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Medline (OVID)



Aug. 2015



1 prenatal diagnosis/ or amniocentesis/ or chorionic villi sampling/ or fetoscopy/ or maternal serum screening tests/ or ultrasonography, prenatal/ or cervical length measurement/ or nuchal translucency measurement/ (63533)

2 exp prenatal diagnosis/ or ((prenatal or pre-natal) adj3 (diagnos* or test* or screen*)).ti,ab. (71403)

3 (amniocentesis or "chorionic villi sampl*" or fetoscop* or ("maternal serum" adj3 screen*) or ("maternal serum" adj3 test*) or (prenatal adj3 (ultrasonograph* or ultrasound or echo*)) or (("cervical length" or "nuchal translucency") adj3 measur*)).ti,ab. (12924)

4 2 or 3 (73967)

5 exp Consumer Participation/ or "Patient Acceptance of Health Care"/ or exp Attitude to Health/ or *exp consumer satisfaction/ or patient preference/ or cooperative behavior/ or exp self efficacy/ or self-efficacy.ti,ab. or exp Adaptation, Psychological/ or exp health education/ or patient education as topic/ or exp attitude to health/ or health knowledge, attitudes, practice/ or *"Quality of Life"/ or "Quality of Life"/px or Personal Autonomy/ or self concept/ or consumer advocacy/ or freedom/ or Needs Assessment/ or Patient Advocacy/ or Self-Help Groups/ or Life Change Events/ or Attitude to Death/ or Patient-Centered Care/ or exp Professional-Patient Relations/ or Self Care/ or focus groups/ or narration/ (828535)

6 (((patient or consumer* or parent* or woman or father* or mother*) adj3 (participat* or decisi* or decid*)) or patient-focused or (patient-centred or patient-centered) or (patient adj3 (attitude? or preference))).ti,ab. or "patient satisfaction".ti. or coping.ti,ab. or ("self perception" or "self concept").ti,ab. or self-efficacy.ti,ab. or ("informed choice" or "shared decision making").ti,ab. or empowerment.ti,ab. or ("focus group*" adj3 (patient* or parent* or famil* or spouse*)).ti,ab. or (QoL or "Quality of life").ti. or self-management.ti. or ((patient* or consumer* or parent* or famil* or spouse*) adj (attitude* or involvement or desir* or perspective* or activation or view* or preference*)).ti,ab. or "expert patient*".ti,ab. or "focus group*".ti,ab. or qualitative.ti. (210148)

7 (exp Decision Making/ or exp Communication/ or Stress, Psychological/ or Emotions/ or vignette*.ti,ab.) and (exp Patients/px or patient*.ti. or consumer*.ti.) (49329)

8 5 or 6 or 7 (926127)

9 4 and 8 (3058)

10 limit 9 to (dutch or english or french or german) (2947)

11 (meta-analysis/ or meta-analysis as topic/ or (meta adj analy$).tw. or ((systematic* or literature) adj2 review$1).tw. or (systematic adj overview$1).tw. or exp "Review Literature as Topic"/ or cochrane.ab. or cochrane.jw. or embase.ab. or medline.ab. or (psychlit or psyclit).ab. or (cinahl or cinhal).ab. or cancerlit.ab. or ((selection criteria or data extraction).ab. and "review"/)) not (Comment/ or Editorial/ or Letter/ or (animals/ not humans/)) (249639)

12 10 and 11 (49)

13 (exp clinical trial/ or randomized controlled trial/ or exp clinical trials as topic/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or Random Allocation/ or Double-Blind Method/ or Single-Blind Method/ or (clinical trial, phase i or clinical trial, phase ii or clinical trial, phase iii or clinical trial, phase iv or controlled clinical trial or randomized controlled trial or multicenter study or clinical trial).pt. or random*.ti,ab. or (clinic* adj trial*).tw. or ((singl* or doubl* or treb* or tripl*) adj (blind$3 or mask$3)).tw. or Placebos/ or placebo*.tw.) not (animals/ not humans/) (1513144)

14 10 and 13 (248)

15 Epidemiologic studies/ or case control studies/ or exp cohort studies/ or Controlled Before-After Studies/ or Case control.tw. or (cohort adj (study or studies)).tw. or Cohort analy$.tw. or (Follow up adj (study or studies)).tw. or (observational adj (study or studies)).tw. or Longitudinal.tw. or Retrospective.tw. or prospective.tw. or Cross sectional.tw. or Cross-sectional studies/ or historically controlled study/ or interrupted time series analysis/ [Onder exp cohort studies vallen ook longitudinale, prospectieve en retrospectieve studies] (2217499)

16 10 and 15 (537)

17 12 or 14 or 16 (720) – mogelijk inclusie: 81

18 ((("semi-structured" or semistructured or unstructured or informal or "in-depth" or indepth or "face-to-face" or structured or guide) adj3 (interview* or discussion* or questionnaire*)) or (focus group* or qualitative or ethnograph* or fieldwork or "field work" or "key informant")).ti,ab. or interviews as topic/ or focus groups/ or narration/ or qualitative research/ [Bron: University of Texas, http://libguides.sph.uth.tmc.edu/ovid_medline_filters] (252048)

19 10 and 18 (423)

20 limit 10 to "qualitative (maximizes specificity)" (202) – 20 not 17 (144) mogelijk inclusie: 14

21 19 not (20 or 17) (169) – mogelijk inclusie: 18