Beoordeling systematic review

Beoordeling van systematic review van Pluvy et al (2015) met AMSTAR

Was an 'a priori' design provided? Yes

Was there duplicate study selection and data extraction? No(Selection was carried out by the first author (IP); in the event of uncertainty, the senior author (BC) was consulted for advice).

Was a comprehensive literature search performed? Yes

Was the status of publication (i.e. grey literature) used as an inclusion criterion? Yes (The research involved English and French-language publications. There was no limit pertaining to the age and sex of the subjects).

Was a list of studies (included and excluded) provided? No(No list of excluded studies)

Were the characteristics of the included studies provided? Yes

Was the scientific quality of the included studies assessed and documented? Yes

Was the scientific quality of the included studies used appropriately in formulating conclusions? Yes

Were the methods used to combine the findings of studies appropriate? Yes

Was the likelihood of publication bias assessed? Yes

Was the conflict of interest included? Yes