Study characteristics leerkrachttraining

Organisation/School-based vs waitlist/usual care

Fabiano, 2010

Organisational/school-based delivered by consultants and teachers (n=33), 35 weeks, mixed contact


Waitlist/usual care (n=30), 35 weeks

Children (6-12 years old), (M=8.17, SD=1.69)




Severity of ADHD not stated

ADHD symptoms – total, Function/behaviour,

Academic outcomes – literacy, Academic outcomes – numeracy


Reported at end of intervention

46% of intervention arm and 60% of control arm using medication but unclear when this was prescribed.

Evans, 2011

Organisational/school-based delivered by counsellors via Challenging Horizons Programme (n=31), 39 weeks, mixed contact


Waitlist/usual care (n=14), 39 weeks

Children (10-13 years old), (Median=11, Range 10-13)




Severity of ADHD not stated

ADHD symptoms – inattention, ADHD symptoms – hyperactivity


Reported at end of intervention

Medication status of each group was unclear.

Evans, 2016

Organisational/school-based delivered via after-school programme (n=222), 39 weeks, mixed contact



Waitlist/usual care (n=104), 39 weeks

Adolescents (13-18 years old) (Range=11-14)




Severity of ADHD not stated

ADHD symptoms – inattention, ADHD symptoms – hyperactivity, Function/behaviour, Academic outcome


Reported at end of intervention

49/112 (intervention via after school programme),

57/110 ( intervention via mentoring),

47/104 (usual care) of population using medication at baseline.

Langberg, 2008

Organisational/school-based (n=24), 8 weeks, mixed contact


Waitlist/usual care (n=13), 8 weeks

Children (9-14 years old (Range=9-14)




Severity of ADHD not stated

Academic outcomes


Reported at end of intervention

11/24 of intervention arm and 5/13 of control arm were using medication.

Langberg, 2012

Organisational/school-based (n=23), 11 weeks, 1:1


Waitlist/usual care (n=24) 11 weeks,

Children (6-13 years old) (Range=11-14)




Severity of ADHD not stated

ADHD symptoms – total


Reported at end of intervention

69.9% of intervention arm and 62.5% of control arm were using medication.

Abikoff, 2013 4


Organisation/school-based (n=125), 10-12 weeks, 1:1


Waitlist/Usual care (n=33), 10-12 weeks

Children (8-11 years old) (M=9.06, SD=0.84)




Severity of ADHD not stated

Academic outcomes


Reported at end of intervention and 40-64 weeks follow-up

35% of participants used medication throughout the trial

Iseman, 2011

Organisational/school-based (n=14), 10 days, group intervention


Waitlist/usual care with participants receiving typical mathematics instruction (n=15), 10 days, group intervention

Children (10-15 years old) (M=13, Range=10-15)




Severity of ADHD not stated

Academic outcomes


Reported at end of intervention

Medication status of each group was unclear - none detailed.

Schramm, 2016

Organisational/school based (n=40), 20 weeks, 1:1


Waitlist/usual care (n=36), 20 weeks

Children (12-17 years old) (MD=13.99, SD=1.45)




Severity of ADHD not stated

ADHD symptoms – inattention, hyperactivity, Function/behaviour


Reported at end of intervention

Medication status of each group was unclear - none detailed.


Parent/family training & Organisation/school based vs Waitlist/usual care

Anon, 1999, Jensen 2007 (MTA study)













Parent/family training &organisation/school-based (n=144), 60 weeks, 1:1 and group contact


Waitlist/usual care (n=146), 60 weeks

Children (7 and 9.9 years old) (M=8.4, SD=0.8)




Severity of ADHD not stated

ADHD symptoms – inattention, ADHD symptoms – hyperactivity, Function/behaviour, Academic – numeracy, Academic – literacy, Emotional dysregulation


Reported at end of intervention and 3 year follow-up

At 14 months - 66% of usual care arm received medication during first year of the trial and 26% of intervention arm crossed over to medication. By 3 years 62% of the usul care arm and 45% of the intervention arm were using medication.

Evans, 2014

Parent/family training & organisation/school-based training delivered via coaching sessions (n=24), 39 weeks, mixed contact


Waitlist/usual care (n=12), 39 weeks

Adolescents (13-17 years old), (M=15.4, SD=1)




Severity of ADHD not stated

ADHD symptoms – inattention, ADHD symptoms – hyperactivity, Academic outcome


Reported at end of intervention

Protocol for medication use unclear, control group were using medications at a lower rate than treatment group (41.7% compared to 54.2%).


Organisation/School-based vs Non-specific supportive therapy

Molina, 2008

Organisational/school-based (n=12), 10 weeks, mixed contact


Non-specific supportive therapy (n=11), 10 weeks

Children (11-14 years old) (Range=11-14)




Severity of ADHD not stated

Emotional dysregulation


Reported at end of intervention

27% of intervention arm and 67% of control arm were using medication.