Zoekverantwoording Effectiviteit Revalidatie

Zoekverantwoording effectiviteit revalidatie



1   Key question



What is the effectiveness of rehabilitation during curative cancer treatment on survival / cancer recurrence / quality of life / tumour markers / compliance with cancer treatment / fatigue / physical condition / social participation / return to work / psychological well-being / cognitive functioning / emotional functioning, role functioning?


Patient population: cancer patients during curative cancer treatment (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy)


Intervention: cancer rehabilitation (physical exercise / training, psychological treatment, nutritional interventions, return to work interventions)


Comparison: usual care / no intervention


Outcome: survival / cancer recurrence / quality of life / tumour markers / compliance with cancer treatment / fatigue / physical condition / social participation / return to work / psychological well-being / cognitive functioning / emotional functioning, role functioning


2   Golden hits

- Mishra SI, Scherer RW, Snyder C, Geigle PM, Berlanstein DR, Topaloglu O. Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2012;8:Cd008465.


- Speck, R. M. et al. An update of controlled physical activity trials in cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis.  J Cancer Surviv 2010 4(2): 87-100.


- Midtgaard J, Christensen JF, Tolver A, Jones LW, Uth J, Rasmussen B, Tang L, Adamsen L, Rørth M Efficacy of multimodal exercise-based rehabilitation on physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and patient-reported outcomes in cancer survivors: a randomized, controlled trial.  Annals of Oncology 00: 1–7, 2013


- Galway K, Black A, Cantwell M, Cardwell CR, Mills M, Donnelly M. Psychosocial interventions to improve quality of life and emotional wellbeing for recently diagnosed cancer patients.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Nov 14;11:CD007064. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007064.pub2


3   Search strategy


The searches were run on April 2014. Pubmed Medline, Embase, PsychInfo, CINAHL, PEDRO were searched. Detailed search strings are given below. The searches were limited to 2008-2014, English and Dutch. Study types: systematic reviews and meta-analysis.


4   Search results

The Medline search yielded 678 hits, while  the search in Embase yielded 224 hits, Psychinfo yielded 83 hits, Cochrane yielded 261 hits, CINAHL yielded 254 hits, PEDRO yielded 178 hits.


After merging the search files into one file and removal of the duplicates 1314 records were screened on title and abstract. Of these 1229 were excluded. The most important reasons for exclusion was that studies were

  1. No cancer patients or not during treatment
  2. No cancer rehabilitationOf the remaining 57 studies, the full text was retrieved. Based on the full text, an additional ?? studies were excluded. Table 1 provides an overview of the studies, with the reason for exclusion.



Reason(s) for exclusion


Albrecht TA, Taylor AG. Physical activity in patients with advanced-stage cancer: a systematic review of the literature. Clinical journal of oncology nursing. 2012;16(3):293-300.

Population is not target population

Advanced stage / metastatic


Alcantara J, Alcantara JD, Alcantara J. The chiropractic care of patients with cancer: a systematic review of the literature. Integrative Cancer Therapies 2012 Dec;11(4):304-312. 2012.

Narrative review


Alshadwi A, Nadershah M, Carlson ER, Young LS, Burke PA, Daley BJ. Nutritional considerations for head and neck cancer patients: a review of the literature. Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. 2013;71(11):1853-60.

No relevant outcome


Arnold M, Taylor NF. Does exercise reduce cancer-related fatigue in hospitalised oncology patients? A systematic review. Onkologie 2010 Oct 15;33(11):625-630. 2010.

Intervention not in all studies during cancer treatment


Barbaric M, Brooks E, Moore L, Cheifetz O. Effects of physical activity on cancer survival: a systematic review [with consumer summary]. Physiotherapy Canada 2010 Winter;62(1):25-34. 2010

Intervention is physical activity (sport, househould, etc.) not cancer rehabilitation


Baumann FT, Zopf EM, Bloch W. Clinical exercise interventions in prostate cancer patients--a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 2012;20(2):221-33.

No quality appraisal


Beaton R, Pagdin-Friesen W, Robertson C, Vigar C, Watson H, Harris SR. Effects of exercise intervention on persons with metastatic cancer: a systematic review. Physiotherapy Canada 2009 Summer;61(3):141-153. 2009.

Population is not target population


Bicego D, Brown K, Ruddick M, Storey D, Wong C, Harris SR. Effects of exercise on quality of life in women living with breast cancer: a systematic review. The Breast Journal 2009 Jan-Feb;15(1):45-51. 2009

Intervention not in all studies during cancer treatment


Boehm K, Ostermann T, Milazzo S, Bussing A. Effects of yoga interventions on fatigue: a meta-analysis. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM. 2012;2012:124703.

Population is not target population


Bourke L, Homer KE, Thaha MA, Steed L, Rosario DJ, Robb KA, et al. Interventions for promoting habitual exercise in people living with and beyond cancer. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2013;9:Cd010192

Population is not target population


Bradt J, Goodill SW, Dileo C. Dance/movement therapy for improving psychological and physical outcomes in cancer patients. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2011(10):Cd007103.

Population is not target population


Buffart LM, van Uffelen JGZ, Riphagen, II, Brug J, van Mechelen W, Brown WJ, et al. Physical and psychosocial benefits of yoga in cancer patients and survivors, a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Cancer 2012 Nov 27;12(559):Epub. 2012

Population is not target population


Campbell CL, Campbell LC. A systematic review of cognitive behavioral interventions in advanced cancer. Patient education and counseling. 2012;89(1):15-24.

Population is not target population


Carayol M, Bernard P, Boiche J, Riou F, Mercier B, Cousson-Gelie F, et al. Psychological effect of exercise in women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant therapy: what is the optimal dose needed? Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO. 2013;24(2):291-300.




Carmichael AR, Daley AJ, Rea DW, Bowden SJ. Physical activity and breast cancer outcome: a brief review of evidence, current practice and future direction. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology. 2010;36(12):1139-48.


Population is not target population


Cavalheri V, Tahirah F, Nonoyama M, Jenkins S, Hill K. Exercise training undertaken by people within 12 months of lung resection for non-small cell lung cancer. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2013;7:Cd009955.

Population is not target population


Chan CLW, Wang CW, Ho RTH, Ng SM, Chan JSM, Ziea ETC, et al. A systematic review of the effectiveness of Qigong exercise in supportive cancer care. Supportive Care in Cancer 2012 Jun;20(6):1121-1133. 2012 .

Population is not target population


Cheema B, Gaul CA, Lane K, Fiatarone Singh MA. Progressive resistance training in breast cancer: a systematic review of clinical trials. Breast cancer research and treatment. 2008;109(1):9-26.

Population is not target population


Chung C, Lee S, Hwang S, Park E. Systematic review of exercise effects on health outcomes in women with breast cancer. Asian Nursing Research 2013 Sep;7(3):149-159. 2013.


Population is not target population

Outcome lymphedema / upper arm morbidity


Cote A, Daneault S. Effect of yoga on patients with cancer: our current understanding [with consumer summary]. Canadian Family Physician 2012 Sep;58(9):e475-e479. 2012.


Population is not target population

Control group had intervention


Cramer H, Lange S, Klose P, Paul A, Dobos G. Yoga for breast cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC cancer. 2012;12:412.


Outcomes not appropriate



Cramer H, Lauche R, Paul A, Dobos G. Mindfulness-based stress reduction for breast cancer -- a systematic review and meta- analysis. Current Oncology 2012 Oct;19(5):e343-e352. 2012.

Population is not target population



Cramp F, Byron-Daniel J. Exercise for the management of cancer-related fatigue in adults. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2012;11:Cd006145



Cramp F, Daniel J. Exercise for the management of cancer-related fatigue in adults. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2008(2):Cd006145.




Cramp F, James A, Lambert J. The effects of resistance training on quality of life in cancer: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 2010;18(11):1367-76.

Population is not target population


Duijts SFA, Faber MM, Oldenburg HSA, van Beurden M, Aaronson NK. Effectiveness of behavioral techniques and physical exercise on psychosocial functioning and health-related quality of life in breast cancer patients and survivors -- a meta-analysis. Psycho-Oncology 2011 Feb;20(2):115-126. 2011.


Population is not target population


Faller H, Schuler M, Richard M, Heckl U, Weis J, Kuffner R. Effects of psycho-oncologic interventions on emotional distress and quality of life in adult patients with cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2013;31(6):782-93.


Population is not target population


Focht BC, Clinton SK, Devor ST, Garver MJ, Lucas AR, Thomas-Ahner JM, et al. Resistance exercise interventions during and following cancer treatment: a systematic review. The journal of supportive oncology. 2013;11(2):45-60.

Population is not target population

Not a fixed outcome measure


Fors EA, Bertheussen GF, Thune I, Juvet LK, Elvsaas IK, Oldervoll L, et al. Psychosocial interventions as part of breast cancer rehabilitation programs? Results from a systematic review. Psycho-oncology. 2011;20(9):909-18.




Galway K, Black A, Cantwell M, Cardwell Chris R, Mills M, Donnelly M. Psychosocial interventions to improve quality of life and emotional wellbeing for recently diagnosed cancer patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. 2012; (11)



Gardner JR, Livingston PM, Fraser SF. Effects of exercise on treatment-related adverse effects for patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen-deprivation therapy: a systematic review. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2014;32(4):335-46.

Not intervention of interest


Garg S, Yoo J, Winquist E. Nutritional support for head and neck cancer patients receiving radiotherapy: a systematic review. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 2010;18(6):667-77.

No quality appraisal


Goedendorp Martine M, Gielissen Marieke FM, Verhagen Constantijn A, Bleijenberg G. Psychosocial interventions for reducing fatigue during cancer treatment in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. 2009; (1).

Population is not target population

(curative and palliative and >16)


Graf C, Wessely N. Physical activity in the prevention and therapy of breast cancer. Breast Care. 2010;5(6):389-94.


Not a systematic review


Granger CL, McDonald CF, Berney S, Chao C, Denehy L. Exercise intervention to improve exercise capacity and health related quality of life for patients with Non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review. Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2011;72(2):139-53.

Population is not target population

(not during cancer treatment)


Harder H, Parlour L, Jenkins V. Randomised controlled trials of yoga interventions for women with breast cancer: a systematic literature review. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 2012;20(12):3055-64

Population is not target population



Harris SR, Schmitz KH, Campbell KL, McNeely ML. Clinical practice guidelines for breast cancer rehabilitation: syntheses of guideline recommendations and qualitative appraisals. Cancer. 2012;118(8 Suppl):2312-24.


Not a systematic review


Hedgpeth NL. Systematic review of psychosocial interventions for anxiety in adult cancer patients. Pomona, California: Western University of Health Sciences; 2012.

Conference abstract


Jing L. Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for patients with cancer during active treatment [Health & Mental Health Treatment & Prevention 3300]. US: Oncology Nursing Society US; 2013 [cited 17 Mishra, S. I., Scherer, R. W., Snyder, C., Geigle, P. M., Berlanstein, D. R., & Topaloglu, O. (2012). Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 8, CD008465. doi:10.1002/l4651858.CD 008465.pub2.]. 5:[559-60]

Summary of Mishra


Johannsen M, Farver I, Beck N, Zachariae R. The efficacy of psychosocial intervention for pain in breast cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast cancer research and treatment. 2013;138(3):675-90

Outcome measure not relevant


Jones LW. Evidence-based risk assessment and recommendations for physical activity clearance: cancer. Physiologie Appliquee Nutrition et Metabolisme [Applied Physiology, Nutrition, & Metabolism] 2011 Jul;36(Suppl 1):S101-S112. 2011

Intervention exercise and exercise testing

Outcome: contraindications


Jones LW, Alfano CM. Exercise-oncology research: past, present, and future. Acta Oncologica 2013 Feb;52(2):195-215. 2013

Summary of Speck / no quality appraisal


Keogh JWL, MacLeod RD. Body composition, physical fitness, functional performance, quality of life, and fatigue benefits of exercise for prostate cancer patients: a systematic review. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2012 Jan;43(1):96-110. 2012

No quality appraisal


Kim CJ, Kang DH, Park JW. A meta-analysis of aerobic exercise interventions for women with breast cancer. Western Journal of Nursing Research 2009 Jun;31(4):437-461. 2009.


No relevant outcome (cardiopulmonary function and body composition)


Kiss NK, Krishnasamy M, Isenring EA. The effect of nutrition intervention in lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy: a systematic review. Nutrition and cancer. 2014;66(1):47-56.

Population is not target population


Kruijsen-Jaarsma M, Revesz D, Bierings MB, Buffart LM, Takken T. Effects of exercise on immune function in patients with cancer: a systematic review. Exercise Immunology Review 2013;19:120-143. 2013.

Population is not target population


Kuchinski AM, Reading M, Lash AA. Treatment-related fatigue and exercise in patients with cancer: a systematic review. Medsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. 2009;18(3):174-80.


No quality appraisal


Kwekkeboom KL, Cherwin CH, Lee JW, Wanta B. Mind-body treatments for the pain-fatigue-sleep disturbance symptom cluster in persons with cancer. Journal of pain and symptom management. 2010;39(1):126-38.

Population is not target population


Langius JA, Zandbergen MC, Eerenstein SE, van Tulder MW, Leemans CR, Kramer MH, et al. Effect of nutritional interventions on nutritional status, quality of life and mortality in patients with head and neck cancer receiving (chemo)radiotherapy: a systematic review. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland). 2013;32(5):671-8.



Larkin D, Lopez V, Aromataris E. Managing cancer-related fatigue in men with prostate cancer: A systematic review of non-pharmacological interventions. International journal of nursing practice. 2013

Population is not target population


Lee MS, Ernst E. Systematic reviews of t'ai chi: an overview. British journal of sports medicine. 2012;46(10):713-8.

Population is not target population


Lee MS, Choi TY, Ernst E. Tai Chi for breast cancer patients: a systematic review. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2010 Apr;120(2):309-316. 2010.

Population is not target population


Levine AS, Balk JL. Yoga and quality-of-life improvement in patients with breast cancer: a literature review. International journal of yoga therapy. 2012(22):95-9.

Population is not target population


Lin KY, Hu YT, Chang KJ, Lin HF, Tsauo JY. Effects of yoga on psychological health, quality of life, and physical health of patients with cancer: a meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011;(659876):Epub. 2011.


Cancer patients but unclear if during treatment


Liu RD, Chinapaw MJ, Huijgens PC, van Mechelen W. Physical exercise interventions in haematological cancer patients, feasible to conduct but effectiveness to be established: a systematic literature review. Cancer treatment reviews. 2009;35(2):185-92.


Population is not target population.


Maddocks M, Mockett S, Wilcock A. Is exercise an acceptable and practical therapy for people with or cured of cancer? A systematic review. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2009 Jun;35(4):383-390. 2009.


Not answering the question


Markes M, Brockow T, Resch K-L. Exercise for women receiving adjuvant therapy for breast cancer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. 2006; (4).

Outcomes not relevant


Maryam A, Fazlollah A, Eesa M, Ebrahim H, Abbas V-F. The effect of designed exercise programme on quality of life in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy [Cancer 3293]. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.United Kingdom; 2010 [cited 24 Promotion & Maintenance of Health & Wellness [3365]]. 2:[251-8].

A quasi-experimental study


McMillan EM, Newhouse IJ. Exercise is an effective treatment modality for reducing cancer-related fatigue and improving physical capacity in cancer patients and survivors: a meta-analysis. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme. 2011;36(6):892-903

No quality appraisal


Mishra SI, Scherer RW, Snyder C, Geigle PM, Berlanstein DR, Topaloglu O. Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2012;8:Cd008465



Murphy R, Wassersug R, Dechman G. The role of exercise in managing the adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy in men with prostate cancer. Physical Therapy Reviews. 2011;16(4):269-77

No quality appraisal


Mustafa M, Carson-Stevens A, Gillespie D, Edwards Adrian GK. Psychological interventions for women with metastatic breast cancer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. 2013; (6).

Population is not target population


Oh B, Butow P, Mullan B, Hale A, Lee MS, Guo X, et al. A critical review of the effects of medical Qigong on quality of life, immune function, and survival in cancer patients. Integrative cancer therapies. 2012;11(2):101-10.

Population is not target population


Persoon S, Kersten MJ, van der Weiden K, Buffart LM, Nollet F, Brug J, et al. Effects of exercise in patients treated with stem cell transplantation for a hematologic malignancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2013 Oct;39(6):682-690. 2013.



Puetz TW, Herring MP. Differential effects of exercise on cancer-related fatigue during and following treatment: a meta-analysis. American journal of preventive medicine. 2012;43(2):e1-24.

No quality appraisal


Rueda JR, Sola I, Pascual A, Subirana Casacuberta M. Non-invasive interventions for improving well-being and quality of life in patients with lung cancer. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2011(9):Cd004282.


Population is not target population


Sadja J, Mills PJ. Effects of yoga interventions on fatigue in cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Explore 2013 Jul-Aug;9(4):232-243. 2013.

Population is not target population


Semple C, Parahoo K, Norman A, McCaughan E, Humphris G, Mills M. Psychosocial interventions for patients with head and neck cancer. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2013;7:CD009441.

Population is not target population


Sharma M, Haider T, Knowlden AP. Yoga as an alternative and complementary treatment for cancer: a systematic review. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY). 2013;19(11):870-5.

Yoga as medical treatment not as additional intervention


Shennan C, Payne S, Fenlon D. What is the evidence for the use of mindfulness-based interventions in cancer care? A review. Psycho-oncology. 2011;20(7):681-97.

Population is not target population


Smith KB, Pukall CF. An evidence-based review of yoga as a complementary intervention for patients with cancer. Psycho-Oncology 2009 May;18(5):465-475. 2009.

Population is not target population


Spark LC, Reeves MM, Fjeldsoe BS, Eakin EG. Physical activity and/or dietary interventions in breast cancer survivors: a systematic review of the maintenance of outcomes [with consumer summary]. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2013 Mar;7(1):74-82. 2013.

Population is not target population


Stene GB, Helbostad JL, Balstad TR, Riphagen, II, Kaasa S, Oldervoll LM. Effect of physical exercise on muscle mass and strength in cancer patients during treatment--a systematic review. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology. 2013;88(3):573-93.

Outcome is not relevant


van Haren I, Timmerman H, Potting CM, Blijlevens NMA, Staal JB, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MWG. Physical exercise for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. Physical Therapy 2013 Apr;93(4):514-528. 2013.

Population is not target population


Vanderstraeten E, Vanhoucke J, van Ruymbeke B, Bourgois J. Effecten van fysieke training op de fysieke fitheid, de vermoeidheid en de levenskwaliteit bij borstkankerpatienten: Een literatuuroverzicht (Effects of physical exercise training on physical fitness, fatigue and quality of life in breast cancer patients: literature overview) [Dutch]. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2011;67(7):317-326. 2011.


Full text on request


Velthuis MJ, Agasi-Idenburg SC, Aufdemkampe G, Wittink HM. The effect of physical exercise on cancer-related fatigue during cancer treatment: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain)). 2010;22(3):208-21



Velthuis MJ, Agasi-Idenburg SC, van der Wall E, Aufdemkampe G, Wittink HM. Invloed van fysieke training op vermoeidheid tijdens behandeling van kanker; meta-analyse van klinische trials (Physical training to reduce fatigue levels during cancer treatment; a meta- analysis of clinical trials) [Dutch]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2011;155(45):A3679. 2011



Vermaete N, Wolter P, Verhoef G, Gosselink R. Physical activity, physical fitness and the effect of exercise training interventions in lymphoma patients: a systematic review. Annals of hematology. 2013;92(8):1007-21.

Outcome is not relevant


Wedlake LJ, Shaw C, Whelan K, Andreyev HJ. Systematic review: the efficacy of nutritional interventions to counteract acute gastrointestinal toxicity during therapeutic pelvic radiotherapy. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2013;37(11):1046-56.

Outcome is not relevant


Wiskemann J. Effects of exercise on psychosocial outcomes in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation [Cancer 3293]. Germany: Schattauer

Germany; 2012 [cited 9 Health & Mental Health Treatment & Prevention [3300]]. 4:[209-14].

German article


Wolin KY, Ruiz JR, Tuchman H, Lucia A. Exercise in adult and pediatric hematological cancer survivors: an intervention review. Leukemia 2010 Jun;24(6):1113-1120. 2010.

Population is not target population


Zeng Y, Luo T, Xie H, Huang M, Cheng AS. Health benefits of qigong or tai chi for cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Complementary therapies in medicine. 2014;22(1):173-86.

Population is not target population


Zhang J, Yang KH, Tian JH, Wang CM. Effects of yoga on psychologic function and quality of life in women with breast cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2012 Nov;18(11):994-1002. 2012.


Population is not target population


Zou LY, Yang L, He XL, Sun M, Xu JJ. Effects of aerobic exercise on cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: a meta-analysis. Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine. 2014




Table 2, Included studies



Carayol M, Bernard P, Boiche J, Riou F, Mercier B, Cousson-Gelie F, et al. Psychological effect of exercise in women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant therapy: what is the optimal dose needed? Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO. 2013;24(2):291-300.




Cramp F, Byron-Daniel J. Exercise for the management of cancer-related fatigue in adults. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2012;11:Cd006145



Cramp F, Daniel J. Exercise for the management of cancer-related fatigue in adults. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2008(2):Cd006145.


Included, but updated in 2012, see #2


Fors EA, Bertheussen GF, Thune I, Juvet LK, Elvsaas IK, Oldervoll L, et al. Psychosocial interventions as part of breast cancer rehabilitation programs? Results from a systematic review. Psycho-oncology. 2011;20(9):909-18.


Excluded, no analysis that could be used, RCTs should be included separately



Langius JA, Zandbergen MC, Eerenstein SE, van Tulder MW, Leemans CR, Kramer MH, et al. Effect of nutritional interventions on nutritional status, quality of life and mortality in patients with head and neck cancer receiving (chemo)radiotherapy: a systematic review. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland). 2013;32(5):671-8.




Mishra SI, Scherer RW, Snyder C, Geigle PM, Berlanstein DR, Topaloglu O. Exercise interventions on health-related quality of life for people with cancer during active treatment. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2012;8:Cd008465



Persoon S, Kersten MJ, van der Weiden K, Buffart LM, Nollet F, Brug J, et al. Effects of exercise in patients treated with stem cell transplantation for a hematologic malignancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2013 Oct;39(6):682-690. 2013.



Velthuis MJ, Agasi-Idenburg SC, Aufdemkampe G, Wittink HM. The effect of physical exercise on cancer-related fatigue during cancer treatment: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain)). 2010;22(3):208-21



Velthuis MJ, Agasi-Idenburg SC, van der Wall E, Aufdemkampe G, Wittink HM. Invloed van fysieke training op vermoeidheid tijdens behandeling van kanker; meta-analyse van klinische trials (Physical training to reduce fatigue levels during cancer treatment; a meta- analysis of clinical trials) [Dutch]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2011;155(45):A3679. 2011

Included, but also published in English see #7


Zou LY, Yang L, He XL, Sun M, Xu JJ. Effects of aerobic exercise on cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: a meta-analysis. Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine. 2014



Galway K, Black A, Cantwell M, Cardwell Chris R, Mills M, Donnelly M. Psychosocial interventions to improve quality of life and emotional wellbeing for recently diagnosed cancer patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. 2012; (11)




A second search was performed to identify additional randomized controlled trials.


The second search yielded 749 Medline hits, 1253 Embase hits, 274 hits in Psychinfo, 542 hits in Cochrane, 482 hits in CINAHL and 416 hits in PEDRO.

After merging the search files into one file and removal of the duplicates 2174 records were screened on title and abstract. Of these  were excluded. The most important reasons for exclusion was that studies were


Search syntax: