Zoekverantwoording Gezonde leefstijl

Zoekverantwoording Gezonde leefstijl

Key question 1

1.    Key question

Wat zijn kenmerken voor het zelfstandig oppakken / handhaven van een gezonde leefstijl (fysieke actief, gezond voedingspatroon, niet roken, beperkt alcoholgebruk, gezond lichaamsgewicht) voor patiënten met kanker?

P: patiënten met kanker

I: persoonlijkheid (bv. controle, self-efficacy, neuroticisme/extraversie/conscientiousness/BIG five end.), huidig gedrag (leeft iemand al gezond/sport iemand al of moet iemand daarmee beginnen), ervaren druk/steun van omgeving, motivatie, planning, sociaal ecomonische status, leeftijd, age , social cognitive theory constructen (self efficacy etc.) theory of planned behavior constructen (intention, value, social support, etc.) klachten en symptomen (pijn, vermoeidheid, neuropathie) bewegingsangst, kennis

C: -

O: gezonde leefstijl (fysieke actief, gezond voedingspatroon, niet roken, beperkt alcoholgebruik, gezond lichaamsgewicht)

2.    Search strategy

Search date: February 13 and 20, 2014.

Databases: OVID Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Cinahl, Pedro (see appendix for search strings).

Search limits:

  • Publication date: 2008-2014;
  • English and Dutch only;

-          Study design: meta-analyses, systematic reviews, cohort studies of at least 100 patients.

3.    Search Results

Table 1. Overall search results.


Number of hits

OVID Medline


OVID PreMedline




Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews




HTA database








Total hits


N excluded (language, year, duplicates)


Total unique eligible hits


a.   Excluded studies

1407 unique hits were screened on title and abstract (Table 1). Of these, 1313 were excluded. The most important reasons for exclusion were:

  1. Other population: patients without cancer
  2. Other intervention: interventions other than those specified
  3. Wrong study design: narrative reviews, studies with less than 100 patients, etc

Of the remaining 94 papers, the full-text was retrieved. Based on the full-text, an additional 73 papers were excluded. Table 2 provides an overview of these excluded studies.

b.    Included studies

The following 20 primary studies (published in 21 papers) were included:

  • Basen-Engquist K, Carmack CL, Li Y, Brown J, Jhingran A, Hughes DC, et al. Social-cognitive theory predictors of exercise behavior in endometrial cancer survivors. Health Psychol. 2013;32(11):1137-48.
  • Belanger LJ, Plotnikoff RC, Clark AM, Courneya KS. Determinants of physical activity in young adult cancer survivors. Am J Health Behav. 2012;36(4):483-94.
  • Blaney JM, Lowe-Strong A, Rankin-Watt J, Campbell A, Gracey JH. Cancer survivors' exercise barriers, facilitators and preferences in the context of fatigue, quality of life and physical activity participation: a questionnaire-survey. Psychooncology. 2013;22(1):186-94.
  • Brunet J, Sabiston CM. Self-presentation and physical activity in breast cancer survivors: the moderating effect of social cognitive constructs. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 2011;33(6):759-78.
  • Chipperfield K, Fletcher J, Millar J, Brooker J, Smith R, Frydenberg M, et al. Factors associated with adherence to physical activity guidelines in patients with prostate cancer. Psycho-Oncology. 2013;22(11):2478-86.
  • Cox CL, Montgomery M, Oeffinger KC, Leisenring W, Zeltzer L, Whitton JA, et al. Promoting physical activity in childhood cancer survivors: results from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Cancer. 2009;115(3):642-54.
  • Gjerset GM, Fossa SD, Courneya KS, Skovlund E, Jacobsen AB, Thorsen L. Interest and preferences for exercise counselling and programming among Norwegian cancer survivors. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2011;20(1):96-105.
  • Harrison S, Hayes SC, Newman B. Level of physical activity and characteristics associated with change following breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Psycho Oncology. 2009;18(4):387-94.
  • Hsu H-T, Dodd MJ, Guo S-E, Lee KA, Hwang S-L, Lai Y-H. Predictors of exercise frequency in breast cancer survivors in Taiwan. J Clin Nurs. 2011;20(13-14):1923-35.
  • Huy C, Schmidt ME, Vrieling A, Chang-Claude J, Steindorf K. Physical activity in a German breast cancer patient cohort: One-year trends and characteristics associated with change in activity level. Eur. J. Cancer. 2012;48(3):297-304.
  • Karvinen KH, Courneya KS, Plotnikoff RC, Spence JC, Venner PM, North S. A prospective study of the determinants of exercise in bladder cancer survivors using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Support Care Cancer. 2009;17(2):171-9.
  • McGowan EL, Speed-Andrews AE, Rhodes RE, Blanchard CM, Culos-Reed SN, Friedenreich CM, et al. Sport participation in colorectal cancer survivors: an unexplored approach to promoting physical activity. Support Care Cancer. 2013;21(1):139-47.
  • Milne HM, Wallman KE, Guilfoyle A, Gordon S, Corneya KS. Self-determination theory and physical activity among breast cancer survivors. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 2008;30(1):23-38.
  • Ng AK, Li S, Recklitis C, Diller LR, Neuberg D, Silver B, et al. Health Practice in Long-Term Survivors of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2008;71(2):468-76.
  • Peddle CJ, Plotnikoff RC, Wild TC, Au H-J, Courneya KS. Medical, demographic, and psychosocial correlates of exercise in colorectal cancer survivors: an application of self-determination theory. Support Care Cancer. 2008;16(1):9-17.
  • Soerjomataram I, Thong MSY, Korfage IJ, Polinder S, Van Der Heide A, De Vries E, et al. Excess weight among colorectal cancer survivors: Target for intervention. J. Gastroenterol. 2012;47(9):999-1005.
  • Speed-Andrews AE, Rhodes RE, Blanchard CM, Culos-Reed SN, Friedenreich CM, Belanger LJ, et al. Medical, demographic and social cognitive correlates of physical activity in a population-based sample of colorectal cancer survivors. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2012;21(2):187-96.
  • Stevinson C, Tonkin K, Capstick V, Schepansky A, Ladha AB, Valance JK, et al. A population-based study of the determinants of physical activity in ovarian cancer survivors. J Phys Act Health. 2009;6(3):339-46.
  • Trinh L, Plotnikoff RC, Rhodes RE, North S, Courneya KS. Correlates of physical activity in a population-based sample of kidney cancer survivors: an application of the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity. 2012;9(96).
  • Vallance JK, Lavallee C, Culos-Reed NS, Trudeau MG. Predictors of physical activity among rural and small town breast cancer survivors: an application of the theory of planned behaviour. Psychology Health & Medicine. 2012;17(6):685-97.

-          Yang H-K, Shin D-W, Park J-H, Kim S-Y, Eom C-S, Kam S, et al. The association between perceived social support and continued smoking in cancer survivors. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(1):45-54.



Table 2. Key question 1: overview of excluded studies based on full-text evaluation.





Andersen AH

Support Care Cancer 2013 21(8):2247-53

A modified exercise protocol may promote continuance of exercise after the intervention in lung cancer patients--a pragmatic uncontrolled trial

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Basen-Engquist K

Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2011 12(1):27-35

Design of the steps to health study of physical activity in survivors of endometrial cancer: Testing a social cognitive theory model

Study design

Blanchard CM

J Clin Oncol 2008 26(13):2198-204

Cancer survivors' adherence to lifestyle behavior recommendations and associations with health-related quality of life: results from the American Cancer Society's SCS-II

Gaat over associatie van compliance met QoL

Blaney J

Phys Ther 2010 90(8):1135-1147

The cancer rehabilitation journey: barriers to and facilitators of exercise among patients with cancer-related fatigue


Bourke L

Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2011 20(4):647-657

Lifestyle intervention in men with advanced prostate cancer receiving androgen suppression therapy: A feasibility study

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Bourke L

Br. J. Cancer 2013

Interventions to improve exercise behaviour in sedentary people living with and beyond cancer: a systematic review

Geen analyse van kenmerken; wel over effect van interventies op compliance

Bourke L

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013 9):

Interventions for promoting habitual exercise in people living with and beyond cancer

Geen analyse van kenmerken; wel over effect van interventies op compliance

Bourke L

Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 2011 92(5):749-755

Pragmatic lifestyle intervention in patients recovering from colon cancer: A randomized controlled pilot study

Geen analyse van kenmerken; wel over effect van interventie op compliance

Browning KK

Cancer Nurs 2009 32(4):E15-25

The Self-regulation Model of Illness applied to smoking behavior in lung cancer

Enkel vergelijking tussen rokers en quitters: N=29, dus te laag

Brunet J

Disability & Rehabilitation 2013 35(24):2038-45

A qualitative exploration of barriers and motivators to physical activity participation in women treated for breast cancer


Carter CL

Supportive Care Cancer 2012 20(8):1699-1707

The comparative effectiveness of a team-based versus group-based physical activity intervention for cancer survivors

Geen analyse van kenmerken; wel over effect van interventie op compliance

Courneya KS

Cancer 2008 112(8):1845-53

Moderators of the effects of exercise training in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: a randomized controlled trial

Moderatoren van effect van exercise op QoL

Courneya KS

Ann. Behav. Med. 2008 35(1):116-122

Barriers to supervised exercise training in a randomized controlled trial of breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Courneya KS

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2008 40(6):1180-1187

Predictors of supervised exercise adherence during breast cancer chemotherapy

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Courneya KS

Ann Behav Med 2010 40(1):30-39

Predictors of adherence to supervised exercise in lymphoma patients participating in a randomized controlled trial

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Courneya KS

Psycho-Oncology 2012 21(10):1124-1131

Predictors of follow-up exercise behavior 6 months after a randomized trial of supervised exercise training in lymphoma patients


Courneya KS

Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 2009 114(1):179-187

Predictors of follow-up exercise behavior 6 months after a randomized trial of exercise training during breast cancer chemotherapy


Craike MJ

Support Care Cancer 2011 19(7):1019-28

An exploratory study of the factors that influence physical activity for prostate cancer survivors


Demark-Wahnefried W

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2012 30(19):2354-61

Reach out to enhance wellness home-based diet-exercise intervention promotes reproducible and sustainable long-term improvements in health behaviors, body weight, and physical functioning in older, overweight/obese cancer survivors

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Devitt B

J Thorac Oncol 2010 5(8):1227-32

What should a support program for people with lung cancer look like? Differing attitudes of patients and support group facilitators

Gaat over uptake van support program

Duffy SA

Oncol Nurs Forum 2010 37(3):349-56

Perceived difficulty quitting predicts enrollment in a smoking-cessation program for patients with head and neck cancer

 Substudie van RCT

England R

Respir. Med. 2012 106(2):294-299

Factors influencing exercise performance in thoracic cancer

Gaat over effect van factoren op exercise performance

Gjerset GM

Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 2011 20(1):96-105

Interest and preferences for exercise counselling and programming among Norwegian cancer survivors

Over interesse om deel te nemen aan fysieke activiteit

Haas BK

Cancer Nurs 2011 34(4):322-34

Fatigue, self-efficacy, physical activity, and quality of life in women with breast cancer


Huberty JL

Oncol Nurs Forum 2009 36(5):E266-273

Development of an instrument to measure adherence to strength training in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors

Ontwikkeling van instrument: niet van toepassing op uitgangsvraag

Husebo AM

Journal of Clinical Nursing 2013 22(1-2):4-21

Predicting exercise adherence in cancer patients and survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of motivational and behavioural factors

Ook RCT’s geïncludeerd

Ibfelt E

Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) 2011 50(2):289-98

No change in health behavior, BMI or self-rated health after a psychosocial cancer rehabilitation: Results of a randomized trial

Gaat over effect van interventie op health behaviour

Irwin ML

British Journal of Sports Medicine 2009 43(1):32-38

Physical activity interventions for cancer survivors

Narrative review

Joyce Chung OK

Cancer Nurs. 2013

The impact of cancer and its treatment on physical activity levels and behavior in Hong Kong Chinese Childhood cancer survivors

Niet van toepassing op uitgangsvraag

Kardas P

Front. Pharmacol. 2013 4 JUL(

Determinants of patient adherence: A review of systematic reviews

Niet specifiek over kanker

Kim SH

Oncol. Nurs. Forum 2011 38(2):E97-E106

Randomized pilot test of a simultaneous stage-matched exercise and diet intervention for breast cancer survivors

Gaat over effect van interventie op health behaviour

Knols RH

Disability & Rehabilitation 2010 32(22):1819-26

The relationship between ambulatory step activity, self-reported physical functioning and standardised timed walking in patients with haematological malignancies

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Larsson I

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2008 22(3):422-429

Women's experience of physical activity following breast cancer treatment

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Latka RN

Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice 2009 3(3):148-57

Adherence to a randomized controlled trial of aerobic exercise in breast cancer survivors: the Yale exercise and survivorship study

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Lowe SS

Support Care Cancer 2010 18(11):1469-75

Physical activity interests and preferences in palliative cancer patients

Over interesse om deel te nemen aan fysieke activiteit

McGuire R


Examining intervention components for promoting adherence to strength weight training exercise in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors with bone loss


McGuire R

West J Nurs Res 2011 33(5):671-89

Intervention components promoting adherence to strength training exercise in breast cancer survivors with bone loss

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Melchers LJ

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009 38(9):947-54

Exercise adherence in patients with trismus due to head and neck oncology: a qualitative study into the use of the Therabite

Gaat over adherence to Therabite exercise

Miller PE

J. Acad. Nutri. Diet. 2012 112(6):824-831.e1

Dietary Patterns Differ between Urban and Rural Older, Long-Term Survivors of Breast, Prostate, and Colorectal Cancer and Are Associated with Body Mass Index

Gaat over relatie tussen adherence to diet en de BMI

Milne HM

Ann. Behav. Med. 2008 36(2):158-166

Impact of a combined resistance and aerobic exercise program on motivational variables in breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial

Gaat over effect van exercise op motivatie

Moon SH

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: Apjcp 2013 14(5):2949-54

Adherence to health-related lifestyle behavior recommendations and association with quality of life among cancer survivors and age-matched controls in Korea

Gaat over link tussen adherence en QoL

Mosher CE

J. Health Psychol. 2008 13(8):1105-1112

Cancer survivors' health worries and associations with lifestyle practices

Niet van toepassing op uitgangsvraag 

Mosher CE

Psycho-Oncology 2013 22(4):876-885

Long-term outcomes of the FRESH START trial: exploring the role of self-efficacy in cancer survivors' maintenance of dietary practices and physical activity

Gaat over invloed van veranderingen die door de interventie veroorzaakt worden

Murnane A

Supportive Care Cancer 2012 20(5):957-962

The exercise programming preferences and activity levels of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Ness KK

Cancer 2010 116(12):3034-44

Physical performance limitations among adult survivors of childhood brain tumors

Niet van toepassing op uitgangsvraag 

Ollberding NJ

Public Health Nutrition 2011 14(10):1796-1804

Comparison of modifiable health behaviours between persons with and without cancer: the Multiethnic Cohort

Vergelijking tussen kanker en niet-kanker patiënten

Peddle CJ

Oncology Nursing Forum 2009 36(3):287-295

Correlates of adherence to supervised exercise in patients awaiting surgical removal of malignant lung lesions: results of a pilot study


Pekmezi D

ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal 2012 16(4):8-13

Enhancing Exercise Adherence for Breast Cancer Survivors

Narrative review

Pinto BM

Recent Results Cancer Res. 2011 186(367-387

Physical activity motivation and cancer survivorship

Narrative review

Pinto BM

Supportive Care Cancer 2008 16(11):1279-1289

Maintenance of effects of a home-based physical activity program among breast cancer survivors

Gaat over de effecten van exercise

Pinto BM

Psycho-Oncology 2009 18(4):369-376

Home-based exercise among cancer survivors: adherence and its predictors

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Playdon M

Curr. Breast Cancer Rep. 2013 5(3):222-246

Weight loss intervention for breast cancer survivors: A systematic review

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Pollard A

Cancer Forum 2009 33(3):182-186

Health behaviour interventions for cancer survivors: An overview of the evidence and contemporary Australian trials

Narrative review

Rogers LQ

J Phys Act Health 2008 5(5):688-705

Factors associated with exercise counseling and program preferences among breast cancer survivors

Gaat over voorkeuren voor type exercise program

Rogers LQ

Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2009 41(4):935-946

A randomized trial to increase physical activity in breast cancer survivors

Gaat over effect van interventie op health behaviour

Rogers LQ

Journal of Rural Health 2009 25(4):388-91

Exercise preference patterns, resources, and environment among rural breast cancer survivors

Gaat over voorkeuren voor type exercise program

Rogers LQ

Contemp. Clin. Trials 2012 33(1):124-137

Better exercise adherence after treatment for cancer (BEAT Cancer) study: Rationale, design, and methods

Study design

Rogers LQ

Supportive Care Cancer 2008 16(1):19-27

Physical activity correlates and barriers in head and neck cancer patients


Rogers LQ

J. Sport Exerc. Psychol. 2011 33(2):235-254

Reduced barriers mediated physical activity maintenance among breast cancer survivors

Niet van toepassing op uitgangsvraag 

Shang J


Exercise adherence and contamination in a randomized control trial of a home-based walking program among patients receiving active cancer treatment


Shang J

Cancer Nursing 2012 35(4):312-322

Who will drop out and who will drop in: exercise adherence in a randomized clinical trial among patients receiving active cancer treatment

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Spark LC

J. Cancer Survivorship 2013 7(1):74-82

Physical activity and/or dietary interventions in breast cancer survivors: A systematic review of the maintenance of outcomes

Vergelijking tussen studies met succesvolle en niet-succesvolle maintenance van effecten

Swenson KK

Oncol Nurs Forum 2010 37(3):321-330

Physical activity in women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer: adherence to a walking intervention

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Thomson CA

Nutr. Cancer 2010 62(8):1142-52

Changes in body weight and metabolic indexes in overweight breast cancer survivors enrolled in a randomized trial of low-fat vs. reduced carbohydrate diets

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Travier N

Med. Oncol. 2014 31(1):

Effect of a diet and physical activity intervention on body weight and nutritional patterns in overweight and obese breast cancer survivors

Geen analyse van kenmerken

Trinh L

Supportive Care Cancer 2012 20(8):1709-1717

Physical activity preferences in a population-based sample of kidney cancer survivors

Gaat over voorkeuren voor type exercise program

Vallance J

Am J Health Behav 2010 34(2):225-236

Understanding physical activity maintenance in breast cancer survivors

Niet van toepassing op uitgangsvraag 

Vallance JK

Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2008 40(1):173-180

Maintenance of physical activity in breast cancer survivors after a randomized trial


Van Waas M

J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. 2013 35(5):361-365

Daily life physical activity in long-term survivors of nephroblastoma and neuroblastoma

Geen analyse van kenmerken

von Gruenigen VE

Health & Quality of Life Outcomes 2009 7(17):

A randomized trial of a lifestyle intervention in obese endometrial cancer survivors: quality of life outcomes and mediators of behavior change

Geen analyse van kenmerken voor adherence

White SM

Ann. Behav. Med. 2009 37(1):10-19

Translating physical activity interventions for breast cancer survivors into practice: An evaluation of randomized controlled trials

Gaat over interne en externe validiteit van RCTs

Wilkinson AV

Psycho-Oncology 2012 21(1):108-113

Extant health behaviors and uptake of standardized vs tailored health messages among cancer survivors enrolled in the FRESH START trial: a comparison of fighting-spirits vs fatalists

Gaat over adherence in exercise trial

Zhao G

J 2013 7(4):563-9

Trends in modifiable lifestyle-related risk factors following diagnosis in breast cancer survivors

Gaat over trends in prevalentie van risicofactoren