,ab. or empowerment.ti,ab. or ("focus group*" adj3 (patient* or parent* or famil* or spouse*)).ti,ab. or (QoL or "Quality of life").ti. or self-management.ti. or ((patient* or consumer* or parent* or famil* or spouse*) adj (attitude* or involvement or desir* or perspective* or activation or view* or preference*)).ti,ab. or "expert patient*".ti,ab. or "focus group*".ti,ab. or qualitative.ti. (250461)

19 (exp Decision Making/ or exp Communication/ or Stress, Psychological/ or Emotions/ or vignette*.ti,ab.) and (exp Patients/px or patient*.ti. or consumer*.ti.) (56346)

20 17 or 18 or 19 (1071364)

21 11 and 20 (646)

22 ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or "in-depth" or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide) adj3 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus group* or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant")).ti,ab. or interviews as topic/ or focus groups/ or narration/ or qualitative research/ (306786)

23 21 and 22 (233)

24 ((mental* or physical or verbal or emotional or financial or sexual or psychological or material or elder*) adj2 (harm or abus*)).ti. (7022)

25 (neglect* or ill-treat* or maltreat* or mistreat* or fraud* or assault* or crime* or violen* or bully* or intimidat* or aggression or coerc* or extort* or stigmati* or ostraci*).ti. (61662)

26 elder abuse/ or physical abuse/ or violence/ or domestic violence/ or torture/ or Patient Isolation/ or Restraint, Physical/ or fraud/ or homicide/ or sex offenses/ or rape/ or theft/ (83667)

27 24 or 25 or 26 (125629)

28 23 and 27 (107)

29 13 and 27 (87)

31 remove duplicates from 29 (77)

32 16 not 29 (77)

33 27 and 32 (31)

34 remove duplicates from 33 (25)

35 remove duplicates from 28 (90)


Oriënterende search ouderenmishandeling en migrantperspectief - 21-12-2016

1 elder abuse/ or physical abuse/ or violence/ or domestic violence/ or torture/ or Patient Isolation/ or Restraint, Physical/ or fraud/ or homicide/ or sex offenses/ or rape/ or theft/ (83669)

2 ((mental* or physical or verbal or emotional or financial or sexual or psychological or material or elder*) adj2 (harm or abus*)).ti,ab,kf. (20270)

3 (neglect* or ill-treat* or maltreat* or mistreat* or fraud* or assault* or crime* or violen* or bully* or intimidat* or aggression or coerc* or extort* or stigmati* or ostraci*).ti,ab,kf. (169006)

4 1 or 2 or 3 (227413)

5 (Zoekstrategiegebaseerd op: Baker, Philip RA, Francis, Daniel P, Hairi, Noran N, Othman, Sajaratulnisah, Choo, Wan Yuen. Interventions for preventing abuse in the elderly. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD010321. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010321.pub2.) (0)

6 exp *Aged/ or exp *geriatrics/ or exp Geriatric Assessment/ or exp Home Nursing/ or exp *Alzheimer Disease/ or exp Homes for the Aged/ or exp Nursing Homes/ (184346)

7 (community-dwelling or alzheimer* or frail* or ageing or aging or dement* or psychogeriatric* or geriatric* or elder* or "cognitive impairment*" or old-age* or pensioner* or retire*).ti,ab,kf. or (aged or old or older).ti. (828737)

8 6 or 7 (870845)

9 4 and 8 (11128)

10 limit 9 to (dutch or english) (9964)

11 limit 10 to yr="2011 -Current" (3499)

36 Ethnology/ (1644)

37 ethnology.fs. (160078)

38 exp Ethnic Groups/ (155201)

39 exp Continental Population Groups/ (212026)

40 Minority Groups/ (13537)

41 Suriname/eh (Ethnology) (266)

42 Turkey/eh (Ethnology) (1378)

43 Netherlands Antilles/eh (Ethnology) (64)

44 Morocco/eh (Ethnology) (647)

45 cultural diversity/ (11073)

46 (Surinamese or Antillean or Moroccan or Turkish or ethnic* or minorit*).ti. (40573)

47 36 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 45 or 46 (382126)

48 Literacy/ (154)

49 exp Educational Status/ (49980)

50 illiteracy.ti,ab. (1916)

51 48 or 49 or 50 (51400)

52 11 and 51 (44)

53 47 or 51 (424350)

54 11 and 53 (205) – nadedupliceren 158