
AASM: American Academy of Sleep Medicine

AD: Ziekte van Alzheimer

AGREE: Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation

AHI: Apneu-Hypopneu Index

BMI: Body mass index

BRP: Barbed reposition pharyngoplasty

CELL: Coblation endoscopic lingual lightening

CGTi: Cognitieve gedragstherapie gericht op insomnie

CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure

CSA: Centraal slaapapneu

CVA: Cerebrovasculaire accident

DBP: Diastolische bloeddruk

DISE: Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy:

ESRS: European Sleep Research Society

ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale

FOSQ: Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire

GRADE: Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation

HELP: Head elevated laryngoscopy position

HSAT: Home sleep apnea testing

ICSD: International Classification of Sleep Disorders

ITT: Intention-to-treat analyse

IQR: Interquartile range

LP: Laterale pharyngoplastiek

LSAT: Lowest oxygen saturation

MDA: Mean Disease Alleviation

MDO: Multidisciplinair overleg

MMA: Maxillomandibular advancement

MRA: Mandibulair repositie-apparaat

MSLT: Multiple sleep latency test

ODI: Oxygen desaturation index

OSA: Obstructief Slaapapneu

PG: Polygrafie

PSG: Polysomnografie

PROMs: Patient-reported outcome measures

PLMS: periodieke bewegingen tijdens de slaap

pOSA: Positieafhankelijk obstructief slaapapneu

PP: Per-protocol analyse

RCT: Randomized controlled trial

RDI: Respiratory disturbance index

REI: Respiratory Event Index

RERA: Respiratory Effort-Related Arousal

RFA: Radiofrequency ablation

RFTB: radiofrequente thermotherapie van de tongbasis

RLS: restless legs syndrome

RoB: Risk of Bias

SBP: Systolische bloeddruk

SD: Standaard Deviatie

SF36: 36-Item Short Form Health Questionnaire

SMILE: Submucosal minimally invasive lingual excision

SNA: Sella-nasion-Point A angle

SNB: Sella-nasion-Point B angle

SpO2: Zuurstofdesaturatie

TAP: transpalatal advancement pharyngoplasty

TBT: Tennisbaltechniek

TORS: Transoral robotic surgery

TRCRFTA: Temperature controlled radiofrequency ablation

TSD: Tongue Stabilizing Device

UPPP: Uvulopalatofaryngoplastiek

WGBO: Wet op de geneeskundige behandelovereenkomst

95%CI: 95C% betrouwbaarheidsinterval