Begrippenlijst: evidencetabellen

Glossarium evidencetabellen

AAS: angio-oedeem activiteit score

ADL: algemeen dagelijks leven

AE-QoL: angio oedema quality of life

AH: antihistaminica

ASA: acetylsalicylic acid / acetylsalicylzuur

ASST: autologous serum skin test

BHRA: basophil histamine release assay

CET: cetirizine

CIU: chronische idiopathische urticarial

CsA: ciclosporine A

CSU: chronische spontane urticaria

CU-Q2oL: chronic urticaria quality of life

CU: chronische urticaria

DB: dubbelblind

DLQI: dermatology life quality index

DSL: desloratadine

HAE: hereditair angio-oedeem

H1-AH: H1- antahistaminicum

ICC: intraclass correlation

ISS: itch severity score

ITT: intention to treat

LTRA: leukotriënen receptorantagonist

MC: multicenter

MDC: minimal detectable change

MID: minimal important difference

MNW: mean number of wheals

MPS: mean pruritus score

MTSS: mean total symptom score

MTX: methotrexaat

MSK: montelukast

n.s.: niet significant

n.v.: niet verricht

OL: open-label

PC: placebogecontroleerd

PGA: patient global assessment

Plc: placebo

Ptn: patiënten

QoL: Quality of Life

rCSU: resistente chronische spontane urticaria

RCT: randomized controlled trial

RR: Relative risk

SEM: Standard error of measurement

SB: single blind / enkelblind

TES: treatment effectiveness score

TSS: total symptom score

UAS: urticaria activiteit score

UAS7: urticaria activiteit score over 7 days

UCT: urticaria control test

USS: urticarial severity scale

VAS: visual analogue scale

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