Zoekverantwoording arbeid

1.    Key question

Wat is het effect van ondersteuning / adviezen / (verpleegkundige )interventies gericht op arbeid bij (A) tijdens of (B) na afloop van de in opzet curatieve behandeling van kanker op deelname aan het arbeidsproces, kwaliteit van leven, zinvolle dagbesteding , vermoeidheid, cognitief functioneren?

P: patiënten met kanker (A) tijdens of (B) na afloop van de in opzet curatieve behandeling van kanker (radiotherapie, chemotherapie, immunotherapie)

I: ondersteuning / adviezen / (verpleegkundige )interventies gericht op arbeid/terugkeer naar werk

C: reguliere zorg

O: deelname aan het arbeidsproces, kwaliteit van leven, zinvolle dagbesteding , vermoeidheid, cognitief functioneren, maatschappelijke participatie

2.    Search strategy

Search date: February 20, 2014.

Databases: OVID Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library (see appendix for search strings).

Search limits:

  • Publication date: 2008-2014;
  • English and Dutch only;

-          Study design: meta-analyses, systematic reviews, RCTs.

3.    Search Results

Table 3. Overall search results.


Number of hits

OVID Medline


OVID PreMedline




Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews




HTA database








Total hits


N excluded (language, year, duplicates)


Total unique eligible hits


a.   Excluded studies

1233 unique hits were screened on title and abstract (Table 3). Of these, 1605 were excluded. The most important reasons for exclusion were:

  1. Other population: patients without cancers
  2. Other intervention: interventions other than those specified
  3. Wrong study design: narrative reviews, observational studies

Of the remaining 40 papers, the full-text was retrieved. Based on the full-text, an additional 33 studies were excluded. Table 4 provides an overview of these excluded studies.

b.    Included studies

The following 3 systematic reviews were included:

  • de Boer AG, Taskila T, Tamminga SJ, Frings-Dresen MH, Feuerstein M, Verbeek JH. Interventions to enhance return-to-work for cancer patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2011;2(2):CD007569.
  • Egan MY, McEwen S, Sikora L, Chasen M, Fitch M, Eldred S. Rehabilitation following cancer treatment. Disability & Rehabilitation. 2013;35(26):2245-58.

-          Tamminga SJ, de Boer AGEM, Verbeek JHAM, Frings-Dresen MHW. Return-to-work interventions integrated into cancer care: a systematic review. Occup Environ Med. 2010;67(9):639-48.

The following 4 primary studies were included:

  • Bjorneklett HG, Rosenblad A, Lindemalm C, Ojutkangas M-L, Letocha H, Strang P, et al. A randomized controlled trial of support group intervention after breast cancer treatment: results on sick leave, health care utilization and health economy. Acta Oncol. 2013;52(1):38-47.
  • Hubbard G, Gray NM, Ayansina D, Evans JMM, Kyle RG. Case management vocational rehabilitation for women with breast cancer after surgery: a feasibility study incorporating a pilot randomised controlled trial. Trials [Electronic Resource]. 2013;14(175).
  • Sherman DW, Haber J, Hoskins CN, Budin WC, Maislin G, Shukla S, et al. The effects of psychoeducation and telephone counseling on the adjustment of women with early-stage breast cancer. Applied Nursing Research. 2012;25(1):3-16.

-          Tamminga SJ, Verbeek JHAM, Bos MMEM, Fons G, Kitzen JJEM, Plaisier PW, et al. Effectiveness of a hospital-based work support intervention for female cancer patients - a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource]. 2013;8(5):e63271.


Table 4. Key question 2: overview of excluded studies based on full-text evaluation.





Amir Z

Occup Med (Oxf) 2009 59(6):373-7

Cancer survivorship and employment: epidemiology

Narrative review

Brocki BC

Lung Cancer 2014 83(1):102-8

Short and long-term effects of supervised versus unsupervised exercise training on health-related quality of life and functional outcomes following lung cancer surgery - A randomized controlled trial

Geen interventie gericht op arbeid

Buffart LM

Cancer Treat. Rev. 2014 40(2):327-340

Evidence-based physical activity guidelines for cancer survivors: Current guidelines, knowledge gaps and future research directions

Overzicht van EB guidelines over exercise

de Boer AGEM

Occup Med (Oxf) 2009 59(6):378-80

Employment and the common cancers: return to work of cancer survivors

Narrative review

de Boer AGEM

JAMA 2009 301(7):753-62

Cancer survivors and unemployment: a meta-analysis and meta-regression

Gaat over risico op werkloosheid

De Boer AGM

Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2009 1):

Interventions to enhance return-to-work for cancer patients

Updated door de Boer 2011

Duijts SFA

Psycho-Oncology 2013

Physical and psychosocial problems in cancer survivors beyond return to work: A systematic review

Review van psychosociale problemen na return to work

Farley Short P

JAMA 2009 302(1):33; author reply 34-5

Employment status among cancer survivors


Feuerstein M

J 2010 4(4):415-37

Work in cancer survivors: a model for practice and research

Geen review van interventies

Franco G

Med Lav 2013 104(2):87-92

Occupation and breast cancer: fitness for work is an aspect that needs to be addressed

Narrative review

Gudbergsson SB

Minerva Psichiatr. 2008 49(1):45-60

Aspects of the work situation of cancer survivors

Niet verkrijgbaar

Hegel MT

Psycho-Oncology 2011 20(10):1092-1101

Feasibility study of a randomized controlled trial of a telephone-delivered problem-solving-occupational therapy intervention to reduce participation restrictions in rural breast cancer survivors undergoing chemotherapy

Is eigenlijk een haalbaarheidsstudie

Horsboel TA

Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 2012 21(4):424-35

Factors associated with work outcome for survivors from haematological malignancies--a systematic literature review

Geen review van interventies

Hoving JL

BMC Cancer 2009 9(117):

Return to work of breast cancer survivors: a systematic review of intervention studies

Geen kwaliteitsbeoordeling van geïncludeerde studies

Juvet LK

Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects 2009 1):1

Rehabilitation of breast cancer patients: systematic review (Provisional abstract)


Khan F

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013 1):

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation after primary brain tumour treatment

Te specifiek

Kyle RG

Trials [Electronic Resource] 2011 12(89):

Vocational rehabilitation services for patients with cancer: design of a feasibility study incorporating a pilot randomised controlled trial among women with breast cancer following surgery

Design van Hubbard 2013


Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2011 21(1):

Toward an occupational rehabilitation policy community for cancer survivors in Singapore: a stakeholder perspective from the SME employers

Narrative review

Martin TA

JBI Database Syst. Rev. Implement. Rep. 2013 11(9):258-309

Effectiveness of individualized survivorship care plans on quality of life of adult female breast cancer survivors: A systematic review

Geen interventie gericht op arbeid

Mehnert A

Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 2011 77(2):109-30

Employment and work-related issues in cancer survivors

Geen review van interventies

Mehnert A

Cancer 2013 11(2151-9

Employment challenges for cancer survivors

Narrative review

Munir F

Occup Med (Oxf) 2009 59(6):381-9

Employment and the common cancers: correlates of work ability during or following cancer treatment

Geen review van interventies

Silver JK

Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011 90(5 Suppl 1):S5-15

Cancer rehabilitation with a focus on evidence-based outpatient physical and occupational therapy interventions

Narrative review

Silver JK

WORK 2013 46(4):455-72

Cancer rehabilitation may improve function in survivors and decrease the economic burden of cancer to individuals and society

Narrative review

Steiner JF

Psychooncology 2010 19(2):115-24

Returning to work after cancer: quantitative studies and prototypical narratives

Geen review van interventies

Stigt JA

J. Thorac. Oncol. 2013 8(2):214-221

A randomized controlled trial of postthoracotomy pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with resectable lung cancer

Geen interventie gericht op arbeid

Tamminga SJ

J Occup Rehabil 2012 22(4):565-78

A hospital-based work support intervention to enhance the return to work of cancer patients: a process evaluation

Evaluatie van 1 arm van een RCT

Tamminga SJ

BMC Cancer 2010 10(345):

Enhancing return-to-work in cancer patients, development of an intervention and design of a randomised controlled trial

Studie protocol

Tiedtke C

Psychooncology 2010 19(7):677-83

Experiences and concerns about 'returning to work' for women breast cancer survivors: a literature review

Niet over interventies, maar over ervaringen

van Dalen EC

JAMA 2009 302(1):33-4; author reply 34-5

Employment status among cancer survivors


van Muijen P

Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 2013 22(2):144-60

Predictors of return to work and employment in cancer survivors: a systematic review

Review van prognostische factoren

Wells M

Psychooncology 2013 22(6):1208-19

Supporting 'work-related goals' rather than 'return to work' after cancer? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of 25 qualitative studies

Geen review van interventies

Zhang X

Cancer Nurs 2013 36(1):4-5

Cochrane review summary for cancer nursing: interventions to enhance return to work for cancer patients

Bespreking van de Cochrane review van de Boer et al



Search strings Question 1

1.    medline (ovid)

1     exp "Patient Acceptance of Health Care"/ (159633)

2     Patient Dropouts/ (6469)

3     complian*.ti,ab. (79272)

4     comply*.ti,ab. (7923)

5     complied.ti,ab. (2692)

6     adher*.ti,ab. (106198)

7     noncomplian*.ti,ab. (5802)

8     nonadher*.ti,ab. (5840)

9     uptake.ti,ab. (235728)

10     (patient adj dropout*).ti,ab. (144)

11     (treatment* adj refusal*).ti,ab. (219)

12     (patient adj participation).ti,ab. (1153)

13     (patient adj acceptance).ti,ab. (2050)

14     maintenance.ti,ab. (172295)

15     variance*.ti,ab. (103492)

16     or/1-15 (821663)

17     Attitude to Health/ or Attitude/ or attitude.ti,ab. (130855)

18     motivation/ or "aspirations (psychology)"/ or drive/ or exploratory behavior/ or goals/ or intention/ or exp personality/ (272618)

19     personality.ti,ab. (49492)

20     behavio?r.ti,ab. (452604)

21     "Social Determinants of Health"/ (46)

22     determinant*.ti,ab. (151108)

23     risk factors/ (543003)

24     exp Socioeconomic Factors/ (329278)

25     predictor*.ti,ab. (187802)

26     social support/ (49664)

27     or/17-26 (1829337)

28    exercise/ or physical conditioning, human/ or resistance training/ or exp running/ or swimming/ or walking/ or exp physical endurance/ or physical fitness/ (133314)

29     exercise movement techniques/ or exercise therapy/ (25219)

30     Movement/ (57861)

31     exp Sports/ (123692)

32     exp "Physical Education and Training"/ (13241)

33     (physical$ adj (active or activity or activities)).ti,ab. (51727)

34     ((MUSCLE or MUSCLES) adj STRENGTHEN$).ti,ab. (461)

35     (SWIM$ or JOG$ or RUN or RUNNING or WALK or WALKING).ti,ab. (154990)

36     ((CIRCUIT$ or RESISTANCE or STRENGTH$ or PHYSICAL or WEIGHT) adj (TRAIN or TRAINING)).ti,ab. (9920)

37     exercise$.ti,ab. (178609)

38     (sport or sports).ti,ab. (33684)

39     aerobic$.ti,ab. (51281)

40     Diet/ or Diet Therapy/ (114787)

41     Nutrition Policy/ or Nutrition Therapy/ (6735)

42     Food Habits/ (20015)

43     (diet or diets or dieta* or diete* or dieti* or nutrition* or food habit* or feeding behavio?r* or eating behavio?r*).ti,ab. (441506)

44    exp Smoking/dt, pc, th [Drug Therapy, Prevention & Control, Therapy] (16352)

45     exp "Tobacco Use Cessation"/ (19909)

46     "Tobacco Use"/pc [Prevention & Control] (5)

47     smoking cessation.ti,ab. (14028)

48     alcohol*.ti,ab. (209186)

49     (binge or drink*).ti,ab. (90807)

50     alcoholism.ti,ab. (23460)

51     exp Drinking Behavior/ (55217)

52     alcohol-related disorders/ or alcoholic intoxication/ or binge drinking/ (13959)

53     exp Body Weight/ (337807)

54     (body adj (weight or mass)).ti,ab. (231700)

55     exp Body Mass Index/ (75735)

56     (body mass index or bmi).ti,ab. (112728)

57     or/28-56 (1607477)

58     exp Neoplasms/ (2500226)

59     Neoplasm Staging/ (117868)

60     cancer$.ti,ab. (977619)

61     tumor$.ti,ab. (894871)

62     tumour$.ti,ab. (191122)

63     carcinoma$.ti,ab. (440172)

64     neoplasm$.ti,ab. (91896)

65     lymphoma.ti,ab. (105058)

66     melanoma.ti,ab. (71051)

67     staging.ti,ab. (47126)

68     metastas$.ti,ab. (204235)

69     metastatic.ti,ab. (130906)

70     exp Neoplasm Metastasis/ (152159)

71     exp neoplastic processes/ (324767)

72     neoplastic process$.ti,ab. (2232)

73     non small cell.ti,ab. (28473)

74     adenocarcinoma$.ti,ab. (89573)

75     squamous cell.ti,ab. (61763)

76     nsclc.ti,ab. (16326)

77     osteosarcoma$.ti,ab. (14066)

78     phyllodes.ti,ab. (1236)

79     cystosarcoma$.ti,ab. (550)

80     fibroadenoma$.ti,ab. (2852)

81     (non adj small adj cell).ti,ab. (28473)

82     (non adj2 small adj2 cell).ti,ab. (28676)

83     (nonsmall adj2 cell).ti,ab. (1675)

84     plasmacytoma$.ti,ab. (5100)

85     myeloma.ti,ab. (34460)

86     multiple myeloma.ti,ab. (22219)

87     lymphoblastoma$.ti,ab. (258)

88     lymphocytoma$.ti,ab. (262)

89     lymphosarcoma$.ti,ab. (3589)

90     immunocytoma.ti,ab. (401)

91     sarcoma$.ti,ab. (68681)

92     hodgkin$.ti,ab. (49979)

93     (nonhodgkin$ or non hodgkin$).ti,ab. (28698)

94     or/58-93 (2879101)

95     16 and 27 and 57 and 94 (1646)

96     limit 95 to yr="2008 - 2014" (740)

2.    PreMedline (OVID)

97    complian*.ti,ab. (5839)

98     comply*.ti,ab. (653)

99     complied.ti,ab. (193)

100     adher*.ti,ab. (8530)

101     noncomplian*.ti,ab. (350)

102     nonadher*.ti,ab. (399)

103     uptake.ti,ab. (15519)

104     (patient adj dropout*).ti,ab. (7)

105   (treatment* adj refusal*).ti,ab. (10)

106     (patient adj participation).ti,ab. (100)

107     (patient adj acceptance).ti,ab. (112)

108     maintenance.ti,ab. (11790)

109     variance*.ti,ab. (10666)

110     or/97-109 (51895)

111     attitude.ti,ab. (2386)

112     (motivation or aspiration* or drive or goal* or intention*).ti,ab. (32896)

113     personality.ti,ab. (3335)

114     behavio?r.ti,ab. (68045)

115     determinant*.ti,ab. (8752)

116     risk factor*.ti,ab. (25613)

117     socioeconomic.ti,ab. (3559)

118     predictor*.ti,ab. (16066)

119     social support.ti,ab. (1603)

120     or/111-119 (148731)

121     (physical$ adj (active or activity or activities)).ti,ab. (5548)

122     ((MUSCLE or MUSCLES) adj STRENGTHEN$).ti,ab. (66)

123     (SWIM$ or JOG$ or RUN or RUNNING or WALK or WALKING).ti,ab. (15925)

124     ((CIRCUIT$ or RESISTANCE or STRENGTH$ or PHYSICAL or WEIGHT) adj (TRAIN or TRAINING)).ti,ab. (901)

125     exercise$.ti,ab. (12803)

126     (sport or sports).ti,ab. (4194)

127     aerobic$.ti,ab. (4763)

128     (diet or diets or dieta* or diete* or dieti* or nutrition* or food habit* or feeding behavio?r* or eating behavio?r*).ti,ab. (31337)

129     smoking cessation.ti,ab. (1127)

130     alcohol*.ti,ab. (18816)

131     (binge or drink*).ti,ab. (6138)

132     alcoholism.ti,ab. (917)

133     (body adj (weight or mass)).ti,ab. (16899)

134     (body mass index or bmi).ti,ab. (11875)

135     or/121-134 (99865)

136     neoplasm*.ti,ab. (5465)

137     cancer$.ti,ab. (73743)

138     tumor$.ti,ab. (53329)

139     tumour$.ti,ab. (11056)

140     carcinoma$.ti,ab. (24735)

141     neoplasm$.ti,ab. (5465)

142     lymphoma.ti,ab. (5446)

143     melanoma.ti,ab. (3660)

144     staging.ti,ab. (3178)

145     metastas$.ti,ab. (14682)

146     metastatic.ti,ab. (9555)

147     neoplastic process$.ti,ab. (109)

148     non small cell.ti,ab. (3096)

149     adenocarcinoma$.ti,ab. (5660)

150     squamous cell.ti,ab. (4340)

151     nsclc.ti,ab. (2195)

152     osteosarcoma$.ti,ab. (873)

153     phyllodes.ti,ab. (86)

154    cystosarcoma$.ti,ab. (15)

155     fibroadenoma$.ti,ab. (151)

156     (non adj small adj cell).ti,ab. (3096)

157     (non adj2 small adj2 cell).ti,ab. (3102)

158     (nonsmall adj2 cell).ti,ab. (162)

159     plasmacytoma$.ti,ab. (182)

160     myeloma.ti,ab. (1734)

161     multiple myeloma.ti,ab. (1390)

162     lymphoblastoma$.ti,ab. (12)

163     lymphocytoma$.ti,ab. (12)

164     lymphosarcoma$.ti,ab. (89)

165     immunocytoma.ti,ab. (2)

166     sarcoma$.ti,ab. (4038)

167     hodgkin$.ti,ab. (1975)

168    (nonhodgkin$ or non hodgkin$).ti,ab. (1268)

169     or/136-168 (130134)

170     110 and 120 and 135 and 169 (107)

171     limit 170 to yr="2008 - 2014" (93)

3.    EMBASE (via embase.com)



'patient dropouts'/exp OR 'patient compliance'/exp



complian*:ab,ti OR comply*:ab,ti OR complied:ab,ti OR adher*:ab,ti OR noncomplian*:ab,ti OR nonadher*:ab,ti OR uptake:ab,ti OR (patient:ab,ti AND dropout*:ab,ti) OR (treatment*:ab,ti AND refusal*:ab,ti) OR (patient:ab,ti AND (participation:ab,ti OR acceptance:ab,ti)) OR maintenance:ab,ti



#1 OR #2



'attitude'/de OR 'attitude to health'/exp OR 'behavior'/de OR 'assertiveness'/exp OR 'drive'/de OR 'motivation'/exp OR 'habit'/exp OR 'personality'/exp OR 'social determinants of health'/exp OR 'risk factor'/exp OR 'socioeconomics'/exp OR 'social class'/exp OR 'social support'/exp OR 'predictor variable'/exp



attitude:ab,ti OR personality:ab,ti OR behavior:ab,ti OR behaviour:ab,ti OR determinant*:ab,ti OR predictor:ab,ti



#4 OR #5



'exercise'/de OR 'resistance training'/exp OR 'endurance training'/exp OR 'sport'/exp OR 'physical activity'/exp OR 'kinesiotherapy'/de OR 'movement (physiology)'/de OR 'training'/exp



physical*:ab,ti AND (active:ab,ti OR activity:ab,ti OR activities:ab,ti) OR (muscle:ab,ti OR muscles:ab,ti AND strengthen*:ab,ti) OR swim*:ab,ti OR jog*:ab,ti OR run:ab,ti OR running:ab,ti OR walk:ab,ti OR walking:ab,ti OR exercise*:ab,ti OR sport:ab,ti OR sports:ab,ti OR aerobic:ab,ti



'diet'/exp OR 'diet therapy'/exp OR 'feeding behavior'/exp



diet:ab,ti OR diets:ab,ti OR dieta*:ab,ti OR diete*:ab,ti OR dieti*:ab,ti OR nutrition*:ab,ti OR (food:ab,ti AND habit*:ab,ti) OR (feeding:ab,ti AND (behavior*:ab,ti OR behaviour*:ab,ti)) OR (eating:ab,ti AND (behavior*:ab,ti OR behaviour*:ab,ti))



'smoking cessation'/exp OR 'smoking cessation program'/exp OR 'smoking'/de OR 'smoking habit'/exp OR 'tobacco use'/de OR 'tobacco consumption'/exp



smoking:ab,ti AND cessation:ab,ti



'alcohol'/exp OR 'alcoholism'/exp OR 'alcohol abuse'/exp



alcohol*:ab,ti OR binge:ab,ti OR drink*:ab,ti



'body weight'/de OR 'weight change'/exp OR 'weight control'/exp OR 'weight fluctuation'/exp OR 'weight gain'/exp OR 'weight reduction'/de OR 'body mass'/exp



body:ab,ti AND (weight:ab,ti OR mass:ab,ti) OR bmi:ab,ti



#7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16






cancer*:ab,ti OR tumor*:ab,ti OR tumour*:ab,ti OR carcinoma*:ab,ti OR neoplasm*:ab,ti OR lymphoma:ab,ti OR melanoma:ab,ti OR metastas*:ab,ti OR metastatic:ab,ti OR (non:ab,ti AND small:ab,ti AND cell:ab,ti) OR adenocarcinoma*:ab,ti OR (squamous:ab,ti AND cell:ab,ti) OR nsclc:ab,ti OR osteosarcoma*:ab,ti OR phyllodes:ab,ti OR cystosarcoma*:ab,ti OR fibroadenoma*:ab,ti OR plasmacytoma*:ab,ti OR myeloma*:ab,ti OR lymphoblastoma*:ab,ti OR lymphocytoma*:ab,ti OR sarcoma*:ab,ti OR hodgkin*:ab,ti OR nonhodgkin*:ab,ti



#18 OR #19



#3 AND #6 AND #17 AND #20



#21 AND ([article]/lim OR [article in press]/lim OR [review]/lim) AND ([dutch]/lim OR [english]/lim) AND [2008-2014]/py



4.    cochrane library (via wiley)

#1            MeSH descriptor: [Patient Acceptance of Health Care] 1 tree(s) exploded

#2            MeSH descriptor: [Patient Dropouts] 1 tree(s) exploded

#3            (complian* or comply* or complied or adher* or noncomplian* or nonadher* or uptake or (patient and dropout*) or (treatment and refusal*) or (patient and (participation or acceptance)) or maintenance):ti,ab

#4            #1 or #2 or #3

#5            MeSH descriptor: [Attitude to Health] 1 tree(s) exploded

#6            MeSH descriptor: [Attitude] this term only

#7            MeSH descriptor: [Motivation] this term only

#8            MeSH descriptor: [Aspirations (Psychology)] this term only

#9            MeSH descriptor: [Drive] this term only

#10          MeSH descriptor: [Exploratory Behavior] this term only

#11          MeSH descriptor: [Goals] this term only

#12          MeSH descriptor: [Intention] this term only

#13          MeSH descriptor: [Personality] 1 tree(s) exploded

#14          MeSH descriptor: [Social Determinants of Health] this term only

#15          MeSH descriptor: [Risk Factors] this term only

#16          MeSH descriptor: [Socioeconomic Factors] explode all trees

#17          MeSH descriptor: [Social Support] this term only

#18          (attitude or personality or behavior or behaviour or determinant or predictor):ab,ti

#19          #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18

#20          MeSH descriptor: [Exercise] this term only

#21          MeSH descriptor: [Physical Conditioning, Human] this term only

#22          MeSH descriptor: [Resistance Training] this term only

#23          MeSH descriptor: [Sports] 1 tree(s) exploded

#24          MeSH descriptor: [Physical Endurance] 1 tree(s) exploded

#25          MeSH descriptor: [Physical Fitness] this term only

#26          MeSH descriptor: [Exercise Movement Techniques] this term only

#27          MeSH descriptor: [Exercise Therapy] this term only

#28          MeSH descriptor: [Movement] this term only

#29          MeSH descriptor: [Physical Education and Training] 1 tree(s) exploded

#30          ((physical* and (active or activity or activities)) or ((muscle or muscles) and strengthen*) or swim* or jog* or run or running or walk or walking or exercise* or sport or sports or aerobic):ab,ti

#31          MeSH descriptor: [Diet] this term only

#32          MeSH descriptor: [Diet Therapy] this term only

#33          MeSH descriptor: [Nutrition Policy] this term only

#34          MeSH descriptor: [Nutrition Therapy] this term only

#35          MeSH descriptor: [Food Habits] this term only

#36          (diet or diets or dieta* or diete* or dieti* or nutrition* or food habit* or (feeding and (behavior* or behaviour*)) or (eating and (behavior* or behaviour*))):ti,ab

#37          MeSH descriptor: [Tobacco Use Cessation] 1 tree(s) exploded

#38          MeSH descriptor: [Tobacco Use] this term only

#39          (smoking and cessation):ti,ab

#40          MeSH descriptor: [Drinking Behavior] 1 tree(s) exploded

#41          MeSH descriptor: [Alcohol-Related Disorders] this term only

#42          MeSH descriptor: [Binge Drinking] this term only

#43          MeSH descriptor: [Alcoholic Intoxication] this term only

#44          (alcohol* or binge or drink*):ti,ab

#45          MeSH descriptor: [Body Weight] 1 tree(s) exploded

#46          MeSH descriptor: [Body Mass Index] 1 tree(s) exploded

#47          ((body and (weight or mass)) or bmi):ti,ab

#48          #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 or #30 or #31 or #32 or #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 or #39 or #40 or #41 or #42 or #43 or #44 or #45 or #46 or #47

#49          MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasms] 1 tree(s) exploded

#50          MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasm Staging] this term only

#51          MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasm Metastasis] 1 tree(s) exploded

#52          MeSH descriptor: [Neoplastic Processes] 1 tree(s) exploded

#53          (cancer* or tumor* or tumour* or carcinoma* or neoplasm* or lymphoma or melanoma or metastas* or metastatic or (non and small and cell) or adenocarcinoma* or (squamous and cell) or nsclc or osteosarcoma* or phyllodes or cystosarcoma* or fibroadenoma* or plasmacytoma* or myeloma* or lymphoblastoma* or lymphocytoma* or sarcoma* or hodgkin* or nonhodgkin*):ti,ab

#54          #49 or #50 or #51 or #52 or #53

#55          #4 and #19 and #48 and #54

5.    CINAHL



S7 AND S19 AND S34 AND S37



S35 OR S36



cancer* or tumor* or tumour* or carcinoma* or neoplasm* or lymphoma or melanoma or metastas* or metastatic or (non and small and cell) or adenocarcinoma* or (squamous and cell) or nsclc or osteosarcoma* or phyllodes or cystosarcoma* or fibroadenoma* or plasmacytoma* or myeloma* or lymphoblastoma* or lymphocytoma* or sarcoma* or hodgkin* or nonhodgkin*



(MH "Neoplasms+")



S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33



(MH "Body Mass Index")



(MH "Body Weight")



(MH "Binge Drinking")



(MH "Drinking Behavior")



(MH "Alcoholism") OR (MH "Alcohol Drinking") OR (MH "Alcohol-Related Disorders")



(MH "Smoking Cessation") OR (MH "Smoking Cessation Programs") OR (MH "Smoking")



(MH "Food Habits")



(MH "Nutrition Policy") OR (MH "Nutrition")



(MH "Diet Therapy")



(MH "Diet")



(MH "Therapeutic Exercise")



(MH "Physical Fitness")



(MH "Sports+")



(MH "Exercise") OR (MH "Resistance Training")



S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18



(MH "Support Psychosocial+")






(MH "Independent Variable")



(MH "Socioeconomic Factors+")



(MH "Risk Factors")






(MH "Social Determinants of Health")



(MH "Goals and Objectives") OR (MH "Goal-Setting") OR (MH "Goal Attainment")






(MH "Motivation") OR (MH "Drive") OR (MH "Personality+") OR (MH "Intention")



(MH "Attitude") OR (MH "Attitude to Health") OR (MH "Health Beliefs")



S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6



complian* or comply* or complied or adher* or noncomplian* or nonadher* or maintenance









(MH "Patient Compliance+") OR (MH "Treatment Refusal")



(MH "Patient Dropouts")





6.    PEDRO

Subdiscipline oncology: Abstract & Title

  • complian*: N=15
  • comply: N=5
  • complied: N=0
  • adher*: N=86
  • noncomplian*: N=1
  • nonadher*: N=0
  • uptake: N=14
  • dropout: N=8
  • refusal: N=2
  • acceptance: N=6
  • maintenance: N=32

Search strings Question 2

1.    medline (ovid)

1     exp Neoplasms/ (2498041)

2     Neoplasm Staging/ (117705)

3     cancer$.ti,ab. (976234)

4     tumor$.ti,ab. (893907)

5     tumour$.ti,ab. (190963)

6     carcinoma$.ti,ab. (439770)

7     neoplasm$.ti,ab. (91812)

8     lymphoma.ti,ab. (104945)

9     melanoma.ti,ab. (70977)

10     staging.ti,ab. (47081)

11     metastas$.ti,ab. (203996)

12     metastatic.ti,ab. (130750)

13     exp Neoplasm Metastasis/ (152011)

14     exp neoplastic processes/ (324415)

15     neoplastic process$.ti,ab. (2230)

16     non small cell.ti,ab. (28431)

17     adenocarcinoma$.ti,ab. (89494)

18     squamous cell.ti,ab. (61682)

19     nsclc.ti,ab. (16298)

20     osteosarcoma$.ti,ab. (14053)

21     phyllodes.ti,ab. (1234)

22     cystosarcoma$.ti,ab. (550)

23     fibroadenoma$.ti,ab. (2852)

24     (non adj small adj cell).ti,ab. (28431)

25     (non adj2 small adj2 cell).ti,ab. (28634)

26     (nonsmall adj2 cell).ti,ab. (1673)

27     plasmacytoma$.ti,ab. (5097)

28     myeloma.ti,ab. (34422)

29     multiple myeloma.ti,ab. (22186)

30     lymphoblastoma$.ti,ab. (258)

31     lymphocytoma$.ti,ab. (261)

32     lymphosarcoma$.ti,ab. (3588)

33     immunocytoma.ti,ab. (401)

34     sarcoma$.ti,ab. (68644)

35     hodgkin$.ti,ab. (49942)

36     (nonhodgkin$ or non hodgkin$).ti,ab. (28671)

37     or/1-36 (2876408)

38     return-to-work.tw. (5270)

39     employment.tw. (33619)

40     unemployment.tw. (6136)

41     unemployed.tw. (4795)

42     retirement.tw. (7735)

43     sick leave.tw. (2995)

44     sickness absence.tw. (1349)

45     absenteeism.tw. (3414)

46     disability management.tw. (194)

47     exp Employment/ (53009)

48     exp Unemployment/ (5058)

49     exp Sick Leave/ (3747)

50     exp Absenteeism/ (7153)

51     exp Work/ (13295)

52     exp Occupations/ (26182)

53     exp Occupational Medicine/ (21660)

54     exp Occupational Health/ (24383)

55     exp Occupational Health Services/ (9554)

56     exp Rehabilitation, Vocational/ (8955)

57     occupation*.tw. (103213)

58     vocational*.tw. (7487)

59     work ability.tw. (680)

60     work capacity.tw. (3783)

61     work activity.tw. (520)

62     work disability.tw. (1257)

63     work rehabilitation.tw. (180)

64     work status.tw. (1175)

65     work retention.tw. (36)

66     workability.tw. (180)

67     employability.tw. (361)

68     employable.tw. (166)

69     employee*.tw. (29493)

70     or/38-69 (282110)

71     37 and 70 (19125)

72    randomized controlled trial.pt. (362054)

73     controlled clinical trial.pt. (87462)

74     randomized.ab. (262574)

75     placebo.ab. (142174)

76     clinical trials as topic.sh. (167631)

77     randomly.ab. (187448)

78     trial.ti. (112531)

79     72 or 73 or 74 or 75 or 76 or 77 or 78 (833512)

80     exp animals/ not humans.sh. (3878559)

81     79 not 80 (765630)

82     meta-analysis.mp,pt. or review.pt. or search:.tw. (1985170)

83     81 or 82 (2634437)

84     71 and 83 (3829)

85     limit 84 to yr="2008 - 2014" (937)

2.    PreMedline (OVID)

3     cancer$.ti,ab. (73823)

4     tumor$.ti,ab. (53379)

5     tumour$.ti,ab. (11030)

6     carcinoma$.ti,ab. (24756)

7     neoplasm$.ti,ab. (5448)

8     lymphoma.ti,ab. (5414)

9     melanoma.ti,ab. (3665)

10     staging.ti,ab. (3159)

11     metastas$.ti,ab. (14702)

12     metastatic.ti,ab. (9582)

15     neoplastic process$.ti,ab. (110)

16     non small cell.ti,ab. (3082)

17     adenocarcinoma$.ti,ab. (5663)

18     squamous cell.ti,ab. (4332)

19     nsclc.ti,ab. (2180)

20     osteosarcoma$.ti,ab. (874)

21     phyllodes.ti,ab. (88)

22     cystosarcoma$.ti,ab. (15)

23     fibroadenoma$.ti,ab. (151)

24     (non adj small adj cell).ti,ab. (3082)

25     (non adj2 small adj2 cell).ti,ab. (3087)

26     (nonsmall adj2 cell).ti,ab. (162)

27     plasmacytoma$.ti,ab. (181)

28     myeloma.ti,ab. (1734)

29     multiple myeloma.ti,ab. (1388)

30     lymphoblastoma$.ti,ab. (12)

31     lymphocytoma$.ti,ab. (12)

32     lymphosarcoma$.ti,ab. (89)

33     immunocytoma.ti,ab. (2)

34     sarcoma$.ti,ab. (4044)

35     hodgkin$.ti,ab. (1968)

36     (nonhodgkin$ or non hodgkin$).ti,ab. (1264)

37     or/3-36 (130223)

38     return-to-work.tw. (422)

39     employment.tw. (2491)

40     unemployment.tw. (420)

41     unemployed.tw. (362)

42     retirement.tw. (498)

43     sick leave.tw. (207)

44     sickness absence.tw. (97)

45     absenteeism.tw. (233)

46     disability management.tw. (17)

57     occupation*.tw. (7192)

58     vocational*.tw. (486)

59     work ability.tw. (88)

60     work capacity.tw. (85)

61     work activity.tw. (36)

62     work disability.tw. (75)

63     work rehabilitation.tw. (18)

64     work status.tw. (110)

65     work retention.tw. (5)

66     workability.tw. (31)

67     employability.tw. (32)

68     employable.tw. (10)

69    employee*.tw. (1570)

70     or/38-69 (12739)

71     37 and 70 (718)

72     randomized controlled trial.pt. (608)

73     controlled clinical trial.pt. (68)

74     randomized.ab. (20396)

75     placebo.ab. (7553)

76     clinical trials as topic.sh. (1)

77    randomly.ab. (18269)

78     trial.ti. (8324)

79     72 or 73 or 74 or 75 or 76 or 77 or 78 (43809)

80     exp animals/ not humans.sh. (5)

81     79 not 80 (43809)

82     meta-analysis.mp,pt. or review.pt. or search:.tw. (30886)

83     81 or 82 (71201)

84     71 and 83 (64)

85     limit 84 to yr="2008 - 2014" (54)

3.    EMBASE (via embase.com)



cancer*:ab,ti OR tumor*:ab,ti OR tumour*:ab,ti OR carcinoma*:ab,ti OR neoplasm*:ab,ti OR lymphoma:ab,ti OR melanoma:ab,ti OR metastas*:ab,ti OR metastatic:ab,ti OR (non:ab,ti AND small:ab,ti AND cell:ab,ti) OR adenocarcinoma*:ab,ti OR (squamous:ab,ti AND cell:ab,ti) OR nsclc:ab,ti OR osteosarcoma*:ab,ti OR phyllodes:ab,ti OR cystosarcoma*:ab,ti OR fibroadenoma*:ab,ti OR plasmacytoma*:ab,ti OR myeloma*:ab,ti OR lymphoblastoma*:ab,ti OR lymphocytoma*:ab,ti OR sarcoma*:ab,ti OR hodgkin*:ab,ti OR nonhodgkin*:ab,ti






#1 OR #2



'return to work':ab,ti OR employment:ab,ti OR unemployment:ab,ti OR retirement:ab,ti OR 'sick leave':ab,ti OR 'sickness absence':ab,ti OR absenteeism:ab,ti OR 'disability management':ab,ti OR occupation*:ab,ti OR vocational*:ab,ti OR 'work ability':ab,ti OR 'work capacity':ab,ti OR 'work activity':ab,ti OR 'work disability':ab,ti OR 'work rehabilitation':ab,ti OR 'work status':ab,ti OR 'work retention':ab,ti OR workability:ab,ti OR employability:ab,ti OR employable:ab,ti OR employee*:ab,ti



'occupation'/exp OR 'unemployment'/exp OR 'work'/exp OR 'occupational medicine'/exp OR 'occupational health'/exp OR 'vocational rehabilitation'/exp



#4 OR #5



#3 AND #6



#7 AND ([cochrane review]/lim OR [meta analysis]/lim OR [randomized controlled trial]/lim OR [systematic review]/lim) AND ([article]/lim OR [article in press]/lim OR [review]/lim) AND ([dutch]/lim OR [english]/lim) AND [2008-2014]/py



4.    cochrane library (via wiley)

#1            (return-to-work or employment or unemployment or retirement or 'sick leave' or 'sickness absence' or absenteeism or 'disability management' or occupation* or vocational* or 'work ability' or 'work capacity' or 'work activity' or 'work disability' or 'work rehabilitation' or 'work status' or 'work retention' or workability or employability or employable or employee*):ab,ti

#2            MeSH descriptor: [Employment] 1 tree(s) exploded

#3            MeSH descriptor: [Sick Leave] 1 tree(s) exploded

#4            MeSH descriptor: [Absenteeism] explode all trees

#5            MeSH descriptor: [Work] 1 tree(s) exploded

#6            MeSH descriptor: [Occupations] 1 tree(s) exploded

#7            MeSH descriptor: [Occupational Medicine] 1 tree(s) exploded

#8            MeSH descriptor: [Occupational Health] 1 tree(s) exploded

#9            MeSH descriptor: [Occupational Health Services] 1 tree(s) exploded

#10          MeSH descriptor: [Rehabilitation, Vocational] 1 tree(s) exploded

#11          #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10

#12          MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasms] 1 tree(s) exploded

#13          MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasm Staging] this term only

#14          MeSH descriptor: [Neoplasm Metastasis] 1 tree(s) exploded

#15          MeSH descriptor: [Neoplastic Processes] 1 tree(s) exploded

#16          (cancer* or tumor* or tumour* or carcinoma* or neoplasm* or lymphoma or melanoma or metastas* or metastatic or (non and small and cell) or adenocarcinoma* or (squamous and cell) or nsclc or osteosarcoma* or phyllodes or cystosarcoma* or fibroadenoma* or plasmacytoma* or myeloma* or lymphoblastoma* or lymphocytoma* or sarcoma* or hodgkin* or nonhodgkin*):ti,ab

#17          #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16

#18          #11 and #17

5.    CINAHL



S16 OR S17









S3 AND S14



S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13



(MH "Rehabilitation, Vocational")



(MH "Occupational Health") OR (MH "Occupational Health Services")



(MH "Occupational Medicine")



(MH "Occupations and Professions+")



(MH "Work")



(MH "Absenteeism")



(MH "Sick Leave")



(MH "Unemployment")



(MH "Employment+")



TX return-to-work or employment or unemployment or retirement or 'sick leave' or 'sickness absence' or absenteeism or 'disability management' or occupation* or vocational* or 'work ability' or 'work capacity' or 'work activity' or 'work disability' or 'work rehabilitation' or 'work status' or 'work retention' or workability or employability or employable or employee*



S1 OR S2



cancer* or tumor* or tumour* or carcinoma* or neoplasm* or lymphoma or melanoma or metastas* or metastatic or (non and small and cell) or adenocarcinoma* or (squamous and cell) or nsclc or osteosarcoma* or phyllodes or cystosarcoma* or fibroadenoma* or plasmacytoma* or myeloma* or lymphoblastoma* or lymphocytoma* or sarcoma* or hodgkin* or nonhodgkin*



(MH "Neoplasms+")



1     exp Neoplasms/ (33378)

2     cancer$.ti,ab. (37451)

3     tumor$.ti,ab. (9112)

4     tumour$.ti,ab. (1283)

5     carcinoma$.ti,ab. (1192)

6     neoplasm$.ti,ab. (773)

7     lymphoma.ti,ab. (731)

8     melanoma.ti,ab. (526)

9     staging.ti,ab. (1395)

10     metastas$.ti,ab. (905)

11     metastatic.ti,ab. (1024)

12     neoplastic process$.ti,ab. (18)

13    non small cell.ti,ab. (149)

14     adenocarcinoma$.ti,ab. (205)

15     squamous cell.ti,ab. (145)

16     nsclc.ti,ab. (61)

17     osteosarcoma$.ti,ab. (57)

18     phyllodes.ti,ab. (0)

19     cystosarcoma$.ti,ab. (0)

20     fibroadenoma$.ti,ab. (2)

21    (non adj small adj cell).ti,ab. (149)

22     (non adj2 small adj2 cell).ti,ab. (151)

23     (nonsmall adj2 cell).ti,ab. (24)

24     plasmacytoma$.ti,ab. (8)

25     myeloma.ti,ab. (159)

26     lymphoblastoma$.ti,ab. (1)

27     lymphocytoma$.ti,ab. (0)

28     lymphosarcoma$.ti,ab. (7)

29     immunocytoma.ti,ab. (0)

30     sarcoma$.ti,ab. (301)

31     hodgkin$.ti,ab. (559)

32     (nonhodgkin$ or non hodgkin$).ti,ab. (184)

33     or/1-32 (51298)

34     return-to-work.tw. (1606)

35     employment.tw. (37030)

36     unemployment.tw. (6677)

37     unemployed.tw. (4879)

38     retirement.tw. (6934)

39     sick leave.tw. (869)

40     sickness absence.tw. (606)

41     absenteeism.tw. (3058)

42     disability management.tw. (198)

43     exp Employment Status/ (14085)

44     exp Unemployment/ (3103)

45     exp Employee Leave Benefits/ (651)

46     exp Employee Absenteeism/ or exp Employee Attitudes/ (27338)

47     exp "Work (Attitudes Toward)"/ (5430)

48     exp Occupations/ (7341)

49     exp Occupational Health/ (796)

50     exp Vocational Rehabilitation/ (5904)

51     occupation*.tw. (50380)

52     vocational*.tw. (30461)

53     work ability.tw. (585)

54     work capacity.tw. (430)

55     work activity.tw. (501)

56     work disability.tw. (360)

57     work rehabilitation.tw. (182)

58     work status.tw. (800)

59     work retention.tw. (15)

60     workability.tw. (71)

61     employability.tw. (1108)

62     employable.tw. (168)

63     employee*.tw. (46201)

64     or/34-63 (181694)

65     33 and 64 (1278)

66     limit 65 to yr="2008 - 2014" (632)

67     randomized.ab. (36974)

68     placebo.ab. (29643)

69     randomly.ab. (49634)

70     trial.ti. (16816)

71     exp clinical trials/ (7311)

72     meta-analysis.mp,pt. or review.pt. or search:.tw. (72511)

73     67 or 68 or 69 or 70 or 71 or 72 (179795)

74     66 and 73 (54)